The Wellpreneur Podcast

Selling your Wellness Business with Sara Dean {e174}



This week we’re talking about a topic that we never discussed in any of our couple of hundred episodes already published on The Wellpreneur Podcast. We’re talking about selling your business! My today’s guest is Sara Dean of Shameless Mom, and she’s actually been a guest on our show before in episode 157 to talk about running two of her businesses: a gym and a podcast that inspires guilt free moms. And Sara had a huge change in her business with selling her gym, so I really wanted to catch up with her because there are a lot of you thinking and considering the possibilities of just evolving in some other direction and passing on your wellness business to someone else because you feel like it’s time for a change. Which is why we’re starting this conversation from scratch, as when she actually got the initial idea of moving away from her gym, Sara wasn’t even sure she had a business she could sell so she found a business broker, why the process of selling took 18 months. We really dive into what’s important to