I want to help small business owners and solopreneurs take the overwhelm out of DIY online marketing without breaking the bank. Find out more at
How to Make a Genuine Connection on Facebook
08/04/2019 Duration: 20minYour Facebook engagement depends on more than just posting to your Facebook business page. It requires making a true connection with your followers. Use these specific strategies to increase your Facebook engagement rate by the end of the week. Listen to my Facebook Live session about getting real with your followers and increasing Facebook engagement.
My Content Planning Tools and Process
03/03/2019 Duration: 21minThis is the audio recording of a video tutorial I did that shows you how I use Trello and Google Calendar to plan content. You might want to watch the content planning video on YouTube to follow along. However, if you're familiar with Trello and Google Calendar, the podcast might suffice.
Creative Facebook Marketing Strategies
01/03/2019 Duration: 31minIt can be really frustrating trying to get your message out on Facebook. Your business page just doesn't get the exposure it used to. I've got creative Facebook marketing strategy that covers all the nooks and crannies you can use to promote your business. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a single podcast episode!
5 Simple Ways Social Media Can Increase Your Profits
21/02/2019 Duration: 23minThis week I'm sharing insights from my free guide: 5 Simple Ways Social Media Can Increase Your Profits. My guide clears a path between you and your customer by showing you how to increase profits using 5 different social media strategies. Find out where to find your potential customers and how to reach them. Download the free guide at
11 Winning Ideas for Increasing Website Traffic
12/02/2019 Duration: 28minIn this week's podcast, I'll be sharing 11 ideas for increasing your website traffic. And SEO isn't one of them. Use these 11 tried and true strategies for getting more pageviews on your website. I know what it's like to publish and only get crickets! These strategies helped my double my traffic in a year, then double again. Be sure to visit the blog post and download your freebie!
Blogging Tools That Will Help You Save Time
01/02/2019 Duration: 41minToday's episode focuses on how to cut down your blogging time. I've got a long list of tools that you can use during your blog process that will save you time. Each of these websites, apps and guides will save time in different areas of your blogging, as well as in your business in general. Anyone can use these, from graphics, to email services, to WordPress plugins. Go to for links and more information.
8 Ingredients to Cook Up an Engaging Blog Post
25/01/2019 Duration: 41minToday I'm walking you through the 8 ingredients you need to cook up an extra engaging blog post that also includes some spicy SEO. You can also go to to download the free template that includes outlines for 5 different kinds of blog posts. The DIY Online Marketing podcast is all about helping budget-minded small business owners take the overwhelm out of DIYing their online marketing without breaking the bank.
5 Stages of Writing a High-Ranking Blog Post That Will Win You Super Fans
18/01/2019 Duration: 26minLet's walk, step by step, through the blogging process. From researching keyword phrases to writing the blog post and then promoting it, we'll cover all the stages that you must hit when you're writing a blog post. We'll break it down into easy to follow instructions. Plus, if you visit the blog post at you can download the free workbook that goes with this podcast.
5 Reasons Your Business Needs a Blog
12/01/2019 Duration: 20minHey, guys! This is the inaugural podcast of DIY Online Marketing with Nancy Basile. I'm so glad you're here! Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes. (I'm planning some bonus episodes for subscribers only down the road.) This week I'm talking about why your business needs a blog, and -- SPOILER ALRET! -- a website is NOT a blog. You can use your blog to grow your business. Let me tell you how in this podcast. This podcast is actually the audio track from this week's Facebook Live session. You can visit to watch the playback of the live video. You can also join me live next week at noon (Eastern) on my Facebook Page for the next session. Finally, I'd love it if you left an honest review of the podcast. That will help other small business owners and solopreneurs find it. And if you have any questions or feedback, you can find me at Have a great week!