Catastrophes Notwithstanding

Honk Green – Ep. 20



Jackie brings some apps targeted at helping Indigenous peoples retain and renew their culture. Bambi and Arthur fail to pronounce Greek things. Arthur tells about a Humboldt Broncos accident survivor has had a successful surgery to get improved feeling in his legs. Bambi reveals that he has been the person behind the @realhonkgreen Twitter account.Discuss the Show at good news, excellent headlines, or satirical articles to catsnot@forestfriends.siteSiku AppOther Aboriginal AppsAlphabetAbjadSyllabaryeffective. Power Bug (Snopes)effective. Power Bug (Tom Scott YouTube Video)UK General Election Happened and it sucked.Humbolt Broncos Player has Successful Experimental SurgeryHonk GreenSatirical Headlines‘Paw Patrol’ Writers Defend Episode Where German Shepherd Cop Shoots Unarmed Black Lab 17 Times In Back“Wexit Inspired by How Well Brexit is Going”Ancient Literature as Onion Headlines