Sunny Days In The Usa

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 38:41:30
  • More information



Welcome to my podcast, Sunny Days in the USA! With your host, Sunny. SunnyLove, Smile & Respect Email:


  • #12 If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It! 〜Disney World で夢を叶える〜

    06/10/2019 Duration: 31min

    Welcome to my podcast, Sunny Days in the USA! In this episode, I had Natsumi, who is my friend from HS study abroad, and interviewed her about her HS study abroad experience, double degrees in Japan and US, OPT internship at DISNEY WORLD and etc. なつみは私の高校留学の同期で、高校留学の自己紹介のときから、パンチの効いた自分を持った素敵な子でした。ディズニーで働くという夢を叶えた彼女をインタビューしました!Thank you so much for tuning in! Remember to smile, love and respect others <3 Please follow Natsumi on insta @sumi_atwdw  Please follow me on insta @sunnyharuka and @sunnydaysintheusa Email me with any questions and requests

  • #11 アメリカ大学4年間の振り返り!(5年生になります笑)

    24/08/2019 Duration: 36min

    Welcome to episode #11 on my podcast! This episode is in JAPANESE! 来週から大学5年生の秋学期が始まると言うことで、4年間の振り返りをしてみました!思う返すとこの4年間は早かったです!!!今年から大学5年生に。(落第はしていません笑) If you want to connect with me, please email me or DM me on insta @sunnyharuka <3 As always, please remember to love, smile and respect others! Thank you for listening!

  • #10: Do girls have to act dumb? & Racism is real...

    29/07/2019 Duration: 22min

    Welcome to y podcast! Thank you so much for checking it out. In this episode, I reacted to a video by Asian Boss titled "Are Japanese Girls Really Dumb?" ( Please go check this video out if you want to know the full context of what I talked about!  I also talked about what happened at my university towards immigrants. Even though this is not how majority of people think, it is important to be aware that some (maybe a few) people do not welcome immigrants, especially those unfortunately come into the U.S. illegally.  Link is from my university's website: All I want to say is to respect and love others and smile more. Please spread more positive vibes!!!  Thank you again for listening to my podcast. Contact me @sunnyharuka on insta or email :) Love <3

  • 日本のいい所!17年間住んでみて感じたこと。

    25/06/2019 Duration: 18min

    Welcome to my podcast! このエピソードでは、前回のアメリカでのいい所(英語バージョン)に引き続き、日本のいいところについて話しました。質問、コメント等ありましたら、 まで送ってください。インスタグラムは @sunnyharukaでフォローお願いします。 As always, remember to smile, respect and love others! Thank you for listening :) XOXO

  • Favorite things about living in the US!

    08/06/2019 Duration: 31min

    Welcome to my podcast: Sunny Days in the USA <3  In this episode 8, I talked about the fav things of living in the US. There were 8 things- related to college life and life in general. I will be talking about fav things about living in Japan, least fav things of living  in both the US and Japan as well! So watch out for those episodes as well!  If you have any questions, email me or message me @sunnyharuka on insta!  As always, remember to smile, love and respect <3 

  • #7 アメリカ大学夏休み&バイト事情!?

    30/05/2019 Duration: 12min

    Welcome to my podcast! Apologies for not uploading for a long time!  Ask me any question @ or @sunnyharuka on insta!  As always, don't forget to smile, love and respect :) <3

  • #6 When you are a "wanna be"!?

    31/03/2019 Duration: 23min

    Welcome to my podcast! In this episode, I talked about the reasons why you haven't taken steps towards your goals/dreams. I feel like it's always hard to start something new, but it's WORTH IT!!! If you are wanting to start something new but haven't because X, Y and Z, then you'll like episode!  As always, remember to smile, love and respect :)<3 If you have any question, comment, concern, complain (lol), email me at and DM me @sunnyharuka on insta :) Thank you so much for listening my episode <3

  • #5 頑張ることはかっこ悪い!?

    18/03/2019 Duration: 33min

    What's up you guys! Welcome to my episode #5! 今回は、頑張る・夢を語ることについて話しました!エピソードの最初の方で話した、ゆかりさんとミカさんのチャンネルはこちら→  Thank you so much for tuning in! As always, remember to love, smile and respect <3  Email me with any question/comment->> Follow me on Instagram ->> @sunnyharuka 

  • #4 Respecting yourself!?

    07/03/2019 Duration: 23min

    Welcome to episode 4! This episode is all in English! I talked about respecting yourself- which is important to people in all age groups. From now on, episodes with even numbers are in English, and odd numbers are in Japanese.  エピソード4は全部英語バージョンです。これからは偶数は英語、奇数は日本語というシステムにしたいと思います!As always, remeber to smile, respect and love! Thank you so much for listening <3 Questions and comments: 

  • #3 留学のMyth(ウソ)?

    04/03/2019 Duration: 12min

    What's up you guys!? Welcome to another episode of Sunny Days in the USA! このエピソードでは、留学をしようと思っている人々へ向けてのアドバイスについて話しました!少しきつい言い方かもしれませんが、留学したら自分の中で何が変わるのだろう?と言うことについて話しています。 As always remember to smile, respect and love! 質問、コメント等は下記のメールアドレスまで! Email: 

  • #2 アメリカの大学って??

    20/02/2019 Duration: 12min

    What's up guys! Welcome to another episode! 今回はアメリカの大学とは、学位の違い、学期制について、履修についてなどなど基礎知識をカバーしています。As always, remember to smile, love and respect! 

  • #1 Sunnyってだれ?!

    19/02/2019 Duration: 07min

    What's up guys! Welcome to my podcast, Sunny Days in the USA! エピソード1ではSunnyとは誰なのか、なんでpodcast?などベーシックなことをカバーしています。Remember love, smile and respect this week! Thank you for tuning in! 

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