Awakening Podcast Series

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 42:39:28
  • More information



The awakening is a podcast series that is based on the book Be Love: A Book About Awakening written by Ned Burwell that was published and released in May 2018.The Awakening Podcast series was created to give you the tools to live a more purposeful and peaceful life through the teachings of Ned Burwell, author of the book Be Love: A Book About Awakening.Host of the show is Seamus EvelyQuote reads by Viking M.Music for entire series was written, performed, and recorded by Etienne MasonMusic in Introduction by CO.AG Music


  • Ep. 10 Coming out of the spiritual closet

    11/07/2023 Duration: 12min

     Here is the next episode of our podcast. It's about coming out of the spiritual closet. Stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing you. Support the show

  • Ep. 9 Discernment on the Spiritual Path

    10/07/2023 Duration: 16min

    In this  episode we talk about discernment and how it relates to our spiritual path and our life.Support the show

  • Ep. 8 Patience and Kindness

    06/07/2023 Duration: 13min

    In this episode, we discuss the importance of reaching into patience and kindness. Being patient and kind is a choice that sometimes is not always easy to make. However, great rewards await us on the other side of that choice.Support the show

  • Ep. 7 Reducing the Noise of the Ego

    03/07/2023 Duration: 12min

    In this episode, Lisa and Ned talk about how to reduce the noise of our ego.Support the show

  • Ep. 6 Is time speeding up?

    29/06/2023 Duration: 13min

    This week's podcast topic is "Is time speeding up?" It seems to be a thing with everyone that I speak with. But is time speeding up? That is a great question to ponder. Science and psychology don't seem to have figured out what is causing this phenomenon quite yet. I feel the answer lies in understanding consciousness. The world has certainly had a shift in consciousness, and with that shift comes many changes that we are yet to understand fully. However, with consciousness on the rise, we can manifest our reality faster. When we have an idea, thought or strong feelings, they will show up much quicker today than we have ever experienced. We hope you enjoy this episode and would love to hear your thoughts on this topic.Support the show

  • Ep. 5: Becoming Un-Resistible

    26/06/2023 Duration: 16min

    This episode discusses resistance and how it blocks us from moving forward. When we move into resistance, we only attract more of what we don’t want, we miss the opportunity to hold our focus on what is purposeful to our lives. Everything that comes into our lives is a creation that we have drawn to us. If we are surrounded by creations that we are resisting, it’s time to evaluate what we have been holding our focus on versus pushing against what is coming to us. And if we continue to maintain focus on what we want, eventually, we move into an experience that we no longer want or need to resist.Support the show

  • Ep. 4: Transcending the shift in Consciousness

    23/06/2023 Duration: 14min

    Here is episode 4 of Let's Get REAL Podcast.  It is about the Shift in consciousness Lisa and I have experienced in the last while and the change that we have heard that others are going through.We talk about feeling a lack of motivation and a decline in interest in all the activities we used to enjoy. We have noticed in ourselves and others that friendships have recently fallen away, resulting in feeling uncomfortable letting people go. We might suddenly find ourselves not wanting to spend time with a friend or family member we used to get along with. In this experience, it doesn’t make the other a bad person. It’s just that with our change in consciousness, we have lost the common ground we once shared.Support the show

  • Episode 3. Overcoming Addiction

    21/06/2023 Duration: 22min

    In this episode Lisa shares how she was able to overcome a 25 year addiction. Her addiction started with a childhood injury and it progressed when she became sick with crohn's disease. Even after she was no longer suffering pain from her disease, her addiction continued to haunt her for most of her adult life. Now almost 10 years later Lisa is addiction free and is celebrating being 10 years empowered. She is the most incredible person I have ever met and I'm so honoured to walk my path along side her.Support the show

  • Episode 2: Approval vs Our Souls Truth

    20/06/2023 Duration: 16min

    In this episode we share our experience about listening to our souls truth versus seeking approval from others. The distinct difference between Approval vs our souls truth - if we are seeking approval,  we look outward and listen to the voices in our heads. However, when we are listening and living our souls truth, we look inward and listen to the silence within.Support the show

  • Let's get REAL: podcast series ep. 1: Following your Heart

    15/06/2023 Duration: 05min

    How to follow your heart versus your mindSupport the show

  • Session Fourteen – After the Awakening

    24/08/2021 Duration: 52min

    This is a series created from the book “Be Love: A Book About Awakening” authored by Ned Burwell. This series is a guide for people who are seeking a life of purpose and peace told through the life experiences of Ned Burwell. The material is told through a variety of concepts, practices, anecdotes, and experiences. Hosted by Seamus EvelyThe Awakening Podcast series was created to give you the tools to live a more purposeful and peaceful life through the teachings of Ned Burwell, author of the book “Be Love: A Book About Awakening”.Session Fourteen – After the Awakening: At the end of the series we recap about what an awakening is and what life CAN be like. Work towards being love. Put love into your life and everything around it. Don’t live in torment by your past and be brave and accepting of your future. Life is a wonderful gift.Artwork to support this chapter the show

  • Session Thirteen – Free Will vs Willingness

    23/08/2021 Duration: 37min

    This is a series created from the book “Be Love: A Book About Awakening” authored by Ned Burwell. This series is a guide for people who are seeking a life of purpose and peace told through the life experiences of Ned Burwell. The material is told through a variety of concepts, practices, anecdotes, and experiences. Hosted by Seamus EvelyThe Awakening Podcast series was created to give you the tools to live a more purposeful and peaceful life through the teachings of Ned Burwell, author of the book “Be Love: A Book About Awakening”.Session Thirteen – Free Will vs Willingness: So by the end of this series you may begin to feel the gravity of this series and how your life can be changed. There really is only one thing left to understand and that is whether are willing to surrender the will of your mind and accept the will of your soul. You may feel like there is a new you after hearing these sessions in quick succession but guess what? The old you is standing directly beside you with enough momentum to take over

  • Session Twelve – The Creative Side of the Soul

    22/08/2021 Duration: 01h20min

    This is a series created from the book “Be Love: A Book About Awakening” authored by Ned Burwell. This series is a guide for people who are seeking a life of purpose and peace told through the life experiences of Ned Burwell. The material is told through a variety of concepts, practices, anecdotes, and experiences. Hosted by Seamus EvelyThe Awakening Podcast series was created to give you the tools to live a more purposeful and peaceful life through the teachings of Ned Burwell, author of the book “Be Love: A Book About Awakening”.Session Twelve – The Creative Side of the Soul: Both Ned and I feel that this is one of the more far-reaching and compelling episodes of the series. Ned discusses his concepts on creation and how it works according to what he believes. I would definitely try to maintain an open mind with this because chances are, your mind will have a difficult time trying to comprehend some of this. Whether you choose to believe what is said or not, it is incredibly interesting what Ned has to say

  • Session Eleven – Meditation

    19/08/2021 Duration: 37min

    This is a series created from the book “Be Love: A Book About Awakening” authored by Ned Burwell. This series is a guide for people who are seeking a life of purpose and peace told through the life experiences of Ned Burwell. The material is told through a variety of concepts, practices, anecdotes, and experiences. Hosted by Seamus EvelyThe Awakening Podcast series was created to give you the tools to live a more purposeful and peaceful life through the teachings of Ned Burwell, author of the book “Be Love: A Book About Awakening”.Session Eleven – Meditation: Is it a practice or a study? How do we meditate? What are the benefits to it? Can anyone do it? Is it even real? These are all very valid questions that I know I had about meditation, mainly because I have heard so much about it and never spent much time with it. Ned has a great deal of experience with mediation and gives us some great tools to begin practicing meditation and he also dispels many things that are misunderstood with the practice.Tools for

  • Session Ten – Unity

    16/08/2021 Duration: 01h46min

    This is a series created from the book “Be Love: A Book About Awakening” authored by Ned Burwell. This series is a guide for people who are seeking a life of purpose and peace told through the life experiences of Ned Burwell. The material is told through a variety of concepts, practices, anecdotes, and experiences. Hosted by Seamus EvelyThe Awakening Podcast series was created to give you the tools to live a more purposeful and peaceful life through the teachings of Ned Burwell, author of the book “Be Love: A Book About Awakening”.Session Ten – Unity: This is the longest episode in the series and the most story-filled from the life experiences of Ned Burwell. Some of the things we discuss are how people often look to see themselves in other people and this is one of the most common things that unifies us to others. We also look at how people should try to look closely at the qualities in others that they value, striking up conversations in person, and living more in the world rather than on social media. Ther

  • Session Nine – Finding Our Purpose

    02/08/2021 Duration: 52min

    This is a series created from the book “Be Love: A Book About Awakening” authored by Ned Burwell. This series is a guide for people who are seeking a life of purpose and peace told through the life experiences of Ned Burwell. The material is told through a variety of concepts, practices, anecdotes, and experiences. Hosted by Seamus EvelyThe Awakening Podcast series was created to give you the tools to live a more purposeful and peaceful life through the teachings of Ned Burwell, author of the book “Be Love: A Book About Awakening”.Session Nine – Finding Our Purpose: Have you ever thought to yourself whether you are truly living a life that is purposefully yours? Are you using your heart to guide your decision making for what is right for you? Do you ever hold yourself to old standards in how you used to be rather than what you can become? Instead of saying “I can’t” say “I will” and watch your world begin to change. eTools for Session 9Ask yourself: “What is my purpose?” Write down the things that come to min

  • Session Eight – Letting Go

    29/07/2021 Duration: 01h17min

    This is a series created from the book “Be Love: A Book About Awakening” authored by Ned Burwell. This series is a guide for people who are seeking a life of purpose and peace told through the life experiences of Ned Burwell. The material is told through a variety of concepts, practices, anecdotes, and experiences. Hosted by Seamus EvelyThe Awakening Podcast series was created to give you the tools to live a more purposeful and peaceful life through the teachings of Ned Burwell, author of the book “Be Love: A Book About Awakening”.This is a series created from the book “Be Love: A Book About Awakening” authored by Ned Burwell. This series is a guide for people who are seeking a life of purpose and peace told through the life experiences of Ned Burwell. The material is told through a variety of concepts, practices, anecdotes, and experiences. Hosted by Seamus EvelyThe Awakening Podcast series was created to give you the tools to live a more purposeful and peaceful life through the teachings of Ned Burwell, aut

  • Session Seven – Relationships

    26/07/2021 Duration: 01h05min

    This is a series created from the book “Be Love: A Book About Awakening” authored by Ned Burwell. This series is a guide for people who are seeking a life of purpose and peace told through the life experiences of Ned Burwell. The material is told through a variety of concepts, practices, anecdotes, and experiences. Hosted by Seamus EvelyThe Awakening Podcast series was created to give you the tools to live a more purposeful and peaceful life through the teachings of Ned Burwell, author of the book “Be Love: A Book About Awakening”.Session Seven – Relationships: Without question, this two-part section of the series will change your outlook on how to operate within the relationship you have with others, but more importantly how you look at the relationship that you have with yourself. You cannot possibly love another until you love yourself, and so with that being said the first part to this session deals more with having a loving relationship with yourself. The second part of this session is about how you then

  • Session Six – Relationships

    21/07/2021 Duration: 01h16min

    This is a series created from the book “Be Love: A Book About Awakening” authored by Ned Burwell. This series is a guide for people who are seeking a life of purpose and peace told through the life experiences of Ned Burwell. The material is told through a variety of concepts, practices, anecdotes, and experiences. Hosted by Seamus EvelyThe Awakening Podcast series was created to give you the tools to live a more purposeful and peaceful life through the teachings of Ned Burwell, author of the book “Be Love: A Book About Awakening”.Session Six – Relationships: Without question, this two-part section of the series will change your outlook on how to operate within the relationship you have with others, but more importantly how you look at the relationship that you have with yourself. You cannot possibly love another until you love yourself, and so with that being said the first part to this session deals more with having a loving relationship with yourself. The second part of this session is about how you then m

  • Session Five – Awakening To The Moment

    18/07/2021 Duration: 01h12min

    This is a series created from the book “Be Love: A Book About Awakening” authored by Ned Burwell. This series is a guide for people who are seeking a life of purpose and peace told through the life experiences of Ned Burwell. The material is told through a variety of concepts, practices, anecdotes, and experiences. Hosted by Seamus EvelyThe Awakening Podcast series was created to give you the tools to live a more purposeful and peaceful life through the teachings of Ned Burwell, author of the book “Be Love: A Book About Awakening”.Session Five – Awakening To The Moment: If we spend more time in our minds being distracted from the moment we are in, how much of life are you actually experiencing? It is absolutely essential that we live in the moment that we are in. This is the only way that we have the opportunity to experience life the way it was meant to unfold.Tools for Session 5How dedicated can you be to the moment? Over the next few days, stay very aware of everything that is happening around you. Try to

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