

"An essential ingredient to scheduling and habit building is experimenting." MG and Jen discuss this week's all important topic: How to use scheduling to best cultivate habits. In short, the day and time you choose to cultivate a habit largely depends upon the habit itself. If the habit is creative, such as "writing" you may want to set aside the times of day you are most creative. If the habit is exercise related, than you'll want to identify the best times and days you'll have the time and energy. By following P.A.R.R. (Plan, Act, Record & Reassess), and identifying the "targets" days (and times), you'll have a plan to cultivate each habit. Further, P.A.R.R. is flexible enough and allows you the ability to skip "target days" and/or continue to experiment with different times and days in subsequent four-week tracking periods. Most importantly scheduling simply reaffirms one's intention to cultivate the habit. However, it's only via the daily tracking data that one can assess and experiment. Enjoy the epi