So the big question is this:How are creative entrepreneurs like us, who dont have a huge brand or following, who are spending time away from friends and family to grow our businessHow do we use SEO in a way that gets our products, services, and things we believe in out to the world?That is the question and this project is the answer.
What is 100 Days of SEO?
03/03/2019 Duration: 10minSo the big question is this: How are creative entrepreneurs like us, who don’t have a huge brand or following, who are spending time away from friends and family to grow our business… How do we use SEO in a way that gets our products, services, and things we believe in out to the world? That is the question and this project is the answer. There are a lot of different ways to “learn” SEO. Watching YouTube videos Read blog posts Add “SEO” to your Twitter and Instagram bio Listen to podcasts Start an SEO blog etc.