Do you love a good mystery? Are you hopelessly interested in true crime? Do you spend hours on the internet each week researching weird and obscure stories? If so, we invite you to check out our brand new podcast: Bizarre and Facinating Details. During this weekly podcast, our sister duo of Sarah and Katrena (aka Chewy and Sméagle) will talk about all of those scary, provocation and insane details that keep you up at night. Dont miss this wonderful combination facts, first hand accounts and theories of true crime, paranormal activity, mysterious objects, cool places, amazing stories and unbelievable people.
Thomas Neill Cream
07/08/2022 Duration: 53min CODE: Bizarre20EMAIL: thebfdpodcast@gmail.comSOCIAL MEDIA: @thebfdpodcast
The Somerton Man
31/07/2022 Duration: 51min CODE: Bizarre20EMAIL: thebfdpodcast@gmail.comSOCIAL MEDIA: @thebfdpodcast
Annastasia “Annie” Hester
24/07/2022 Duration: 58min–%20On%20June%2010%2C,Hester%20died%20as%20a%20result%20of%20her%20injuries. CODE: Bizarre20EMAIL: thebfdpodcast@gmail.comSOCIAL MEDIA: @thebfdpodcast
In the News For the Week of July 17, 2022
17/07/2022 Duration: 01h02s CODE: B
Kanakuk Kamps
11/07/2022 Duration: 56minAbuse at Kanakuk Christian camp unreported for decades, victims sayKanakuk: An Evangelical Empire With a History of Sexual AbuseLawsuit Says Kanakuk Knew of Abuser’s Behavior At Least 6 Years Before Finally Firing Him – Ministry WatchTimeline of Abuse and Negligence at Kanakuk - FACTS ABOUT KANAKUKKanakuk Petitions Fighting for Change - FACTS ABOUT CODE: Bizarre20EMAIL: thebfdpodcast@gmail.comSOCIAL MEDIA: @thebfdpodcast
Lorenzen Wright
03/07/2022 Duration: 01h05min Wright's murder remains a mystery in Memphis - Sports Illustrated thebfdpodcast@gmail.comSOCIAL MEDIA: @thebfdpodcast
Caroline Coffey
27/06/2022 Duration: 41min MEDIA: @thebfdpodcastEMAIL:
Warren Jeffs
19/06/2022 Duration: 01h22minAlso the Birmingham community support info is here:Community Grief Support document: FLDS sect limits sex to 'seed bearers' | CNN thebfdpodcast@gmail.comSOCIAL MEDIA: @thebfdpodcast
Moriah Wilson
12/06/2022 Duration: 46min CODE: Bizarre20EMAIL: thebfdpodcast@gmail.comSOCIAL MEDIA: @thebfdpodcast
Alison Parker and Adam Ward
05/06/2022 Duration: 43min thebfdpodcast@gmail.comSOCIAL MEDIA: @thebfdpodcast
Candy Montgomery
28/05/2022 Duration: 56min MEDIA: @thebfdpodcastEMAIL:
Jayna Murray and Updates for Brittanee Drexel, Carey White & Vicky White
16/05/2022 Duration: 01h04min,Athletica%20store%20in%20the%20Bethesda%20Row%20shopping%20district. thebfdpodcast@gmail.comSOCIAL MEDIA: @thebfdp
Vicky White and Casey White
07/05/2022 Duration: 50min White, Vicky White: What we know 1 week after Alabama guard, accused murderer’s escape - al.com\ thebfdpodcast@gmail.comSOCIAL MEDIA: @thebfdpodcast
Sherrie Papini
01/05/2022 Duration: 53min MEDIA: @thebfdpodcastEMAIL:
Eric Smith
24/04/2022 Duration: 41min thebfdpodcast@gmail.comSOCIAL MEDIA: @thebfdpodcast
The 1976 Chowchilla Kidnappings
17/04/2022 Duration: 36min,_California,field%20trip%20at%20the%20Chowchilla%20fairgrounds%27%20swimming%20pool. MEDIA: @thebfdpodcastEMAIL:
The Turpin Family
10/04/2022 Duration: 50min Docs Detail ‘House of Horrors’ Kids’ Foster Care Nightmare, The Daily MailEMAIL: thebfdpodcast@gmail.comSOCIAL MEDIA: @thebfdpodcast
Melissa Lucio
04/04/2022 Duration: 41min, savemelissa.orgEMAIL: thebfdpodcast@gmail.comSOCIAL MEDIA: @thebfdpodcast
The Bad Vegan Backstory: Sarma Melngailis & Anthony Strangis AKA Shane Fox
27/03/2022 Duration: 44min thebfdpodcast@gmail.comSOCIAL MEDIA: @thebfdpodcast
JonBenet Ramsey
20/03/2022 Duration: 56minKilling of JonBenét Ramsey - WikipediaJonBenét: The Door The Cops Never OpenedWhy Subscribe to The Denver Post – The Denver Post EMAIL: thebfdpodcast@gmail.comSOCIAL MEDIA: @thebfdpodcast