Yikes! It's not easy being a wild coastal animal. Problems are endless Join us as we find ways to save the whales, seals and more! Music by Apache Tomcat from the Free Music Archive website, (CC BY-SA 4.0). No Changes were made to the songs Tranny, Mouse Trap or Texas Ostrich Farm.
The Bizarre Life of Seahorses Along the Jersey Shore
11/02/2020 Duration: 30minAre you aware that seahorses live along the Jersey Shore? It's true! Join us as we discover the bizarre and difficult lives of seahorses in this Valentine's Day episode of Save Coastal Wildlife the podcast.
Sand Dollars Do Exist Along the Jersey Shore
21/01/2020 Duration: 27minSand Dollars are alive and feeding along the Jersey Shore. Listen now to find out everything you need to know to sound intelligent to family and friends the next time you find a sand dollar skeleton on the beach.
It's Not Easy Being a Harp Seal
18/12/2019 Duration: 26minHarp seals occasionally will visit the Jersey Shore during the winter. While the sight of a harp seal is exciting, many people don't realize the stressful life that many harp seals face from hunting to getting sick from eating sand.
Owls Along the Jersey Shore
28/11/2019 Duration: 31minOwls really do exist along the Jersey Shore. Find out more about Great Horned, Screech and Snowy owls. Nights are getting longer, a perfect time to explore your neighborhood for the sounds of owls.
Please Stop Harassing Seals Along the Jersey Shore
14/11/2019 Duration: 31minWith winter on its way, seals are starting to show up along the Jersey Shore. Unfortunately, over the years. there have been a number of negative human and seal interactions from boaters, wind surfers, and people trying to get too close to take a selfie. Find out to help so seals do not disappear.
Weird & Wonderful Fish of the Jersey Shore!
29/10/2019 Duration: 28minJust in time for Halloween, listen to Jen, Joe, Samantha and Elise as they discover some of the weird and wonderful fish of the Jersey Shore that most people have never heard like ocean sunfish, pipefish and oyster toadfish. Plus we debut the Save Coastal Wildlife theme song!
Microplastics along the Jersey Shore
17/10/2019 Duration: 28minUnfortunately, we all live in an ever-increasing plastic planet. Now tiny pieces of degraded plastic, synthetic fibers and plastic beads, collectively called microplastics, have turned up in every corner of the planet—including along the New Jersey Shore! Find out what's happening and what you can do to help!
Save Shorebirds Along the Jersey Shore
30/09/2019 Duration: 31minYikes! Shorebird populations have shrunk by 70% across North America since 1973. Along the Jersey Shore, the news is not any better. Populations of Piping Plovers, American Oystercatchers, Least Terns, migratory Red Knots and others are listed as threatened species or species of special concern. Discover why and some ways to help as members of Save Coastal Wildlife try to save shorebirds along the Jersey Shore.
Do the Right Thing About Horseshoe Crabs in New York Harbor
20/05/2019 Duration: 34minYes, New York Harbor, including Raritan Bay, does have horseshoe crabs. But their population is dwindling due to the over harvest of crabs for bait and the biomedical industry. Show some loving, and help the horseshoe crab in NYC.
It's Not Easy Being An Osprey
10/04/2019 Duration: 29minFrom migration to pollution, to plastics, to habitat loss to drones, it's not easy being an osprey in the modern world.
Come on People! Save the Vaquita Porpoise before its gone forever!
18/03/2019 Duration: 29minPlease stop eating shrimp from Mexico and save the most endangered marine mammal in the world before time runs out. The vaquita is a small porpoise found only in the northern Gulf of California and is nearing extinction at a rapid pace. Find out what you can do.
It's Not Easy Being a Seal Along the Jersey Shore
09/02/2019 Duration: 32minIt's winter, many seals, mostly Atlantic Harbor Seals, arrive from their breeding areas up north to tidal sandbars, rocky reefs, and remote beaches and islands along the east coast. Along with the seals, come many people to look and take pictures, but sometimes also to harass, pester and scare the seals away. It’s not easy being a seal.