Salem Baptist Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 114:19:47
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Welcome to the Salem Baptist Church podcast! Salem exists to glorify God, make disciples, and share His story. This podcast features weekly messages from Pastor Jeff Beckett and others on our pastoral staff. Connect with us today on Facebook, Twitter, and at


  • The Valley of Baka


    Psalm 84 is one of the truly beloved prayer Psalms, or sometimes called a “lament,” though it is also full of praise and wisdom. But what makes the Psalm so beloved is its subject matter. The Psalm is about the journey every spiritual pilgrim must make through the “Valley of Baka.” There is no known place as the Valley of Baka in Israel, rather the word Baka means weeping or affliction. As we journey through life’s trials in the valley, we long for God’s presence, and refreshing power.

  • Hard of Hearing


    Psalm 81 is an awesome Psalm of Praise. It is an invitation to God’s people to get fired up about their mighty God! The faithful should make some noise, but not the kind of noise we often make, complaints and demands, but instead the sounds of gratitude and worship! How can we be silent in light of His mercies? Yet, Psalm 81 is an indictment against us … not only are we silent about God’s goodness, we are “deaf” to His words. Ultimately Psalm 81 is a divine plea for us to listen to God’s steady, loving direction.

  • A Word for the Coming Generation


    Psalm 78 is an incredible “Historical Psalm,” in the category of the wisdom Psalms, Psalm 78 is the longest of these psalms and in fact one of the longest “chapters” in the Bible. Imagine how long of a song this would have been … The need for a lengthy message is understandable though, since the ancient song is an attempt to help current and future generations learn from the mistake of previous generations. Psalm 78 is a powerful indictment against unbelief.

  • Court is in Session


    Psalm 75 examines a really interesting topic: Justice. It seems like no matter what we try, man is not able or willing to offer justice to man. But it turns out that there is a Higher Court, beyond man’s corruption and failed wisdom… a court ruled by a righteous Judge, who is the Lord God Almighty. Psalm 75 is a bold declaration that God will in the time and manner of HIS choosing, make all things right. And the best way for us to respond to that is to battle our tendency toward pride, and submit to His steady reign and authority!

  • A Prayer for the Nations


    Psalm 67 is one of the most amazing evangelistic prayers in the Bible. It is usually referred to as a Psalm of blessing. It is a heartfelt plea to God for grace, and an “all in” call to God’s people to spread the Word of God’s goodness.

  • Our Great God!


    Psalm 66 is a bold proclamation of God’s life giving greatness. Like a herald who used to precede ancient kings with all sorts of hyperbole … like a publicist throwing out hype and bluster … Psalm 66 is a loud call to worship the God of Life! The ancient Greek church used readings from Psalm 66 on Easter as a resurrection Psalm focused on God’s call to life for all, graciously including the Gentiles too. Because God is great, we live under the obligation to proclaim Him constantly.

  • Paying God What You Owe Him


    Psalm 65 is beautiful, poetic and powerful. It is full of imagery about nature and subtle reminders that the same God who knows how to keeps worlds sustained and fruitful can certainly provide for you! If it really is God who is keeping the earth rotating and the rivers flowing and the crops growing … then what would you owe a God like that? It would be better to ask, what wouldn’t you owe a God like that! Today would you consider offering God the praise due Him?

  • Your Love is Better Than Life


    God loves you! Just let those words filter through the deepest parts of your mind! Since God loves you, imagine the implications of that truth. Your life has purpose and value! Your worship and praise should flow with a laser focus. You will never be truly alone or forsaken. And your life has immeasurable value, because you are a prized possession, a living soul bearing God’s image. These and many other blessings are the result of God’s great love for you!

  • Never Shaken: A Soul at Rest


    Psalm 62 is a Psalm of David, and a wisdom Psalm … designed to teach us something valuable about God as we sing over its lyrics. In this case the lesson is clear, we can find true peace and rest in God, all the way to the depths of our soul. But that level of unshakeable peace does not come without certain bedrock beliefs and faithful actions on your part.

  • The Rock That is Higher Than I


    This beautiful short Psalm of David is about hope and faith in crisis, but on the deeper level it is really about the sovereignty of God. David, a king when he wrote this song, is requesting that the true King of Kings would offer him refuge in his troubles, answers in his confusion, and perspective in his duties as king. When we realize that in God we have a rock higher than ourselves, then we are ready to try the unthinkable … to trust God with our future, more than we trust our wisdom or our flesh.

  • Exaltations from a Cave


    Today’s inspiring Psalm 57 is set in a terrifying time in David’s life. He has taken refuge in a cave, on the run from his enemy, then, suddenly his enemy is camped outside the cave. God transformed the moment of terror into a tale of valor and triumph, proving once more to David that God’s love is mighty and His promises sure. If we navigate the cave obediently, God will bring us out into the open for His ultimate glory!

  • Have Mercy


    Some Psalms transcend their place in the book, achieving a level of inspiration and affection that sets them apart: Psalm 1, Psalm 23, Psalm 100, Psalm 139, for example. Psalm 51 is among these ancient songs that transcend. The setting of the Psalm is the aftermath of David’s biggest moral failure, his sin with Bathsheba, and the resulting cover-up and tragic outcome. As his world crumbled around him David enters a time of repentance, and Psalm 51 is the song issuing forth. It is painful and powerful and just what we need to hear!

  • Counting the Ways We Get in the Way of Our Worship


    Today we are looking at a majestic Psalm. A Psalm of Asaph, who was one of David’s primary musicians. The majority of the Psalm is in the “voice” of God Himself, and the subject of the Psalm is worship. So if God wrote a song about our worship habits, Psalm 50 is probably what it would look like. Psalm 50 describes a number of ways that we allow our flesh to get in the way of our worship, tendencies that we still struggle against today. Today’s message is meant to encourage us toward a real and vibrant worship life before God.

  • Live Like You Were Dying


    Psalm 49 is a bit of an obscure wisdom Psalm. It is not particularly famous, and not many songs or great poems have been inspired by its words. But the basic truths of Psalm 49 are as necessary for us as air to breath and water to drink. We have only this one short mortal life to prepare for what comes next. We can prepare wisely, or we can prepare foolishly, or we can fail to prepare all together. Your choice… so make a good one.

  • A Mighty Fortress is Our God


    Psalm 46 is more famous than most, and a favorite for many. This beautiful little wisdom Psalm is transcendent in scope. It reaches down through the ages with truth and assurance that every generation needs to hear. First, it thrills us, because it is an awe-inspiring declaration of the ever-present help of God! Second, it also served as Martin Luther’s inspiration for the amazing “hymn of the Reformation,” A Mighty Fortress is Our God. Today, God invites us into His “city,” to take refuge and find joy. Come and bask in the safety and delight of being an inhabitant of the mighty fortress of God. A fortress not built by human hands, but built by the power of God and inhabited by the faith of His people! Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia!

  • A Lament for the Heavy Hearted


    The Psalmist offers one of the most personal and painful songs in the entire book. Psalm 42 is not really a prayer, but it is more like reading someone’s journal when they are going through a hard time. Yet, in the midst of the tears there is so much truth that we can benefit from! When your heart is heavy, turn your longings heavenward!

  • The Lifter of My Head


    Psalm 3 is a deep visceral cry of pain. David writes the Psalm in the midst of one of the greatest crises of his life. In David’s brokenness and pain over Absalom’s rebellion it is clear that there are a few things David knows about God that will sustain him through this trial… things that will also preserve you today, no matter what you are facing!

  • Kiss the Son


    Psalm 2 is amazing and majestic as you would expect. But, what you might not expect from a Psalm is also true… It is prophetic! Often referred to as a royal psalm, it may have been used to help coronate a new king or may have been written after Nathan affirmed God’s covenant with David. But ultimately Psalm 2 points to Jesus in powerful ways that made it one of the most quoted psalms in the New Testament. Today, for our purpose, it reminds us that no matter what turmoil rages in our world, God is in control. He has a redemptive plan for the people who will embrace His Son!

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