Medsider Radio: Learn From Proven Medtech And Healthcare Experts

Creative Ways to Market Your Technology While Navigating the Regulatory Landscape: Interview with X-trodes CEO Ziv Peremen



In this episode of Medsider Radio, we sat down with Ziv Peremen, CEO of X-trodes.After completing his PhD in neurocognitive science with a specializaton in understanding consciousness, Ziv Peremen has spent the past 12 years focused on the intersection of data and physiology. Together with Professor Yael Hanein, an expert in the field of human-machine interface learning and inventor of innovative sensor technology, they founded X-trodes.In this interview, Ziv discusses his wireless wearable sleep diagnostic technology, commercializing a product before FDA clearance, and how to build the right company infrastructure from the start.Before we jump into the conversation, I wanted to mention a few things:If you’re into learning from proven medtech and healthtech leaders, and want to know when new content and interviews go live, head over to and sign up for our free newsletter. You’ll get access to gated articles, and lots of other interesting healthcare content.Second, if you want even more inside inf