Earth Ancients chronicles the growing (and often suppressed) evidence of known and unknown civilizations, their ruined cities, and artifacts developed from advanced science and technology. Erased from the pages of time, these cultures discovered and charted the heavens, developed medicine and unleashed advancements that parallel and, in many cases, surpass our own. Join us and discover our lost history.Armed with the thousands of anomalous archeological discoveries which have not been covered by conventional science and the media, we can no longer deny our ancient cultural inheritance. Our written history is wrong and we’ve been led to believe that humanity is just a few hundred thousand years old. In fact, the Hindu Yugas advance the notion that Homo Sapiens are millions of years old, and have lived onplanet Earth through a series of rebirths.It’s now a fact that we are the survivors of a series of cataclysmic events that took place approximately 12,000 to 14,000 years ago. Our ancestors may have been aware of these impending disasters and fled underground shelter, or survived in caves; others may have left the planet, but a huge number perished. Though Earth Ancients does explore some of the popular theories that ancient aliens have visited ourplanet, our philosophy and research paradigm is decidedly Earth-centric, elevating the historical discourseabout human brilliance and ingenuity found in the archaeological evidence.
Laird Scranton: Point of Origin
07/03/2015 Duration: 01h17minNew Book Links Ancient Cultures to Mysterious Archeological site of Gobekli TepeHow could multiple ancient cultures, spanning both years and geography, have strikingly similar creation myths and cosmologies? Why do the Dogon of Africa and the civilizations of ancient Egypt, India, Tibet, and China share sacred words and symbols? Revealing the existence of a long-forgotten primal culture and the world’s first center of higher learning, Laird Scranton shows how the sophisticated complex at Gobekli Tepe in Turkey is the definitive point of origin from which all the great civilizations of the past inherited their cosmology, esoteric teachings, and civilizing skills, such as agriculture, metallurgy, and stone masonry, fully developed. Laird Scranton is a recognized authority on Dogon mythology and symbolism. A frequent guest on radio programs such as Coast to Coast AM and Red Ice Radio, he has been a featured speaker at national conferences on ancient mysteries, including the Paradigm Symposium. He is the author
Scott Roberts: The Rise and Fall of the Nephilim
28/02/2015 Duration: 01h16minThe Rise and Fall of the Nephilim"If you've gone to Sunday school and read Genesis, you've no doubt encountered the mystery of the Nephilim, the strange giants whose offspring mated with the offspring of Adam and Eve. Who were these creatures and how did they get here? The Rise and Fall of the Nephilim... is sure to challenge your beliefs and get you to look at the other side of Creation."--Bill Birnes, publisher, UFO magazine; The History Channel's Ancient AliensThe ancient books of Genesis and Enoch tell us that sprit beings known as the Watchers descended to the Earth, had sex with women, and begat a hybrid race of offspring known as the Nephilim.Such tales are as old as humanity itself. These histories and accounts of visitations and subsequent mixed-blood, alien-human races comprise the bulk of the world's myths, legends, religions, and superstitions.The Rise and Fall of the Nephilim examines:Elohim and the Bene Ha Elohim--God and the Sons of GodThe Watchers: UFOs, extraterrestrials, angels, infiltrators
Bob Curran: Lost Lands, Forgotten Realms
25/02/2015 Duration: 01h30minThere are places that turn up in literature or in film—mystical and legendary places whose names may be familiar but about which we know little. We nod knowingly at the reference, but are often left wondering about places such as Atlantis, the lost land overwhelmed by the sea, or El Dorado, the fabulous city that vanished somewhere in the South American jungles. Other names are more evocative—Mount Olympus, the Garden of Eden, the mystic Isle of Avalon, and Davy Jones’ Locker. But did such places actually exist and if so, where were they, and what really happened? What are the traditions and legends associated with them? In the fascinating new book, Lost Lands, Forgotten Realms, historian Dr. Bob Curran sets out to find the answers by journeying to the far-flung corners of the world and to the outer reaches of human imagination. In Lost Lands, Forgotten Realms you'll; • Climb the high mountains in search of the mythical Shangri-La • Navigate the deep swamps and jungles in a quest for the Seven Cities of Ci
Khartika Goe: The Multidimensional Traveler
14/02/2015 Duration: 01h09minThe Maya and other ancient cultures were able to shift their consciousness to higher levels of awareness through meditation and other practices without the use of drugs. In this program, we'll discover some of the techniques for accessing the greater mind and the importance of these sacred techniques in today's Internet age.The Multidimensional Traveler is an inspiring journey that awakens readers to worlds beyond physical limitations. In addition to illuminating the existence of vast multidimensional realities, it provides specific examples of adventures through time, space, and the universes. Freed of limitation, you are initiated into the lost knowledge of multidimensional travel.The Multidimensional Traveler will give you the exciting freedom to:Discover your own multidimensional abilities and use them to their greatest potential.Connect with the force of togetherness to attain the true knowledge of the universe.Embark on your own multidimensional ventures, with the assistance of end-of-chapter instructio
Xaviant Haze: The Suppressed History of America
07/02/2015 Duration: 01h13minThe Suppressed History of America: The Murder of Meriwether Lewis and the Mysterious Discoveries of the Lewis and Clark Expedition An investigation into the discoveries of Lewis and Clark and other early explorers of America and the terrible acts committed to suppress them • Provides archaeological proof of giants, the fountain of youth, and descriptions from Lewis’s journals of a tribe of “nearly white, blue-eyed” Indians • Uncovers evidence of explorers from Europe and Asia prior to Columbus and of ancient civilizations in North America and the Caribbean • Investigates the Smithsonian conspiracy to cover up Lewis and Clark’s discoveries and what lead to Lewis’s murder Meriwether Lewis discovered far more than the history books tell--ancient civilizations, strange monuments, “nearly white, blue-eyed” Indians, and evidence that the American continent was visited long before the first European settlers arrived. And he was murdered to keep it all secret. Examining the shadows and cracks between America’s offici
George Haas: Evidence of Ancient Civilizations on Mars
31/01/2015 Duration: 01h11minGeorge J. Haas is founder and premier investigator of The Cydonia Institute, established in 1991. He is a member of the Archaeological Institute of America and the Pre-Columbian Society of the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Haas is also an artist, art instructor, writer, and curator. He is a member and former director of the Sculptors' Association of New Jersey. He has also authored monographs for various art exhibitions, and had a one-man show at the OK Harris Gallery of Art in New York City. He became interested in the "Face on Mars" after reading a book on the subject by Randolfo Rafael Pozos in 1991. He lives in New Jersey with his wife, Dr. Amelia Joy Cole; he has three daughters.
Dr. Danny Hilman: Gunung Padang, The Mysterious Ancient Pyramid In Indonesia
24/01/2015 Duration: 01h28minTHIS SPECIAL PROGRAM FEATURES AN INTERVIEW WITH LEAD INVESTIGATOR DR. DANNY HILMAN.The megalithic site of Gunung Padang begins to reveal its secretsGunung Padang is a remarkable archaeological region located 120 kilometres south of Jakarta in Indonesia, known for having the largest number of megaliths in the country. It has been the subject of much controversy in recent years as scientific research has suggested that one particular site, consisting of an ancient arrangement of megalithic stones, sits atop a hill that is actually a gigantic, pyramid-shaped tomb, dating back thousands of years. Such conclusions have, unsurprisingly, been met with fierce resistance from the academic and archaeological community. However, according to a report in Jakarta Post, excavation has now revealed an underground room built in prehistoric times, and the team have dated the youngest layer of the site to 5,200 BC. According to several experts from the Gunung Padang independent and integrated research team (TTRM), the site cou
Holly Ahlberg: Lost Civilization Discovered in Chile?
17/01/2015 Duration: 01h01minThe Atacama Desert is unique and very hostile.It's considered the driest desert in the world with dramatic landscape with some parts of the region that has never received a drop of rain, or at least not as long as people have been keeping track of such things.Nuevo Albergis is the name given to the city that was discovered by Ms. Holly Ahlberg (Nov, 2012) in the Atacama Desert, that to date has not been explored by a significant archaeological team. A number of pilots and explorers have discovered geoglphs in the area, most noteably the giant large anthropomorphic geoglyph known as Cerro Unitas. What Holly discover is amazing. Using Google Earth satellite imagery she found a city which appears to have been built in several phases separated by different flood events, and/or over a period of time. The presence of numerous 'canals' leading to the structures highlights the possibility that it was built where it was because of the availability of water running from the now dried up Salar Uyuny salt flats (Once a
Sasha and Janet Lessin: Anunnaki: Gods No More
10/01/2015 Duration: 01h04minSasha Lessin, Ph.D., author of Anunnaki: Gods No More and producer of the hugely popular web site,, studied with the late Zecharia Sitchin, for many years. Mr. Sitchin asked Dr. Lessin to create popular courses to revise ancient anthropology and add the aliens, the Anunnaki, on Earth from 450,000 – 300 BCE.To appreciate ethnology, Lessin’s specialty in Anthropology, he invites you to empathetically review stories our ancestors recorded and recited of Extraterrestrial (ET) gods. The people of the ancient world described the gods as giant humans with what we would call Tesla technology, spacecraft, weapons of mass destruction and interplanetary travel charts. The tale that these gods created us is true, they weren’t gods, they were just big people. Lessin’s work documents the fallacy of Darwinian gradual evolutionism that posited human evolution from pre-cursor hominoids but failed in 140 years searching to find a missing link. Lessin validates Lloyd Pye’s formulation, “Macroevolution’s fal
David Hatcher Childress: Ancient Earth and the Alien Connection
03/01/2015 Duration: 01h19minDavid Hatcher Childress, known as the real-life Indiana Jones to the many fans of his books, is a captivating speaker and the author or coauthor of over 20 books. He has traveled the world several times over, seeking adventure and the answers to the mysteries of mankind’s past.Born in France in 1957 and raised in the mountains of Colorado and Montana, David’s curiosity about the world was piqued at a young age. He attended the University of Montana where his studies in oriental culture and philosophy led him to a job teaching English in Taiwan. In 1976, David left the United States on what would become a six-year research and adventure odyssey. During this time, he studied first-hand the ancient civilizations of Africa, the Middle East and China, sometimes journeying into dangerous territory along the way (like Uganda during the overthrow of Idi Amin). By 1984, Childress had written two books about his journeys, Lost Cities of Africa and Arabia and Lost Cities of China, Central Asia and India. Further expedit
News and Discoveries that Made 2014 a Year to Remember
27/12/2014 Duration: 01h44minNews and Discoveries that Made 2014 a Year to Remember2014 was filled with new archaeological discoveries and revelations which changed our prospective of the world. In this special program, I’ll be joined by noted authors who’s books and writings helped change our understanding of Earth’s past and contributed to growing evidence that prior to the ice age – highly civilized people populated our planet.Guests include:Mike Barra - Ancient Aliens on MarsFrank Joesph - AtlantisArcheologist, Bill Donato, ancient discoveries at BiminiJoin me,Cliff DunningHost, Earth Ancients Radio
Patrick Christopher Chouinard: Lost Race of the Giants
20/12/2014 Duration: 01h10minAn exploration of mythological and archaeological evidence for prehistoric giants • Examines the many corresponding giant mythologies throughout the world, such as the Greek and Roman titans, Norse frost giants, and the biblical Nephilim • Reveals recent finds of giant skeletons in the deserts of Saudi Arabia and India • Explains how giants passed on their sophisticated culture and civilization to humanity before being wiped out in the great age of cataclysms and floods Giants are a cornerstone of the myths, legends, and traditions of almost every culture on Earth. Stories of giants are often considered fantasies of the ancients or primitive attempts to explain natural phenomena, but archaeological discoveries of 10- and 12-foot skeletons--many of which have been suppressed--confirm the existence of a forgotten golden age of giants before recorded history. Patrick Chouinard examines the staggering number of corresponding giant mythologies throughout the world, such as the Greek and Roman titans, Norse frost g
Carl Lehrburger: Secrets of Ancient America
13/12/2014 Duration: 01h23minSecrets of Ancient America is the real history of the New World and the visitors, from both East and West, who traveled to the Americas long before 1492 • Provides more than 300 photographs and drawings, including Celtic runes in New England, Gaelic inscriptions in Colorado, and Asian symbols in the West • Reinterprets many archaeological finds, such as the Ohio Serpent Mound • Reveals Celtic, Hebrew, Roman, early Christian, Templar, Egyptian, Chinese, and Japanese influences in North American artifacts and ruins As the myth of Columbus “discovering” America falls from the pedestal of established history, we are given the opportunity to discover the real story of the New World and the visitors, from both East and West, who traveled there long before 1492. Sharing his more than 25 years of research and travel to sites throughout North America, Carl Lehrburger employs epigraphy, archaeology, and archaeoastronomy to reveal extensive evidence for pre-Columbian explorers in ancient America. He provides more than 3
Ardy Sixkiller Clarke: Ancient Sky People of Mesoamerica - Part 2
06/12/2014 Duration: 01h26minIn this follow up presentation to Dr.Clarke's previous revelations on Sky People in the United Sates, she outlines her trek through the jungles of Central America in search for stories of ancient and modern day contact with Sky People (ET's.) Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, author of Encounters With Star People, vowed as a teenager to follow in the footsteps of two 19th-century explorers, John L. Stephens and Frederick Catherwood, who brought the ancient Maya cities to the world's attention. Dr. Clarke set out on a seven-year adventure (from 2003 through 2010) through Belize, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico, collecting stories of encounters, sky gods, giants, little people, and aliens among the indigenous people.She drove more than 12,000 miles, visiting 89 archaeological sites (Stephens and Catherwood visited only 44) and conducting nearly 100 individual interviews. The result is an enthralling series of unique, original, true stories of encounters with space travelers, giants, little people, and UFOs. Sky People
Michael Tellinger: African Temples of the Anunnaki
29/11/2014 Duration: 01h19minAbout African Temples of the AnunnakiArchaeological proof of the advanced civilization on the southern tip of Africa that preceded Sumer and Egypt by 200,000 years • Includes more than 250 original full-color photographs of South Africa’s circular stone ruins, ancient roads, prehistoric mines, large pyramids, and the first Sphinx • Reveals how these 200,000-year-old sites perfectly match Sumerian descriptions of the gold mining operations of the Anunnaki and the city of Enki • Shows how the extensive stone circle complexes are the remains of Tesla-like technology used to generate energy and carve tunnels straight into the Earth With more than 250 original full-color photographs, Michael Tellinger documents thousands of circular stone ruins, monoliths, ancient roads, agricultural terraces, and prehistoric mines in South Africa. He reveals how these 200,000-year-old sites perfectly match Sumerian descriptions of Abzu, the land of the First People--including the vast gold-mining operations of the Anunnaki from t
Laird Scranton: The Velikovsky Heresies
22/11/2014 Duration: 01h12minSurrounded by controversy even before its publication in 1950, Immanuel Velikovsky’s Worlds in Collisionintroduced the provocative theory that Venus began as a brilliant comet ejected by Jupiter around 1600 BCE, wreaking chaos on Mars and Earth as it roamed through our solar system prior to settling into its current orbit. Immediately dismissed without any investigation and subject to vicious attacks, Velikovsky’s theory is now poised for reexamination in light of recent astronomical and archaeological findings. Exploring the key points of Velikovsky’s theories, Laird Scranton presents evidence from recent space probe missions to show that Venus still exhibits cometlike properties, such as its atmospheric composition, and could be a young planet. Reviewing the widespread cometlike descriptions of Venus from 1500 BCE to 750 BCE as well as Velikovsky’s observation that no records of Venus exist prior to 1600 BCE, Scranton reveals recently translated ancient texts from China, Korea, and Japan that further uphold
Preston Peet: Disinformation Guide to Ancient Aliens, Lost Civilizations, Etc.
15/11/2014 Duration: 01h12min*Previously published as Underground!Where did "modern" civilization begin? What lies beneath the waves? Do myths describe interstellar impact? How'd they lift that stone? Was the Ark of the Covenant a mechanical device? Were there survivors of an Atlantean catastrophe? Who really discovered the "New" World?"Hidden history" continues to fascinate an ever wider audience. In this massive compendium, editor Preston Peet brings together an all-star cast of contributors to question established wisdom about the history of the world and its civilizations. Peet and anthology contributors guide us through exciting archeological adventures and treasure hunts, ancient mysteries, lost or rediscovered technologies, and assorted "Forteana," using serious scientific studies and reports, scholarly research, and some plain old fringe material, as what is considered "fringe" today is often hard science tomorrow.The editor of Under The Influence: The Disinformation Guide to Drugs, Preston Peet is a writer, editor, photographer,
Christopher Dunn: Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt
08/11/2014 Duration: 01h22minChristopher P. Dunn, born 1946 in Manchester, England, is an English author known for the book The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt, which claims that precision machining is evident in ancient Egyptian structures, particularly in the Giza pyramid complex. In this program, listeners will get an update on what Dunn has discovered in Egypt, and other ancients cities around the world. Dunn was the manager of Laser Robotics Machining, which served the aerospace industry. In 1986 he was recruited by gas turbine/aerospace manufacturing company, Danville Metal Stamping, where he has worked in the position of Project Engineer, Laser Operations Manager and Human Resource Manager. He is a master craftsman and skilled machinist. Dunn lives with his wife Jeanne and children in Danville, Illinois
Steve Meads: The Chauvet Cave
01/11/2014 Duration: 01h07minThe Chauvet cave was painted approximately 30,000 years ago and the dreams were buried and sealed for 20,000 years by a land slide.The site and its contents were discovered in 1994 and rocked the world!Now, other images that appear to have been hidden within the paintings have been found that seem to reveal specific designs and intentional masking which may tell a story, or message, that could be massively important from an artistic and historical point of view.What could these images be telling us? How do they offer a connection to the foundation of the ancient Egyptian culture? One Image appears to link from the cave to Seti the 1st’s tomb which could only have been done by the handing down of stories within tradition! Is there evidence that reveals a connection to Ra, the ‘creative power’? Could this be the source of what was to become the ancient Egyptians and other cultures?Steve Meads is originaly from the UK, but has lived in France, Hong Kong and the Philippines. He feels that he is living a life of c
Scott Creighton: The Secret Chamber of Osiris
25/10/2014 Duration: 01h14minAfter nearly 200 years of the pyramid-as-tomb theory, a growing body of evidence suggests the first 16 pyramids of ancient Egypt were not royal tombs but nearly indestructible recovery vaults designed to revive civilization after an anticipated major catastrophe, the Deluge of Thoth. Scott Creighton examines the prophecy of catastrophe and the ancient Egyptians’ massive undertaking to ensure the survival of their civilization. He explains how the pyramids acted as easily located storehouses for seeds, tools, and civilizing knowledge, yet they would have been too visible to house the precious treasures necessary to restore the rich culture of ancient Egypt. For this, the ancients created a secret chamber whose existence was hidden in myth and whose location was encoded in the Giza pyramids.Scott Creighton is an engineer whose extensive travels have allowed him to explore many of the world’s ancient sacred sites. The host of the Alternative Egyptology forum on, he is the coauthor of The Giza