The Wellpreneur Podcast

Affiliate Marketing for health and Wellness Business {e169}



This week we’re talking affiliate marketing. I know it’s a hot topic in wellpreneur community because we’re all looking for a way to make a passive income in addition to what we are doing. And it’s always a smart idea to look at the different ways to bring revenue into your business, so you don’t have all your eggs in one basket. Some of you may offer coaching but also group programs, or you’d also write a book, have an online program – or you could sell products via affiliate links and an affiliate arrangement, which is what we’ll be talking about today. There seams to be a lot of confusion nowadays as to what it actually means and how do you develop such relationships and how you promote them, and we’ll be covering all that in today’s episode.As to my tool shout out this week I really want to bring it back to fundamentals and your email marketing. Because even if you don’t have a website you can build your business and generate revenue through email marketing, and need to have a solid tool for that. I know