

"Unhappiness is tied to a feeling of not being in control. By establishing small wins each day you not only feel happier, you move you closer to your goals!" MG invites Jen back on H2G to discuss this week's Mind-Bullet, "Small Wins", a different spin on the importance of self-efficacy, the ability to produce a desired result. Coming off last weeks episode, "Intentionality" we know humans are goal-achievement machines. Thus, they must be setting goals. The key to bridging the gap, going from point "A" to point "B" is to compile small wins as often as possible along the way. This is precisely why tracking habits that are aligned with your goals is so effective. Each time you tick-off a habit, you feel as though you've inched closer to your goal and you demonstrate self-efficacy—the ability to produce a desired result! Thus, pilling up small wins provides a sense of purpose as well as a feeling of control. Two important aspects that influence your ongoing effectiveness and overall happiness! Enjoy the show! How