

"What gets measured gets done!" A great question and now after about thirteen years of tracking important behaviors/habits Martin shares that it's almost impossible to imagine achieving any goal without tracking those behaviors/habits that align with his goals. Martin sets the table be recounting how and where tracking first entered and influenced most of our lives; school! The teacher tracked our attendance and our grades. Why? So we would know (in real time) whether we were progressing or not. Then he touches on a quick anecdote about a great camp director on Catalina who used to warn that kids that the counselors were tracking their BMs (seriously). Then Martin shares how tracking behaviors or habits is time-tested and proven process to achieve goals and once again cites and refers listeners to a prior, "Be Like Ben" Mind Bullet Monday episode #11! So, if you haven't experienced and dedicated yourself to tracking (for a period of 28 days) please check out the P.A.R.R. methodology for habit development that