

"It's not the strongest or the smartest of species that survives, but the one most adaptable to change." ~Charles Darwin In order to be "successful" you can bet you'll need to first survive— to be alive. Seems obvious enough and when considered in that context, one really cannot over-emphasis the importance of adaptability as it relates to not just survival but the attainment of success. In her bestseller Mindset (Amazon), Dr. Carol Dweck points to grit as a key predictor of success. Angela Duckworth (correction) is the author of GRIT (Amazon). Martin then shares his take on what a GRIT pyramid might look like and the visual (link here to related post) really underscores how both resilience and adaptability are essential. No adaptability— no grit. It seems we all know people who experience the same poor results and yet continue with the same behaviors. The inference is that if they could take the time to first reflect on the outcome they desire and then adapt their behaviors and habits they will improve thei