

"In times of change the learners inherit the earth while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists." Eric Hoffer It seems we all know a few people who decided that learning should cease when with their schooling. Unfortunately, these people tend to be same ones who are unhappy and discontent with themselves and their lives. It's important to ask ourselves, "Is growth and learning a habit that I've incorporated into my life?" That is, do you routinely set aside time to learn new subjects and skills; to broaden your mind, to read and explore new and different environments daily. Better yet, do you track your learning process— the development of any new skill or habit. If not, you ought to consider it since greats like Benjamin Franklin did this regularly (see Be Like Ben episode) So, whether it’s tracking your attempt to become better in your vocation, learning a new skill or reading spiritual texts, the key idea is making your continued growth intentional and