Catastrophes Notwithstanding

Spinal Nanotechnology and a Groovy Cockatoo – Ep. 8



Kodak brought photography to the masses, scientists are working with nanotechnology to help fix spinal injuries, the Canadian government is paying queer employees back for wrongdoings from the past, and a cockatoo does good dance moves.Discuss the Show at good news, excellent headlines, or satirical articles to catsnot@forestfriends.siteThe History of KodakZuckerberg in Congress. “Smiling”.University of Michigan Researchers Develop Nanotech “Epi-Pen”Mars Bars Never Had PeanutsMetric PrefixesFurther Reading: The Case Against PerfectionCanadian Government Compensates Queer Government Workers for DiscriminationUnited Nations Concerns Regarding Canada’s Indigenous CommunitiesBizarre Borders 1 2Dancing CockatooFurther Reading: Animal LiberationBest Headline of the WeekPlease Don’t Use A Case Of Beer As A Toddler Car Seat: Ontario CopsSatirical News Articles5. Leave Means Leave, Says Boris Johnson’s Girlfriend4. Paul Ryan Lauded for Inspiring Millions of Young Gutless Fucking Cowards t