Lil Dudes Insect Academy was created by me and is ran by me! If you dont know who I am, Nice to meet you! Im Bradon. My passion is to learn more about bugs and teach others about them! In my Podcasts, we will be talking about everything bug-related! From the best places to visit to putting them in your salad, we will just talk bugs! I will also be interviewing some professional Entomologists! Hope you stick around!
33. Forensic Entomology (Feat. Forensic Entomologist Dr. Gail Anderson)
03/05/2020 Duration: 18minWe dive deeper into the vast topic of forensic entomology with Dr. Gail Anderson Lil Dudes Insect Academy was created by me and is ran by me! If you don’t know who I am, “Nice to meet you! I’m Bradon”. My passion is to learn more about bugs and teach others about them! In my Podcasts we will be talking about everything bug-related! From best places to visit to putting them in your salad, we will just talk bugs! I will also be interviewing some professional Entomologists! Hope you stick around! If you would like to support me financially, Join the academy! Social media: Special Thanks to my Patrons: Ashton .S Grady .S Katie + Logan Intro/Outro Song: Painted Forest by Dash 8 Music
32. Here Comes Spring!
19/04/2020 Duration: 05minMake sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook to keep up to date on my first season as a beekeeper! Lil Dudes Insect Academy was created by me and is ran by me! If you don’t know who I am, “Nice to meet you! I’m Bradon”. My passion is to learn more about bugs and teach others about them! In my Podcasts we will be talking about everything bug-related! From best places to visit to putting them in your salad, we will just talk bugs! I will also be interviewing some professional Entomologists! Hope you stick around! If you would like to support me financially, Join the academy! Social media: Special Thanks to my Patrons: Ashton .S Grady .S Katie + Logan Intro/Outro Song: Painted Forest by Dash 8 Music
31. Entomology in Quarantine
05/04/2020 Duration: 08minIn this episode, I attempt to cure you of your Entomology Itch. Lil Dudes Insect Academy was created by me and is ran by me! If you don’t know who I am, “Nice to meet you! I’m Bradon”. My passion is to learn more about bugs and teach others about them! In my Podcasts we will be talking about everything bug-related! From best places to visit to putting them in your salad, we will just talk bugs! I will also be interviewing some professional Entomologists! Hope you stick around! If you would like to support me financially, Join the academy! Social media: Special Thanks to my Patrons: Ashton .S Grady .S Katie + Logan Intro/Outro Song: Painted Forest by Dash 8 Music
30. What do Figs and Wasps have in common?
22/03/2020 Duration: 07minYou know that little bit of crunch you have when biting into a fig? Well, lets just say, its not from the seeds... Lil Dudes Insect Academy was created by me and is ran by me! If you don’t know who I am, “Nice to meet you! I’m Bradon”. My passion is to learn more about bugs and teach others about them! In my Podcasts we will be talking about everything bug-related! From best places to visit to putting them in your salad, we will just talk bugs! I will also be interviewing some professional Entomologists! Hope you stick around! If you would like to support me financially, Join the academy! Social media: Special Thanks to my Patrons: Ashton .S Grady .S Katie + Logan Intro/Outro Song: Painted Forest by Dash 8 Music
29. A World Without Bugs
08/03/2020 Duration: 13minWhat would happen if all the bugs.. just... disappeared? Today we talk about what would happen. Lil Dudes Insect Academy was created by me and is ran by me! If you don’t know who I am, “Nice to meet you! I’m Bradon”. My passion is to learn more about bugs and teach others about them! In my Podcasts we will be talking about everything bug-related! From best places to visit to putting them in your salad, we will just talk bugs! I will also be interviewing some professional Entomologists! Hope you stick around! If you would like to support me financially, Join the academy! Social media: Special Thanks to my Patrons: Ashton .S Grady .S Katie + Logan Intro/Outro Song: Painted Forest by Dash 8 Music
28. Update!!
23/02/2020 Duration: 06minThis is a different episode as I ask what you guys want from me, and the future of this podcast. Lil Dudes Insect Academy was created by me and is ran by me! If you don’t know who I am, “Nice to meet you! I’m Bradon”. My passion is to learn more about bugs and teach others about them! In my Podcasts we will be talking about everything bug-related! From best places to visit to putting them in your salad, we will just talk bugs! I will also be interviewing some professional Entomologists! Hope you stick around! If you would like to support me financially, Join the academy! Social media: Special Thanks to my Patrons: Ashton .S Grady .S Katie + Logan Intro/Outro Song: Painted Forest by Dash 8 Music
27. How do Bugs See?
09/02/2020 Duration: 19minI answer the question "How can bugs see things, if at all?" Lil Dudes Insect Academy was created by me and is ran by me! If you don’t know who I am, “Nice to meet you! I’m Bradon”. My passion is to learn more about bugs and teach others about them! In my Podcasts we will be talking about everything bug-related! From best places to visit to putting them in your salad, we will just talk bugs! I will also be interviewing some professional Entomologists! Hope you stick around! If you would like to support me financially, Join the academy! Social media: Intro/Outro Song: Painted Forest by Dash 8 Music
26. Species Spotlight: Honey Bees!
26/01/2020 Duration: 23minWe discover all the secrets of the honey bee kingdom, along with some FAQ! Check out my blog post to learn more: Lil Dudes Insect Academy was created by me and is ran by me! If you don’t know who I am, “Nice to meet you! I’m Bradon”. My passion is to learn more about bugs and teach others about them! In my Podcasts we will be talking about everything bug-related! From best places to visit to putting them in your salad, we will just talk bugs! I will also be interviewing some professional Entomologists! Hope you stick around! If you would like to support me financially, Join the academy! Social media: Intro/Outro Song: Painted Forest by Dash 8 Music
25. Plans for 2020
12/01/2020 Duration: 10minHere in this episode, I tell you all about my Plans for Lil Dude's in 2020. Lil Dudes Insect Academy was created by me and is ran by me! If you don’t know who I am, “Nice to meet you! I’m Bradon”. My passion is to learn more about bugs and teach others about them! In my Podcasts we will be talking about everything bug-related! From best places to visit to putting them in your salad, we will just talk bugs! I will also be interviewing some professional Entomologists! Hope you stick around! If you would like to support me financially, Join the academy! Social media: Intro/Outro Song: Painted Forest by Dash 8 Music
24. Ant Parasites and Bug Outreach (Feat. Phd. Student Joanie King)
29/12/2019 Duration: 17minIn this Episode, We talk to Texas A&M University Phd, Student Joanie King. I met her at the Entomology conference in 2018. We discuss Parasites, outreach, teaching, and possible career paths for Biology students! Lil Dudes Insect Academy was created by me and is ran by me! If you don’t know who I am, “Nice to meet you! I’m Bradon”. My passion is to learn more about bugs and teach others about them! In my Podcasts we will be talking about everything bug-related! From best places to visit to putting them in your salad, we will just talk bugs! I will also be interviewing some professional Entomologists! Hope you stick around! If you would like to support me financially, Join the academy! Social media: Intro/Outro Song: Painted Forest by Dash 8 Music
23. Macro Photography 101
15/12/2019 Duration: 13minIn this episode, we dive into the very vast topic that is Macro Photography. Lil Dudes Insect Academy was created by me and is ran by me! If you don’t know who I am, “Nice to meet you! I’m Bradon”. My passion is to learn more about bugs and teach others about them! In my Podcasts we will be talking about everything bug-related! From best places to visit to putting them in your salad, we will just talk bugs! I will also be interviewing some professional Entomologists! Hope you stick around! If you would like to support me financially, Join the academy! Social media: Intro/Outro Song: Painted Forest by Dash 8 Music
22. Why Common Names are Dumb
01/12/2019 Duration: 09minIn this episode, we discuss why I think that using common names when referring to a species is absolutely useless. Lil Dudes Insect Academy was created by me and is ran by me! If you don’t know who I am, “Nice to meet you! I’m Bradon”. My passion is to learn more about bugs and teach others about them! In my Podcasts we will be talking about everything bug-related! From best places to visit to putting them in your salad, we will just talk bugs! I will also be interviewing some professional Entomologists! Hope you stick around! If you would like to support me financially, Join the academy! Social media: Intro/Outro Song: Painted Forest by Dash 8 Music
21. The Importance of Research
17/11/2019 Duration: 10minWe dive into why doing your research and knowing you stuff is so important, not only for your enjoyment when on a trip but also for your safety. Lil Dudes Insect Academy was created by me and is ran by me! If you don’t know who I am, “Nice to meet you! I’m Bradon”. My passion is to learn more about bugs and teach others about them! In my Podcasts we will be talking about everything bug-related! From best places to visit to putting them in your salad, we will just talk bugs! I will also be interviewing some professional Entomologists! Hope you stick around! If you would like to support me financially, Join the academy! Social media: Intro/Outro Song: Painted Forest by Dash 8 Music
20. "Night Bugging" *Halloween Special*
03/11/2019 Duration: 11minIn this episode, I talk about a spooky experience that I had in Panama. Lil Dudes Insect Academy was created by me and is ran by me! If you don’t know who I am, “Nice to meet you! I’m Bradon”. My passion is to learn more about bugs and teach others about them! In my Podcasts we will be talking about everything bug-related! From best places to visit to putting them in your salad, we will just talk bugs! I will also be interviewing some professional Entomologists! Hope you stick around! If you would like to support me financially, Join the academy! Social media: Intro/Outro Song: Painted Forest by Dash 8 Music
19. What is "Lab Work"?
20/10/2019 Duration: 09minGo check Homesciencetools out! Lil Dudes Insect Academy was created by me and is ran by me! If you don’t know who I am, “Nice to meet you! I’m Bradon”. My passion is to learn more about bugs and teach others about them! In my Podcasts we will be talking about everything bug-related! From best places to visit to putting them in your salad, we will just talk bugs! I will also be interviewing some professional Entomologists! Hope you stick around! If you would like to support me financially, Join the academy! Social media: Intro/Outro Song: Painted Forest by Dash 8 Music
18. What is "Field Work"?
29/09/2019 Duration: 13minIn this episode, I talk about how to do field work, what it means, and what you'll need. Lil Dudes Insect Academy was created by me and is ran by me! If you don’t know who I am, “Nice to meet you! I’m Bradon”. My passion is to learn more about bugs and teach others about them! In my Podcasts we will be talking about everything bug-related! From best places to visit to putting them in your salad, we will just talk bugs! I will also be interviewing some professional Entomologists! Hope you stick around! If you would like to support me financially, Join the academy! Social media: Intro/Outro Song: Painted Forest by Dash 8 Music
17. Phasmids and Parthenogenesis
15/09/2019 Duration: 08minWe dive deep into the science behind stick bugs and Parthenogenesis. Lil Dudes Insect Academy was created by me and is ran by me! If you don’t know who I am, “Nice to meet you! I’m Bradon”. My passion is to learn more about bugs and teach others about them! In my Podcasts we will be talking about everything bug-related! From best places to visit to putting them in your salad, we will just talk bugs! I will also be interviewing some professional Entomologists! Hope you stick around! If you would like to support me financially, Join the academy! Social media: Intro/Outro Song: Painted Forest by Dash 8 Music
16. My Make-A-Wish Trip
01/09/2019 Duration: 18minIn this episode, I reminisce about my unforgettable trip to Panama. If you would like to learn more about Make-A-Wish, heres the link: Lil Dudes Insect Academy was created by me and is ran by me! If you don’t know who I am, “Nice to meet you! I’m Bradon”. My passion is to learn more about bugs and teach others about them! In my Podcasts we will be talking about everything bug-related! From best places to visit to putting them in your salad, we will just talk bugs! I will also be interviewing some professional Entomologists! Hope you stick around! If you would like to support me financially, Join the academy! Social media: Intro/Outro Song: Painted Forest by Dash 8 Music
15. Bug Collections and The Insect Market
18/08/2019 Duration: 08minGo get some exotic Specimens! -> In this episode, we talk about how and where to get your insect specimens for your impressive collection. Lil Dudes Insect Academy was created by me and is ran by me! If you don’t know who I am, “Nice to meet you! I’m Bradon”. My passion is to learn more about bugs and teach others about them! In my Podcasts we will be talking about everything bug-related! From best places to visit to putting them in your salad, we will just talk bugs! I will also be interviewing some professional Entomologists! Hope you stick around! If you would like to support me financially, Join the academy! Social media: Intro/Outro Song: Painted Forest by Dash 8 Music
14. Lets Talk A Little More About Fear
04/08/2019 Duration: 08minIn a previous episode, we talked about why not to be afraid of spiders. In this episode, we dive into why most people are. Lil Dudes Insect Academy was created by me and is ran by me! If you don’t know who I am, “Nice to meet you! I’m Bradon”. My passion is to learn more about bugs and teach others about them! In my Podcasts we will be talking about everything bug-related! From best places to visit to putting them in your salad, we will just talk bugs! I will also be interviewing some professional Entomologists! Hope you stick around! If you would like to support me financially, Join the academy! Social media: Intro/Outro Song: Painted Forest by Dash 8 Music