Marine Mammal Science is a podcast covering some of the latest scientific research on marine mammals – whales and dolphins, polar bears, seals and sea lions, manatees and dugongs, and sea otters. The podcast is produced by Speak Up For Blue Media on behalf of the Society for Marine Mammalogy and the journal Marine Mammal Science. The host is Dr. Chris Parsons.
Wild marine mammals interacting with humans
16/07/2022 Duration: 25minOn this week’s episode Dr Chris Parsons chats with Mark Simmonds and Laetitia Nunny about the various ways that wild marine mammals interact with humans.
Whale communication: what do the ‘whups’ and ‘grumbles' mean?
09/07/2022 Duration: 29minOn this week’s episode Dr Ashley Scarlett chats with Erin Ross-Marsh about her research on humpback whales and the different calls and sounds that they make.
Does river restoration mean more food for seals?
02/07/2022 Duration: 18minOn this week’s episode Dr Ashley Scarlett speaks with guest Lauri Leach about how river restoration could impact marine mammal prey abundance.
Cool facts about whale migration and a new whale species
25/06/2022 Duration: 25minThe second of a two-part episode with Dr Emma Carroll. In this episode Dr Carroll talks about the discovery of a new beaked whale and cultural migratory behaviors.
Whale they stay or whale they go now? The science of whale migrations
18/06/2022 Duration: 17minThis week’s episode is the first part of a series on Dr. Emma Carroll’s research on migrating, and non-migrating, whales. Dr. Carroll also explains what is meant by an “urban whale” and her research on Bryde’s whales in Auckland, New Zealand.
Seaweeds on seals: algal and cyanobacteria growth on harbor seals
11/06/2022 Duration: 22minOn this week’s episode we have Professor Floyd Hayes talking about cyanobacteria and algae found on pinnipeds. and his research on algal growth on harbor seals in California.
Manatees in Sarasota
04/06/2022 Duration: 23minOn this week’s episode our guest Kerri Scolardi from MOTE explains how she assesses the manatee population in Sarasota with aerial surveys
Cetacean Communication and Cognition
28/05/2022 Duration: 28minOn this week’s episode Dr Ashley Scarlett talks to Dr Stephanie King about her research on animal communication and cooperative strategies.
Possibilities for renewable energy
21/05/2022 Duration: 19minOn this week’s episode Dr Ashley Scarlett and Heather Spence have a fun time talking about renewable energy in the marine environment and how the sky is the limit when it comes to ideas in this area.
Speaking Porpoise
14/05/2022 Duration: 21minOn this episode Dr Mel Cosentino explains how a common dolphin in Scotland was discovered "speaking porpoise".
What are bottlenose dolphins saying?
07/05/2022 Duration: 24minOn this week’s episode Dr Ashley Scarlett chats with guest Emma Chereskin about her work on male dolphin alliances using vocal communication to ‘bond-at-a-distance’.
Manatees Communicating
30/04/2022 Duration: 28minIn this week's episode Dr Beth Brady from Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium shares her recent work on how manatees communicate with one another with squeaks, squeals, and chirps.
The history of whaling, pt 2
23/04/2022 Duration: 16minIn this episode, returning guest Dr. Chris Parsons continues discussing the history of whaling. Dr Parsons talks about whaling in more recent times.
The history of whaling, pt 1
16/04/2022 Duration: 23minOn this episode, returning guest Dr. Chris Parsons provides us with a timeline of the history of whaling. Whaling dates back more than three thousand years and on this first of two episodes Dr Parsons talks about whaling's early beginning.
Reproduction in female dolphins: the mechanics of the clitoris
09/04/2022 Duration: 22minOn this episode, host Dr. Scarlett chats with marine mammal reproductive biologist Dr. Dara Orbach about her recent discoveries on the anatomy and function of the female dolphin clitoris.
The science behind how pinnipeds control their whiskers
02/04/2022 Duration: 33minOn this week’s episode Dr Ashley Scarlett chats with Dr Alyx Milne, a sensory biologist. They talk about the way pinnipeds move their whiskers, and how they help them to sense what is around them in their natural environment.
The exposure of baleen whales to microplastics
26/03/2022 Duration: 20minOn this episode Dr Ashley Scarlett talks to guest Laura Julia Zantis about some shocking discoveries she made while studying whale poop!
From Bats to Polar Bears
19/03/2022 Duration: 22minOn this episode Dr Ashley Scarlett is blown away by what guest Dr Stephanie Penk has to say about polar bears and the importance of their energy stores.
Saving Australia's sea lion pups
12/03/2022 Duration: 30minOn this week's episode Dr Rachael Gray, a veterinarian, shares with us her most recent study investigating how to mitigate the impacts of hookworm and lice on Australian sea lions.