Habits 2 Goals: The Habit Factor® Podcast With Martin Grunburg | Goal Achievement, Productivity & Success Simplified

S02-Frequently Asked Friday 12: What Are The Three Key Daily Habits?



This week's question comes to us via Quora.com and Martin reads/shares his response to the question and adds a little color commentary along the way. Consistent to theme, Martin shies away from the idea that there are just 3 Daily habits and redirects the quora.com user toward a better understanding of HABIT (singular). This way, the user is empowered to craft intentionally the habits that will help them achieve their goals and desires rather than being constrained by 2 or 3 habits that another person might prescribe! Knowing that the "answer" is about understanding the nature of HABIT is akin to "teaching a man to fish" vs. feeding him a fish. Check out this short FAF episode now... and remember to subscribe to get this shows automatically on your device! ________________ **NEW Weekly Giveaway! Each week we select ONE, new iTunes review (good, bad or indifferent) and send a FREE signed book. Either email the review screenshot or add your Twitter handle and we'll find you that way! BTW: Be sure to SUBSCRIBE a