Icebreakers with Liam Rice is a "weekly" variety podcast about student affairs and all things tangentially related to higher education. Its college admissions officer described it as "a bit too brash for our institution."
6: Job Search SZN with Roatha Kong
11/03/2019 Duration: 38minWhich would you pick: Student Activities or Academic Advising? Roatha Kong (Boston College) joins "Icebreakers" to talk about the job search process, open offices, fantasy draft our top functional areas to create our own colleges. Be sure to rate "Icebreakers with Liam Rice" 5-stars on Apple Podcasts. Leave a question for a chance for it to be read on air. Want to contact Liam? Email: Twitter: @liam_what Instagram: @asideofwhiterice
5: College Bangers with Abby Pieger
04/03/2019 Duration: 58minSocks or sandals? Abby Pieger (WIT/Tufts/NU) joins "Icebreakers" to talk about summer internships, student unions, and help decide the best college party song from the past 17 years. Be sure to rate "Icebreakers with Liam Rice" 5-stars on Apple Podcasts. Leave a question for a chance for it to be read on air. Want to contact Liam? Email: Twitter: @liam_what Instagram: @asideofwhiterice
4: FUNctional Areas with Linda Ayrapetov
25/02/2019 Duration: 47minBuckle up for a bizarre ride! Linda Ayrapetov (Northeastern University) is back to chat about procrastination, types of cheese, and decide what TV sitcom characters would lead what student affairs functional areas. Recorded directly after a night class for graduate school, it's a loopy episode. Sorry! Leave a NICE review for the podcast or share it out on social media and we'll shout you out on an episode! Want to contact Liam? Email: Twitter: @liam_what Instagram: @asideofwhiterice
3: Boo Hoo the Bear with Carli Fink
18/02/2019 Duration: 40minIcebreakers goes global! Liam chats with Carli Fink, a student affairs professional from Canada. They discuss the differences between higher ed systems, the wild story out of U Idaho, and play "Add/Drop!" Leave a NICE review for the podcast or share it on social media and we'll answer your questions on air next episode! Want to contact Liam? Email: Twitter: @liam_what Instagram: @asideofwhiterice
1: FMK: College Mascots with Linda Ayrapetov
03/02/2019 Duration: 36minLiam chats with Northeastern University's Linda Ayrapetov for a hilarious episode, ranging from college parties gone wrong to heartwarming college advising stories. Liam and Linda play Fuck, Marry, Kill: College Mascots Edition, and Linda learns the mascot for Rhode Island School of Design. Want to contact Liam? Email him at, message him on Instagram @asideofwhiterice, or tweet at him @liam_what.