A journey through the periodic table of elements with chemistry professor Allan Blackman, from AUT, and Alison Ballance
Carbon - life & times of the 'king of elements'
18/04/2019 Duration: 11minCarbon underpins life as we know it, fuels our world and gets its own branch of chemistry, according to AUT professor Allan Blackman, in ep 18 of Elemental.
Calcium - strength and beauty
14/04/2019 Duration: 09minCalcium creates objects that are strong and beautiful, from caves, to teeth and bones, and coral reefs. Find out more in ep 17 of Elemental, with Allan Blackman from AUT.
Caesium - the time-keeper
11/04/2019 Duration: 11minA second, the basic unit of time, is defined by caesium, which is also useful for dating things. Find out more about caesium's role as a timekeeper, in ep 16 of Elemental with Allan Blackman from AUT.
Cadmium - colour and quantum dots
07/04/2019 Duration: 08minCadmium has featured in red traffic lights, rechargeable batteries and now has a role in quantum dots, according to Allan Blackman, from AUT, in ep 15 of Elemental.
Bromine - the colour purple and poison gas
04/04/2019 Duration: 09minThe story of bromine is one of the color purple, the Dead Sea and an early poison gas used in the First World War, says Allan Blackman from AUT, in ep 14 of Elemental.
Boron - made by cosmic rays, useful in the kitchen
31/03/2019 Duration: 07minMade by cosmic rays and supernovae, used in ovenproof cookware, and a key ingredient in the strongest acid ever made. Allan Blackman from AUT explores boron in ep 13 of Elemental.
Bismuth - an unusual heavy metal
28/03/2019 Duration: 10minBismuth is a heavy metal that expands when frozen, and can be used to levitate trains and soothe upset guts, as Allan Blackman from AUT explains in episode 12 of Elemental.
Beryllium - sweet and precious, but deadly
24/03/2019 Duration: 05minYou'll find beryllium in precious jewels and a space telescope mirror, but just don't inhale the dust - all in episode 11 of Elemental, with AUT's Professor Allan Blackman.
Berkelium and the synthetic heavyweights
21/03/2019 Duration: 12minThe heaviest elements on the periodic table have only ever existed fleetingly in the lab, so Allan Blackman from AUT has grouped them all together in episode 10 of Elemental.
Barium - never found on its own
18/03/2019 Duration: 09minBarium is never found on its own in nature, as it loves buddying up - but a version of it is found in hospitals. Allan Blackman from AUT reveals barium's secrets in episode 9 of Elemental.
Astatine - awfully rare
14/03/2019 Duration: 08minNo one has ever seen astatine, which shares the distinction of being one of the rarest naturally-occurring elements on earth. Find out more with Allan Blackman from AUT in episode 8 of Elemental.
Arsenic - the well-known poison
10/03/2019 Duration: 07minArsenic is a well-known killer that was once dubbed 'succession powder'. Join Allan Blackman from AUT in episode 7 of Elemental, a journey through the periodic table.
Argon - every breath you take
07/03/2019 Duration: 07minArgon is in every breath you take and its inertness is its best feature, as we discover with AUT chemistry professor Allan Blackman, in episode 5 of Elemental.
Antimony - takes lives, saves lives
03/03/2019 Duration: 08minAntimony can be used to take lives - and to save lives. Check out episode 4 of Elemental with Professor Allan Blackman from AUT.
Americium - a radioactive, domestic do-gooder
27/02/2019 Duration: 07minInvented during war, radioactive americium has become a bit of a do-gooder that is in most homes. Find out more with AUT's Allan Blackman in episode 3 of Elemental.
Aluminium - light & versatile
24/02/2019 Duration: 06minAluminium is a light, well-known metal with lots of useful properties. Join AUT chemistry professor Allan Blackman for episode 2 of Elemental.
Actinium - rare & radioactive
21/02/2019 Duration: 06minThe first alphabetical element in the periodic table is actinium. It is a heavy radioactive element, as we discover in episode 1 of Elemental, with Professor Allan Blackman from AUT.
Tales from the periodic table
19/02/2019 Duration: 10minIn the prequel to Elemental, AUT's Allan Blackman introduces us to Dmitri Mendeleev and chemistry's periodic table of elements.