Medsider Radio: Learn From Proven Medtech And Healthcare Experts

First Impressions are Crucial in Medtech: Interview with Retia Medical CEO Marc Zemel



In this episode of Medsider Radio, we sat down with Marc Zemel, CEO of Retia Medial.Marc has extensive experience in fundraising for successful startups and is an experienced leader of Fortune 500 companies. Prior to founding Retia Medical, Marc earned an MS in Mechanical Engineering from MIT and an MBA in Sales and Marketing from Yale. He’s also held key leadership roles at Becton Dickinson as well as a capital equipment start-up.In this interview, Marc talks about managing a medtech start-up that’s developing groundbreaking technology while pursuing fundraising that drives sustainable growth.Before we jump into the conversation, I wanted to mention a few things:If you’re into learning from proven medtech and healthtech leaders, and want to know when new content and interviews go live, head over to and sign up for our free newsletter. You’ll get access to gated articles, and lots of other interesting healthcare content.Second, if you want even more inside info from proven experts, think about a