The human givens approach originated in the field of psychotherapy and the many new insights provided by the research of its founders, Joe Griffin and Ivan Tyrrell, have been quietly revolutionising the effective treatment of mental health and behavioural problems for the last 20 years.The organising ideas and framework for wellbeing contained in the biopsychosocial human givens (HG) approach have subsequently been found to be so universally applicable that HG principles are now also used in many other settings, such as education, business and diplomacy improving outcomes and increasing our understanding of human nature and how to interact with people in a way that enhances their emotional health and helps them make the most of their abilities and talents.Read more: http://www.hgonlinecourses.comhttp://www.humangivenscollege.comPublications:
Episode 20: Exploring sleeping and dreaming with Joe Griffin
12/08/2021 Duration: 51minWe were honoured to have Joe Griffin as a guest on our podcast - in which he will be answering our audiences' pre-submitted questions about sleep and dreaming. Joe Griffin is a psychologist, with many years’ experience both in psychotherapeutic practice and in training psychotherapists (for the Human Givens College). Over the last two decades, as co-developer of the human givens approach to psychology and behaviour, thousands of health professionals have enjoyed his practical workshops and seminars on brief therapy for treating anxiety related disorders, depression, trauma and addiction. Since it is widely recognised that much mental distress comes from work related stress he is increasingly in demand by businesses to help them run more effectively by taking account of the innate needs of customers, employees, suppliers, owners and shareholders. For many years the Educational Director of the College, he is at the leading edge of skills-based therapy research and practice. He is widely recognised as one of
Part 5 - Anti-Bullying Week - Pat Capel
16/11/2020 Duration: 03minAnti-Bullying Week with Pat Capel - Pat shows how the HG approach sheds light on why bullying behaviour happens, and unlocks practical and effective strategies for preventing – and stopping – it. I have been focusing on our emotional needs and how satisfying these could prevent a child becoming a bully. But the human givens perspective also mentions that there are potential barriers that can prevent these needs being met. One of them is a toxic environment. There is not much we as teachers can do when the child lives in a toxic environment. Yes, we can follow child protection guidelines and report it and allow the system to do what it can. But we have an obligation to ensure that our classroom is not toxic. Allow your classroom to be a safe refuge for all. A bully will have a story that you as the classroom teacher are not aware of. His or her innate guidance system might have been damaged by their past and present experiences. There might have been a trauma or their day to day existence could be tr
Part 4 - Anti-Bullying Week - Pat Capel
16/11/2020 Duration: 01minAnti-Bullying Week with Pat Capel. In this newly recorded audio series, Pat Capel – classroom teacher of 25 years and trained HG psychotherapist – shares invaluable insights and clear techniques that can be applied in any situation. By approaching bullying behaviour – and its consequences – through the lens of unmet emotional needs, Pat shows how the HG approach sheds light on why bullying behaviour happens, and unlocks practical and effective strategies for preventing – and stopping – it. The final emotional need that I am going to focus on is the need for meaning. This can be tricky as too often the pupil sees your subject as having no real meaning or value. It is just a subject that is uninteresting or possibly even really difficult but one that simply has to be done. Or homework is seen as meaningless as it is issued only to satisfy the school’s homework roster. The challenge then is to be able to explain the purpose of the homework and how it fits in to the grand scheme. I have a golden rule: If I
Part 3 - Anti-Bullying Week - Pat Capel
16/11/2020 Duration: 02minAnti-Bullying Week with Pat Capel. In this newly recorded audio series, Pat Capel – classroom teacher of 25 years and trained HG psychotherapist – shares invaluable insights and clear techniques that can be applied in any situation. By approaching bullying behaviour – and its consequences – through the lens of unmet emotional needs, Pat shows how the HG approach sheds light on why bullying behaviour happens, and unlocks practical and effective strategies for preventing – and stopping – it. Another one of our emotional needs is the needs for status. This does not mean that we all want to be the top dog. But it suggests that we all want to be recognised for who and what we are. We are social beings and we all need to feel that our group recognises and values us. As teachers, we need to find ways to ensure that each child feels they have status in the classroom. These can be small things like basic rules of classroom management: if one of us is talking, the rest need to listen. And the teacher needs to
Part 2 - Anti-Bullying Week - Pat Capel
16/11/2020 Duration: 01minAnti-Bullying Week with Pat Capel. In Part 1, I mentioned our emotional needs and how schools can help to ensure that these are satisfied. Each child needs to feel that they are part of a community and that they have a real and significant connection to others. We all know that bullies themselves are often on the receiving end of bullying. And that can be because they do not feel a sense of connection. As teachers, we are in charge of a community: our classroom. We need to make each child in front of us feel part of that community. That means making every effort to include all the children in class discussion and activities. If we sense that someone is being excluded, we need to do whatever we can to integrate them back into the class. A child that does not feel part of the community will find ways to make themselves known. They act out. They disrupt others. They could become bullies just to be noticed. But if we can find ways to make each child feel valued within that community, they learn to
Part 1 - Anti-Bullying Week - Pat Capel
16/11/2020 Duration: 01minAnti-Bullying Week with Pat Capel. In this newly recorded audio series, Pat Capel – classroom teacher of 25 years and trained HG psychotherapist – shares invaluable insights and clear techniques that can be applied in any situation. By approaching bullying behaviour – and its consequences – through the lens of unmet emotional needs, Pat shows how the HG approach sheds light on why bullying behaviour happens, and unlocks practical and effective strategies for preventing – and stopping – it. The essence of the Human Givens approach is the idea that we all have emotional needs and that when these are met, we have the potential to be mentally fit and healthy. If we want to prevent bullying or prevent a child becoming a bully, we need to work really hard on satisfying each child’s emotional needs while they are in our care. School should be a safe environment for all children. For some, it might be the only time in the day when they do feel safe. Home might be chaotic or insecure. School should then be a pl
Intro - Anti Bullying Week - Pat Capel
16/11/2020 Duration: 26sAnti-Bullying Week with Pat Capel. Bullying can happen to anyone at any time – and its impact on an individual’s mental health can be devastating. In this newly recorded audio series, Pat Capel – classroom teacher of 25 years and trained HG psychotherapist – shares invaluable insights and clear techniques that can be applied in any situation. By approaching bullying behaviour – and its consequences – through the lens of unmet emotional needs, Pat shows how the HG approach sheds light on why bullying behaviour happens, and unlocks practical and effective strategies for preventing – and stopping – it. Our impact is stronger when we work together. Discover how you can play your part …
Episode 19: Obesity - How to restore the person behind it with Fiona Sheldon
23/12/2019 Duration: 44minOur latest expert is Fiona Sheldon, a Human Givens psychotherapist who works in a private practice in Wiltshire, where she helps people struggling with obesity and associated body image difficulties. In this podcast Fiona explores the intrinsic connection between eating behaviours and emotional disorders, including past trauma, and offers in-depth guidance on how therapists can help people struggling with these issues to find a route back to living healthy and fulfilling lives.
Episode 18: Loneliness and social isolation – with Carmel Austin
25/10/2019 Duration: 37min“Sometimes in life we have to make a choice and take a chance, otherwise nothing changes" After nearly three decades working & studying in the Health & Social Care sector, Carmel set up her own wellbeing practice in 2016. Carmel is particularly interested in helping people deal with loneliness and social isolation - an interest which stems from her time managing West Norfolk Befriending, where she was employed to set up and develop a service to help tackle the growing problem. ========= Welcome to the human givens ‘Ask The Expert’ podcast series! Our new podcasts give you the opportunity to hear human givens professionals discuss mental health and emotional wellbeing from the point of view of their particular area of expertise. Each podcast will discuss a different important mental health topic, both ones we feel should be openly discussed, and those in which our listeners have expressed an interest, in an effort to share and promote more widely effective tips and knowledge about emotional health and we
Episode 17: How to help teenagers flourish – with Richard Brook
11/10/2019 Duration: 01h01min"The more we understand about what's happening in the brain / body / mind, the more we're able to help our teenagers..." Richard Brook is a lecturer in Social work at the University of East Anglia, where he teaches a postgraduate module for qualified social workers on working with adolescents. He has over 20 years experience of working with children and families, young offenders, adolescents with emotional and behavioural difficulties, and parents. Richard is also a practising HG therapist, and tutors the one-day course - ‘How to work effectively with troubled and troublesome teenagers’ ( for Human Givens College. ========= Welcome to the human givens ‘Ask The Expert’ podcast series! Our new podcasts give you the opportunity to hear human givens professionals discuss mental health and emotional wellbeing from the point of view of their particular area of expertise. Each podcast will discuss a different important mental health topic, both ones we feel sho
Episode 16: Learning and anxiety – with Joanna Baker
20/09/2019 Duration: 40minAnxiety is a huge problem for many young people today, affecting their mental health and ability to learn effectively. Joanna Baker is an HG therapist who works at the University of Derby as a Psycho-education Coordinator and trainer where she delivers workshops on various aspects of wellbeing. She works alongside Gareth Hughes, who tutors: 'Anxiety and Learning: How to improve students' academic performance and wellbeing'( course for HG college. Related Webinars: ========= Welcome to the human givens ‘Ask The Expert’ podcast series! Our new podcasts give you the opportunity to hear human givens professionals discuss mental health and emotional wellbeing from the point of view of their particular area of expertise. Each podcast will discuss a different important mental health topic, both ones we feel should be openly discussed
Episode 15: Can we reduce chronic pain without medication? – with Dr Grahame Brown
06/09/2019 Duration: 52min"Pain is a beast on your back bullying you - don't ignore it - instead confront it, listen to what it is telling you and change your behaviour to help relieve the threat it's creating. It is this thread which is triggering your brain to create pain…" Dr Grahame Brown is a specialist physician in Musculo-skeletal Sport & Exercise Medicine and works as part of the consultant surgical team at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust in Birmingham. He is also honorary senior clinical lecturer at The Institute of Occupational and Environmental Medicine at The University of Birmingham, where he tutors courses on work related musculoskeletal issues including occupational rehabilitation. He also teaches the Effective Pain Management course for Human Givens College. > View course: ========= Welcome to the human givens ‘Ask The Expert’ podcast series! Our new podcasts give you the opportunity to hear human givens professionals discuss mental health and emotional
Episode 14: 'See You in Two Minutes Ma!' – with Linda Allen
30/08/2019 Duration: 29minIn 2016 Linda Allen launched her book “see you in two minutes Ma” which is an honest and frank account of living with the aftermath of her 15 year old son’s death by suicide. Linda now tells her story to numerous groups in Ireland which she hopes will bring solace and hope in difficult circumstances, turning adversity into positivity - choosing to live fully in the face of tragedy. You may also find the following link helpful: ========= Welcome to the human givens ‘Ask The Expert’ podcast series! Our new podcasts give you the opportunity to hear human givens professionals discuss mental health and emotional wellbeing from the point of view of their particular area of expertise. Each podcast will discuss a different important mental health topic, both ones we feel should be openly discussed, and those in which our listeners have expressed an interest, in an effort to share and promote more widely effective tips and knowledge ab
Episode 13: Political deception and the CBT tsunami – Ivan Tyrrell with Farhad Dalal
13/08/2019 Duration: 01h01minToday we are listening in on a fascinating conversation between Ivan Tyrrell - Co-founder of the Human Givens approach and director of Human Givens College - and Farhad Dalal, who is a UK-based psychotherapist and author. Farhad Dalal’s book - CBT: The Cognitive Behavioural Tsunami: Managerialism, Politics, and the Corruptions of Science is a robust, detailed and psychologically sophisticated critique of the frightening place where modern managerialism, regulation and compliance have taken us. Thank you so much to Farhad and Ivan for sharing their knowledge and thoughts on this situation. Farhad’s book is available to listeners at a 20% discount here: and enter the code BSE19 at checkout. Find out more about HG: ========= Welcome to the human givens ‘Ask The Expert’ podcast series! Our new podcasts give you the opportunity to hear human giv
Episode 12: Intimacy – In to me you see – with Jennifer Broadley and Lee Pycroft
02/08/2019 Duration: 52minAs you all know, Intimacy is one of our vital emotional needs. During this podcast Jennifer Broadley and Lee Pycroft (both human givens psychotherapists) discuss the importance of both emotional and physical intimacy. This podcast is packed full of useful information, key discussion points and wisdom - as well as a lot of fun and laughter… ========= Welcome to the human givens ‘Ask The Expert’ podcast series! Our new podcasts give you the opportunity to hear human givens professionals discuss mental health and emotional wellbeing from the point of view of their particular area of expertise. Each podcast will discuss a different important mental health topic, both ones we feel should be openly discussed, and those in which our listeners have expressed an interest, in an effort to share and promote more widely effective tips and knowledge about emotional health and wellbeing. ========= FIND OUT MORE 'Ask The Expert' Podcast:
Episode 11: Therapeutic teaching techniques – with Pat Capel
03/07/2019 Duration: 42minAs well as being an HG practitioner, Pat has been working as a secondary school teacher for over 25 years: both as a classroom teacher and also working with children with special educational needs. Over this time Pat became increasingly aware that a growing number of those around him - adults as well as children - didn’t have the necessary skills or resources to cope in today’s demanding world. He realised that by combining what he’d learnt from his HG training with his existing teaching knowledge and skills he could make a profound difference to people’s lives – and we’ll explore how in just a moment. Access the references mentioned in this podcast here: ========= Welcome to the human givens ‘Ask The Expert’ podcast series! Our new podcasts give you the opportunity to hear human givens professionals discuss mental health and emotional wellbeing from the point of view of their particular area of expertise. Each podc
Episode 10: Why having a healthy mind and body matters – with Andrew Morrice
24/06/2019 Duration: 01h05minAs well as being an HG practitioner, Andrew is a GP in Somerset were he has been a partner in a busy medical practice since 2000. Andrew has had a lifelong interest in nutrition and he developed, and tutors, the mind-body connection course for human givens college. ========= Welcome to the human givens ‘Ask The Expert’ podcast series! Our new podcasts give you the opportunity to hear human givens professionals discuss mental health and emotional wellbeing from the point of view of their particular area of expertise. Each podcast will discuss a different important mental health topic, both ones we feel should be openly discussed, and those in which our listeners have expressed an interest, in an effort to share and promote more widely effective tips and knowledge about emotional health and wellbeing. ========= FIND OUT MORE 'Ask The Expert' Podcast:
Episode 9: Can you recover from psychological domestic abuse? – Emma's story with Hannah Jackson
16/05/2019 Duration: 57minThis time we speak to human givens psychotherapist Hannah Jackson and her client Emma. Emma suffered from psychological domestic abuse, from someone who she thought was a ‘loving and supportive’ partner… but after years of experiencing coercive control, she came to realise that his actions were abusive and she had to break away from his terrifying manipulative behaviour… To access the references mentioned in this episode, click here: #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek ========= Welcome to the human givens ‘Ask The Expert’ podcast series! Our new podcasts give you the opportunity to hear human givens professionals discuss mental health and emotional wellbeing from the point of view of their particular area of expertise. Each podcast will discuss a different important mental health topic, both ones we feel should be openly discussed, and those in which our listeners have expressed an interest, in an effort to share and promote more widely effective tips and knowled
Episode 8: Why having post-natal depression doesn't make you a bad parent – with Sara Shoesmith
03/05/2019 Duration: 52minTo help support Maternal Mental Health Awareness, Sara Shoesmith tells us why post-natal depression doesn’t mean you’re a bad parent. Sara has experienced first-hand how terrifying severe post-natal depression can be. Thankfully Sara received the help and guidance she needed to make a full recovery and she now activity promotes good emotional health through her website and Facebook page. To access the references mentioned in this episode, click here: #MMHWeek2019 ========= Welcome to the human givens ‘Ask The Expert’ podcast series! Our new podcasts give you the opportunity to hear human givens professionals discuss mental health and emotional wellbeing from the point of view of their particular area of expertise. Each podcast will discuss a different important mental health topic, both ones we feel should be openly discussed, and those in which our listeners have expressed an interest, in an effort to share and promote more widely effecti
Episode 7: How to make your private practice successful – with Jennifer Broadley
12/04/2019 Duration: 55minOur latest expert is Jennifer Broadley, a Human Givens psychotherapist with two successful private practices in Aberdeen and Dundee and extensive business and marketing experience. On this podcast Jennifer, who tutors the 'How to build a successful private practice' 1-day course, answers a wide range of questions sent in by other therapists, giving you plenty of tips and advice as she does so... View course: To access the references mentioned in this episode, click here: ========= Welcome to the human givens ‘Ask The Expert’ podcast series! Our new podcasts give you the opportunity to hear human givens professionals discuss mental health and emotional wellbeing from the point of view of their particular area of expertise. Each podcast will discuss a different important mental health topic, both ones we feel should be openly discussed, an