Each week, thousands of brewers download The Master Brewers Podcast to hear interviews with the industry's best & brightest in brewing science, technology, and operations. The show is known for featuring technical deep dives, a bit of brewing history, cutting edge research, hard lessons learned, important industry contributors, and no fluff. If you make beer for a living, this show is for you.
Episode 036: Torulaspora delbrueckii
08/10/2018 Duration: 23minMax Michel (Weihenstephan) describes how he used RSM to optimize a non-Saccharomyces strain for beer.LINKS: MBAA TQ: Optimization of Beer Fermentation with a Novel Brewing Strain Torulaspora delbrueckii Using Respmse Surface Methodology
Episode 103: Colloidal Silica
10/09/2018 Duration: 21minChika Ezeani discusses best practices when using silicic acid finning products.
Episode 021: Brewing Intensification
03/09/2018 Duration: 31minThe legendary Graham Stewart joins us to discuss his latest publication: Brewing Intensification Through the Lens of the Craft Brewer.Links: MBAA TQ: Brewing Intensification Through the Lens of the Craft Brewer Special Guest: Graham Stewart.
Episode 100: Brewing Summit Keynote LIVE
13/08/2018 Duration: 36minWhat happens at the intersection of art and science in brewing? The Brewing Summit's keynote speaker is widely recognized for the highly imaginative and experimental beers that he has produced in his 22+ years in the brewing business. While he considers himself more avant-garde in his approach to brewing, he has long understood the role of perspective and great fundamental science as being an integral part of the flavors he chases as he knows, those who ignore the science of brewing are destined to fail. Join Tomme as he discusses his brewery operations and how art and science work together in tandem to produce world-class beers.
Episode 097: Better Fermentations with Cloudy Wort
23/07/2018 Duration: 16minMagdalena Oehlschlaeger discusses a novel brewhouse design which produces higher fatty acid and zinc concentrations, reduced wort aeration, higher yeast cell growth, faster extract degradation, and altered production of higher alcohols and esters.LINKS: MBAA TQ: Influence of Altered Wort Composition on Selected Parameters of Fermentation
Episode 095: FSMA
02/07/2018 Duration: 23minThe Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is the biggest overhaul of US food safety laws in over 70 years. The smallest breweries are supposed to be in compliance in September 2018. Tatiana Lorca and Doug Hindman explain how to comply, where to go for resources, and who to ask for help when it comes to making food safety part of your brewery's culture.LINKS: Brewers’ Responsibilities and Obligations under the U.S. Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Food Safety Modernization Act: Insights for Brewers Submit a question to the MBAA Food Safety team
Episode 094: Microbial Gluten Reduction in Beer Using Lactic Acid Bacteria and Standard Process Methods
25/06/2018 Duration: 32minIs that sour beer also gluten-free? Brett Taubman explores the topic of producing gluten-free/reduced beers with lactic acid bacteria.Links: MBAA TQ: Microbial Gluten Reduction in Beer Using Lactic Acid Bacteria and Standard Process Methods Special Guest: Brett Taubman.
Episode 092: Automated Brettanomyces Cell Counts
11/06/2018 Duration: 21minIf you use Brettanomyces in your brewery, you know that counting brett cells is complicated. Leo Chan joins us to discuss the development of a method to automate cell counting of Brettanomyces.Links: 2018 MBAA TQ: Monitoring Brettanomyces Concentration, Viability, and Pseudohyphae Percentage During Propagation and Fermentation Using the Cellometer X2 Image Cytometer 2016 MBAA TQ: Measuring Lager and Ale Yeast Viability and Vitality Using Fluorescence-Based Image Cytometry 2016 MBAA TQ: Measuring Glycogen, Neutral Lipid, and Trehalose Contents in Yeast Using Fluorescence-Based Image Cytometry Related slide decks
Episode 090: Sooner, Rather Than Later
28/05/2018 Duration: 23minWhat's better than learning from your own mistakes? Learning from other people's mistakes, of course. This week on the show, practical tips & lessons learned the hard way from Andy Tveekrem, who is here to help you make better beer.
Episode 087: Bottle Conditioning
07/05/2018 Duration: 28minEric Warner has been bottle conditioning beer since before some of you were born. Eric discusses different methods and his experiences. Link: Eric's webinar Link: The original Deschutes process Link: Bottle Conditioning Panel
Episode 086: How to Assure Quality in Hops from Small-Scale Growers
30/04/2018 Duration: 22minHow can you assure quality from small-scale hop growers? Who better to answer this question than a small-scale hop grower like Josh Mayich. Also, be sure to check out these resources: Link: Josh's checklist Link: Brewing Materials & Processes: A Practical Approach to Beer Excellence by Charles W. Bamforth
Episode 082: Insane in the (Hollow Fiber) Membrane
02/04/2018 Duration: 14minHollow Fiber Membranes can be used for carbonation or nitrogenation of beer, production of deaerated water, and for oxygenating wort in breweries of any size. Mimi Cartee and Todd Rausch join us to explain the technology. View the poster at Special Guests: Mimi Cartee and Todd Rausch.
Episode 078: Quality Systems - Part 2
05/03/2018 Duration: 29minNo brewery is too small to take a systematic approach to quality. Gary Nicholas has some great advice for aligning your breweries priorities, data collection, and decision-making process. This week's content was curated based on a listener request.
Episode 077: Quality Systems - Part 1
26/02/2018 Duration: 20minNo brewery is too small to take a systematic approach to quality. Gary Nicholas has some great advice for aligning your breweries priorities, data collection, and decision-making process. This week's content was curated based on a listener request.
Episode 076: Revolutionary Dry-Hopping Techniques for Larger Beer Volumes
19/02/2018 Duration: 22minInefficient extraction. Beer loss. These are problems that have to be solved, even when centrifuging dry-hopped beer. Alyce Hartvigsen is looking for dry-hoppers to trial Alfa Laval's prototype Iso-Mix External Drive Rotary Jet Mixer.
Episode 075: How Isinglass Works
12/02/2018 Duration: 22minAndrew Fratianni explains how isinglass works, how to optimize results, when and why to use auxiliary finings (such as silica solutions), and more.
Episode 074: Potential Causes for Loss of Extract in a Brewery
05/02/2018 Duration: 22minDuring the MBAA Brewing & Malting Science Course, students are put into groups to work through hypothetical scenarios. The winning case study is then published in the Master Brewers Technical Quarterly. Simon Nielsen joins us to talk about the approach his group took during the 2017 course.
Episode 073: Dry Hopping's Correlation with Diacetyl
29/01/2018 Duration: 19minHave you ever noticed that diacetyl seems to rear its head more often in hoppy beers? Is dry hopping to blame? Kara Taylor & Devin Tani from White Labs join us to discuss a presentation given during the 2017 Master Brewers Conference.
Episode 072: Yeast Propagation
22/01/2018 Duration: 37minUnderstanding the basics of yeast propagation is critical for commercial brewers of all sizes. With 50 years of experience researching yeast, Graham Stewart joins us to talk about the basic principles of brewer's yeast propagation. Special Guest: Graham Stewart.
Episode 070: Malting & Brewing Naked...Oats
08/01/2018 Duration: 20minJordon Geurts joins us from Briess Malt & Ingredients to give us a behind-the-scenes look at product development for malted, naked oats, which can be used to enhance mouthfeel or to produce gluten free beers. Special Guest: Jordon Geurts.