Tony Diaz #npradio

The History, The Present, and The Future of the Librotraficante Movement.



As the tension over banned books, CRT, and ethnic studies heats up, we take a look at the past, the present, and future of the #Librotraificante movement. 10 years after Arizona lawmakers tried to ban books and ethnic studies in schools, a new wave of legislation and outcry swallow Texas politics. Dan Patrick recently held a press conference attacking job security for professors at Texas public universities. He also proposed going after professors who teach Critical Race Theory. This mumbo jumbo is vague for Kindergarten through 12th grade, where CRT is not taught. However, Patrick has crossed the border of higher education where the book "Critical Race Theory" can be part of a course, especially at higher levels. Worse, Patrick needs to clarify if he believes Mexican American History and African American History count as CRT in his opinion. Is he attacking Mexican American History and African American History? These are the topics that get swept up in rambling definitions of CRT. So Dan Patrick needs to