Rights On The Line

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 28:12:08
  • More information



Front Line Defenders is an international human rights organization based in Ireland working exclusively for the security and protection of human rights defenders at risk. Rights on the Line is produced in-house by Front Line Defenders, presenting the voices and perspectives of human rights defenders (HRDs) and focused on human rights issues across the globe. Tune in for an unfiltered and unique view of what it is like to defend and advance human rights in some of the most challenging and risky countries, environments and contexts.


  • BULLETIN: Military violence in #ZimElection2018 fallout

    03/08/2018 Duration: 03min

    Front Line Defenders boardmember Arnold Tsunga speaks from Mozambique today, to give update on the situation in Zimbabwe following Monday's presidential election. Six people have been killed by police who fired at protestors with live rounds, tear gas and water cannons. In addition to the violent response to demonstrations, there are reports of the military preemptively targeting Human Rights Defenders to prevent dissent.

  • BULLETIN: Election day in Zimbabwe

    30/07/2018 Duration: 03min

    Today, Rights on the Line brings you a brief bulletin on the current election in Zimbabwe. Front Line Defenders Boardmember, Africa Director of the International Commission of Jurists and Executive Director of Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights, Arnold Tsunga, has returned to Zimbabwe to participate in today’s federal election. Arnold, who is part of a team conducting election monitoring, spoke with Rights on the Line from a polling station in Mutare earlier today to update us on how election day is going.

  • #StopTheKillings The targeting of HRDS

    22/06/2018 Duration: 31min

    On 20 June, at an event alongside the United Nations Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva, Front Line Defenders released a report on the killings of HRDs wordlwide. Focusing on the six countries with the highest number of killings, and by that we mean targeted attacks, assassinations, extrajudicial killing by the state or authorities. To bring you additional insight into this issue, Rights on the Line spoke to human rights defenders from Mexico, the Philippines and Brazil, three of the six countries profiled in the report.

  • Interview with an HRD: Shawan Jabarin

    18/06/2018 Duration: 11min

    While in town to meet with legislators on the potential Occupied Territories Bill, Palestinian human rights defender Shawan Jabarin sat down with Rights on the Line to discuss his work defending human rights in Palestine as well as responsibility of the international community to intervene and advocate on behalf of those subject to actions that violate international human rights law.

  • #IDAHOTB2018: Defending LGBT Rights in Algeria, Kenya and Turkey

    17/05/2018 Duration: 35min

    #LGBTRights On the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, Rights on the Line brings you three interviews with three LGBTI rights defenders. Listen to hear them speak about the work they do, the consequences they face for their advocacy and the unique challenges LGBTI defenders face within the human rights movement. Tune in to hear from: Anouar Rahmani, independent novelist and LGBT rights defender in Algeria Blessol Gathoni, LGBT activist and community organizer working in Kenya Yildiz Tar, the Media and Communications Officer for Turkish LGBT organization Kaos GL

  • #Nakba70: Human rights in Palestine

    15/05/2018 Duration: 47min

    On the 70th anniversary of the creation of the state of Israel, known as al Nakba, or the catatrsophe, as it resulted in the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian people. Today marks 70 years of the existence of this state and it’s apartheid regime that routinely violates the human rights of Palestinian people, international law and United Nations conventions. To mark this day, Rights on the Line brings you three interviews with advocates of human rights in Palestine: Sahar Francis the Director of Adammeer, a prisoner’s rights organization Jamal Juma, Coordinator of the Stop the Wall campaign Omar Barghouti, the co-founder of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement

  • Investing In Environmental Rights

    23/04/2018 Duration: 22min

    On this episode of Rights on the Line, we’ll be discussing some of the risks faced by environmental rights defenders advocating against large-scale development projects. We'll hear from two HRDs, Francisco Simon Francisco of Guatemala and Nelson La Madrid in Bolivia. We also spoke to Front Line Defenders' Head of Protection Ed O'Donovan and HRD Visibility Coordinator Maria San Martin.

  • International Women’s Day 2018: Spotlight on WHRDs

    08/03/2018 Duration: 45min

    For International Women’s Day, we’re handing the mic over to a few of many WHRDs who work every day of the year for their own rights and the rights of their communities. Tune in to hear these WHRDs speak about their work as human rights defenders: Ruth Komuntale #Uganda #LandRights Graciela Pérez Rodriguez #Mexico #Impunity Emel Kurma #Turkey #Civil&Political Rights Sindy Joyce #Ireland #IndigenousRights Tasneem Ahmed Taha Zaki #Sudan #WomensRights Kimsor Lim #Cambodia #EnvironemntalRights Hauwa Haruna #Nigeria #WomensRights #RightToEducation Hannah Vu #Vietnam #EnvironmentalRights Today is #InternationalWomensDay but these women are advocating for human rights all year round. Listen to hear about their work and the human rights violation their communitites are facing.

  • Valentine’s Day with Raull Santiago: Caring for yourself, caring for your community(English)

    16/02/2018 Duration: 20min

    Valentine’s Day. Self Care. Duty of Care. Human rights. How do these these connect? Listen to the debut episode of Rights on the Line, produced by Front Line Defenders, to hear about award-winning Brazilian human rights defender Raull Santiago’s work in Rio de Janeiro’s favelas, how it impacts his family life and his experience on Front Line Defenders Rest & Respite program. Raull Santiago is a human rights defender from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In March 2014, he co-founded the collective Papo Reto (Straight Talk), a group of citizen journalists documenting life in the Complexo do Alemão favela. The group draws attention to what is happening in Alemão, highlighting the cases of police violence and other human rights abuses, which tend to be ignored by mainstream media. Their slogan is: Nós por Nós (Us for Us), as the content they share is produced by residents living in the favela and dedicated to them. Music: Water Lillies by Density & Time

  • Valentine’s Day with Raull Santiago: Caring for yourself, caring for your community(Portuguese)

    15/02/2018 Duration: 33min

    Valentine’s Day. Self Care. Duty of Care. Human rights. How do these these connect? Listen this Friday to the debut episode of Rights on the Line, produced by Front Line Defenders, to hear about award-winning Brazilian human rights defender Raull Santiago’s work in Rio de Janeiro’s favelas, how it impacts his family life and his experience on Front Line Defenders Rest & Respite program.

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    30/09/2013 Duration: 01min


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