

"Be quick, but don't hurry." ~Coach Wooden Festina Lente: Augustus, the Roman emperor, thought so much of the adage that its symbol ended up on an ancient Roman coin—a dolphin wrapped around an anchor. What is Festina Lente? Festina Lente is the wise and powerful reminder that our time is precious and limited. Thus, it's imperative to move (and live) with a sense of urgency while at the same time remaining balanced and calm. Legendary basketball coach John Wooden, who likely rephrased the sentiment, used to tell his players, "Be quick, but don't hurry." Quickness is essential, but hurrying and losing our balance is a waste of time and resources. Thus, we must move with urgency while retaining our poise and balance. The beauty is this: Festina Lente could be the motto for The Habit Factor®, as it parallels its philosophy to a tee. The Habit Factor® methodology demands users identify a key essential outcome in their life (creating urgency). Still, it clearly demonstrates that the path to a goal is via the int