Habits 2 Goals: The Habit Factor® Podcast With Martin Grunburg | Goal Achievement, Productivity & Success Simplified

S02-INT08: Jeremy Pound, Internet Marketing Insights & Strategies



"Don't just talk about your service, break it down. What kindsof problems will you be solving at the end of the day? Can youstart to give away answers so people can test drive how you thinkand how you solve a problem?"According to Jeremy Pound, his journey to becoming co-founder ofJuicyResults, as well as a well-known creative entrepreneur withinthe South Florida community, is easily traced to his enrollment (asa high school sophomore) in a brand-new Art magnet school thatopened in a nearby neighborhood."I went from being very disinterested in school to all of asudden...WOW!"Jeremy credits much of his current success to his incredibleteachers and the environment that fostered his current "I can doanything" mentality.Today, Jeremy is a sought-after Internet marketing strategist; hehelps clients who typically have annual revenues between $1 millionand $10 million and employs a dedicated sales staff.In this episode, Jeremy discusses:    His earlier rock star dreams    What his grunge band taught him about dreami