Each week we take a look at what's hot in the world of Science.
Naked Scientists NewsFLASH 17.08.09 - Fire, Nanobees, Expression and Imitation
14/08/2009 Duration: 13minOn this week's newsflash, we hear how tiny spherical 'nanobees' can be used to treat cancer, how humans were using fire to make tools long before we realised, and how the language of facial expression varies between cultures. Plus, we find out how to make friends with a monkey...
Naked Scientists NewsFLASH 10.08.09 - Malaria, Orchids, Hornets and Coral
11/08/2009 Duration: 18minOn this week's newsflash, we hear how the malaria parasite fools the foetal immune system, how orchids mimic bees to take advantage of hornets, and how a chemical from corals could treat neuropathic pain. Plus, we look back to this week in science history, and the first synthesis of Aspirin.
Naked Scientists NewsFLASH 03.08.09 - Shrimp Diesel and the Regularity of Raindrops
04/08/2009 Duration: 18minThis week, we hear how shrimp shells could catalyse biodiesel production, the physics behind regular raindrops and how blue food colouring could reduce the damage following spinal injury. Plus, science minister Lord Drayson explains why science is important at the opening of the Babraham Institute's new Bioscience Support Unit.
Naked Scientists NewsFLASH 27.07.09 - Pandas in Peril
27/07/2009 Duration: 22minOn this week's NewsFlash, we find out why an earthquake has put Giant Pandas in peril and how our lungs, and not just our tongues, can taste. Plus, the link between diabetes and the immune system, and Sarah Castor Perry takes us back to this week in Science History, and the death of nuclear chemist Otto Hahn.
Naked Scientists NewsFLASH 20.07.09 - Faster Jockeys and the Future of Journals
20/07/2009 Duration: 17minOn this NewsFlash, we hear how learning about a reward is a reward in itself and how a jockey's stance can shave seconds from a race. Also, how cats manipulate their owners through purring and the future of reading science online!
Naked Scientists NewsFLASH 13.07.09 - How the Turtle Got its Shell
16/07/2009 Duration: 24minOn this weeks Newsflash we hear how the development of salt-tolerant GM crops could help to feed the world and how branching blood vessels could stop you getting the best from statins. Also how the turtle got it's shell and Darwin meets hip hop in the rap guide to evolution. Plus we look back to 1867 and the first explosive demonstration of dynamite...
Naked Scientists NewsFLASH 06.07.09 - Flea Fighting Fungi & Stress with Balloons
16/07/2009 Duration: 25minIn this Naked Scientists NewsFlash, we find out how to fight Fido's fleas with a fungus and why stressed men take more risks but stressed women take fewer. Plus, the dangers of quiet cars and how to predict if hepatitis B will lead to liver cancer.
Naked Scientists NewsFLASH 29.06.09 - Margaret Thatcher and the Evolution of Face Recognition
15/07/2009 Duration: 22minOn this week's News Flash, we find out what Margaret Thatcher's face can tell us how monkeys recognize each other, what sharks have in common with serial killers and why dolphins are a bit like jet fighters. Plus, we look back to this Week in Science History...
Naked Scientists NewsFLASH 22.06.09 - Sneaky Snakes and Scholarly Sticklebacks
25/06/2009 Duration: 22minOn this NewsFlash, we find out how sneaky Tentacled snakes catch fish through cunning, how pieces of RNA could switch off cancer, and how schools of sticklebacks learn from other fish. Plus, how a taxi disguised as a bee can help to highlight the plight of our buzzy friends.
Naked Scientists NewsFLASH 15.06.09 - Slow Earthquakes and Supernovae
16/06/2009 Duration: 27minIn this week's NewsFlash, we discover how storms create slow earthquakes and how a local star, Betelgeuse, could explode very soon. We also hear of an accurate way to date pottery and explore the physics of helicopter seeds. Plus, this week in Science History saw the death of John Logie Baird, pioneer of television.
Naked Scientists NewsFLASH 08.06.09 - Chuckling Chimps and Shining Squid
09/06/2009 Duration: 27minIn this week's NewsFlash, we find out why giggling gorillas can tell us how laughter evolved, how shining squid use their entire bodies to see light and how birds learn from their neighbours, but only when the lessons are right. Plus, we speak to the winner of this year's Gruber Prize for cosmology, and Sarah Castor-Perry takes us back to This Week in Science History...
Naked Scientists NewsFLASH 01.06.09 - Arctic Oil, Ancient Leprosy and AIDS
03/06/2009 Duration: 24minOn this week's NewsFlash we hear how the Arctic Circle could contain far more oil and natural gas than originally suspected, how the ratio of different fats in your diet alters your immune system, and how lasers can monitor mitosis. Plus, we discover the earliest known case of leprosy and the huge diversity of bacteria living on your skin.
Naked Scientists NewsFLASH 25.05.09 - Billion Year Storage and General Relativity
26/05/2009 Duration: 23minOn this week's NewsFlash, the nano-scale media storage that will last a billion years, the toxic bite of the komodo dragon and the biological link between cancer and depression. Plus, we look back to this week in Science History, when a solar eclipse confirmed Einstein's theory of General Relativity!
Naked Scientists NewsFLASH 18.05.09 - Bee Velcro and Dense Deuterium
19/05/2009 Duration: 22minOn this week's NewsFlash, we discover a viral cause of hypertension, find out how bees stick to petals like velcro, and discuss a new, super-dense deuterium - 130,000 times denser than water! Dr Joe Grove joins us to chat about World Hepatitis Day, and Sarah Castor Perry takes us back to this Week in Science History.
Naked Scientists NewsFLASH 11.05.09 - Mosquito Microbes and the Launch of Planck
11/05/2009 Duration: 20minIn this NewsFlash, we find out how a diet of glycerol makes yeast live longer, how microbes in mosquitoes can block malaria, and how planting trees could reduce your electricity bills. We hear about the European Space Agency's Planck and Herschel missions, due to launch this week to study the formation of galaxies and the fate of the universe. Plus, Sarah Castor-Perry takes us back to this week in Science History.
Naked Scientists NewsFLASH 04.05.09 - Dancing Birds and Painless Injections
04/05/2009 Duration: 25minOn this week's NewsFlash, we explore a way to make injections painless, find out why lithium in the water supply could help mood stability and discover which animals have got natural rhythm. Plus, what we can learn from Swine 'flu DNA, and how this week in science history saw a breakthrough for the digital revolution.
Naked Scientists NewsFLASH 27.04.09 - Mosquito Inspired Inventions and Lead-Lined Clouds
01/05/2009 Duration: 21minIn this NewsFlash, we find out why dolphins spit for their dinner, how every cloud may have a lead lining and how the pesky mosquito's inspired a portable artificial pancreas. Plus, we get the low-down on the latest pandemic candidate - swine flu, and discover how Louis Pasteur first presented his evidence for Germ Theory this week in 1878.
Naked Scientists NewsFLASH 13.04.09 - Black Fly Spit and Suspicious Jackdaws
30/04/2009 Duration: 11minWe find out how a cocktail of chemicals in Black Fly saliva could offer a cure for River Blindness, discover that Jackdaws know when they're being watched, and that Chimps exchange meat for sex! Plus, Sarah Castor-Perry explores this week in science history...
Naked Scientists NewsFLASH 06.04.09 - An Odyssey to the Red Planet
30/04/2009 Duration: 04minAs the Naked Scientists were all tied up in SciFest Africa this week, there's no roundup of this week's science news. However, this was an exceptionally important week in science history, and Sarah Castor Perry celebrates the launch of the Odyssey mission in 2001...
Naked Scientists NewsFLASH 30.03.09 - Artificial DNA and Treating TB
30/04/2009 Duration: 14minThis week, we find out how artificial DNA could tell us about the origins of life, discover a way to identify those most at risk of bowel cancer and explore a new treatment for TB. Plus, we find out what happened this week in science history...