Welcome to Cable Street, a podcast that critically covers the rise of populism and far-right movements around the world. Why are these groups gaining momentum? Who are the people behind it? And what do they want? Is this just politics as normal, or are we witnessing something darker? Join your host Geoff Sharpe as we answer these and other questions.Cable Street is brought to you by the media group The Cable. Visit to learn more.
#19 - Branding the Far-Right w/ Cynthia Miller-Idriss
25/09/2018 Duration: 21minIn episode #19, I talk to cultural sociologist professor and far-right expert Cynthia Miller-Idriss about how the far-right uses branding to normalize their ideas and messages. This is part 2 of my interview with Cynthia. Part 1 is an update on German politics, the far-right AFD's growing power and how a German city called Chemnitz is at the epicentre of Germany's rising far-right movement. To access Part 1 of my interview with Cynthia, you must purchase a Cable membership. It costs as little as $4.16 per month and helps support all the work we do - click here learn more
#18 - Free Speech in the Age of Internet Monopolies w/ Yasha Levine
18/09/2018 Duration: 51minHow do we reconcile free speech, internet monopolies and stopping far-right ideas from spreading? That's the question I try to answer with my guest Yasha Levine. Yasha is a journalist and author of Surveillance Valley: The Secret Military History of the Internet. Yasha explains the internet's conception and connection to government and the military, how it's shaping politics, and why he's concerned about internet monopolies' power to censor people - even someone like Alex Jones. Later this week subscribers receive additional analysis and reading based on each week's episode. This week I explore internet censorship and how internet companies have enabled far-right movements to grow. Become a member today to get access to this and other members-only content. If you haven't done so, make sure to subscribe to Family Compact, our new show about Canadian politics. This week we interview the Executive Director of Anti-Hate Canada Evan Balgord, and understand why Toronto police protected white nationalists during
(Teaser) #18: Free Speech in the Age of Internet Monopolies w/ Yasha Levine
17/09/2018 Duration: 08minGet your survival gear and dietary supplements ready, cus we're talking about Alex Jones Listen to an excerpt from tomorrow's podcast with investigative journalist and author Yasha Levine. He explains why the censorship power of big social media companies is so problematic, even when applied to someone like Infowars' Alex Jones. Make sure to rate and review us on your favourite podcast network :) Subscribe to Family Compact, our new show about Canadian politics. This week we interview the Executive Director of Anti-Hate Canada Evan Balgord, and understand why Toronto police protected white nationalists during a march in Toronto. Spoiler alert - they should not have done it.
(Teaser) Family Compact Ep. #4: Notwithstand By Me
14/09/2018 Duration: 03minListen to a teaser clip from the newest episode of Family Compact, our show on Canadian politics Listen to Episode #4 Subscribe to Family Compact
#17 - Queer Eye for the Alt-Right Guy with Laurie Penny
07/09/2018 Duration: 46minWhat does the show Queer Eye have to do with the far-right? Quite alot. In this episode of Cable Street I chat with writer and activist Laurie Penny abotu her article The Queer Art of Failing Better. We discuss populism and the far-right as a gendered issue, whether the message of Queer Eye offers a path forward for dealing with the far-right, and the dangers of people like Jordan Peterson. Every episode includes a members-only analysis that explores each podcast topic. In this week’s analysis, we analyze why men are more likely to join the far-right, and the broader gender divide in today’s politics. To become a member, visit to learn more and use the code “CableStreet” to get your first month for only $1. Subscribe to Family Compact The Cable’s new show covering Canadian politics. Show Notes The Queer Art of Failing Better Peterson’s Complaint Books by Laurie Penny Hannah Gadsby’s Nanette - link to Netflix
Family Compact Episode 2: ConservaCon Ft. Scaachi Koul
31/08/2018 Duration: 44minWe launched a new pod about Canadian politics. If you hate Canadian punditry, you might enjoy this. Taylor & Geoff discuss what happened at last weekend's Conservative Convention and their courageous stand against... giving citizenship to people born here? Then Geoff sits down with Buzzfeed Canada writer and author Scaachi Koul to discuss her close call at Rebel Live and the pathological tendencies of Canada's right wing. Sorry about the cicadas. --- Want more from The Cable? Become a subscriber today and get premium episodes and content: Join today Subscribe on iTunes
#16: Why Did Progressive Parties Abandon Working-Class Voters? - Tom O'Grady
14/08/2018 Duration: 31minIn the 1990s, progressive parties turned away from working-class policies and embraced more rightwing ideas. So why did this happen? Political scientist Tom O'Grady thinks he has the answer. His analysis shows that the type of elected official matters a great deal. The decline of working class politicians, and the rise of the careerist managerial-class can help explain it. We also talk about his fascinating analysis about how politicians can shape public opinion, and why progressives need to lead, rather than follow, public opinion. To access members-only episodes, bonus readings and additional analysis by me, your host Geoff Sharpe, please purchase a cable membership. You can use the code "cablestreet" to get the first month for only $1 - join today Show Notes Tom O'Grady - Website, Twitter Decline in working class politicians, shifted Labour towards right wing policy - read here Politicians must dare to shape public opinion, not just follow it - read here
#15: Is Abdul El-Sayed the Answer to Far-Right Populism? - Maximillian Alvarez
06/08/2018 Duration: 01h12sIs a 33-year-old progressive Muslim doctor the answer to far-right populism? On August 7th, Michigan Democrats will choose their candidate for Governor. The race is between establishment Democratic candidate Gretchen Whitmer, and Abdul El-Sayed, a man many are calling the face of a new progressive vision for America. By the time you listen to this, the primary may be over. But El-Sayed's impact won't be forgotten. In this episode of Cable Street, I chat with Maximillian Alvarez, a columnist at The Baffler who wrote "The Vital Possibility of Abdul El-Sayed". Maximillian explains why Abdul is not only a powerful orator, but has developed a comprehensive set of compelling progressive policies that should serve as a blueprint for future candidates. Our discussion goes beyond just El-Sayed, and examines the working class in Michigan as a microcosm of the challenges facing America's poor. Be sure to check out Maximillian's podcast Working People in the show notes below. Show Notes Maximillian Alvarez: Twitter, T
#14: Italy's Donald Trump with Vito Laterza
02/08/2018 Duration: 51minWhile the world watches America burn, the world's eighth largest economy just elected a populist party. And they have their own version of Donald Trump... Anti-immigrant rhetoric, fake news, a populist comedian? While some far-right populist themes are similar, Italy has its own unique brand of politics. In this episode of Cable Street, we sit down Vito Laterza to discuss Italian politics, populist leader Matteo Salvini, the Five Star Movement and what Italy's rightward, anti-immigrant shift means for the rest of Europe. Show Notes Vito Laterza - Twitter, Biography The New Anti-Migrant National Consensus
#13 Teaser: Why Progressives Suck at Telling Stories - Richard Sandbrook
27/07/2018 Duration: 24minWhy are progressives bad at storytelling? How can we harness leftwing nationalism? And is the left too concerned with definitions instead of winning? In this episode of Cable Street, I’m joined by professor Richard Sandbrook to discuss why progressives must harness nationalism and storytelling to win more elections.
#12: Monopolies are Destroying The World - Matt Stoller
25/07/2018 Duration: 55minIn this episode of Cable Street, I'm joined by Matt Stoller discuss how the rise of monopolies has contributed to income inequality. Matt is a Fellow at the Open Markets Institute, and an expert on monopolies, and has written for the New York Times, the Washington Post, The New Republic, Vice, and Salon. Matt argues that the root cause of income inequality and the rise of populist politics is due to the power and influence of monopolistic companies. Companies like Amazon, Facebook and Walmart are lowering wages, hurting growth, reducing worker bargaining power and increasing corporate influence. The solution? Break them up. It's been done before and we can do it again. We also discuss what this means for politics, and what can be done to stop it. Show Notes Matt Stoller - Twitter Open Market Institute How Democrats Killed Their Populist Soul - Article link
#11 Teaser: Eastern Autocrats - Lucan Way
19/07/2018 Duration: 04minThis is a teaser for a members-only episode of Cable Street. Members get access to our weekly members-only episode, exclusive videos, a members-only community and monthly updates from The Cable founders. Become a Cable member for as little as $4.16 per month at Use the code CableStreet at checkout to get your first month for only $1. Political Scientist Lucan Way from the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy discusses why some democracies are backsliding towards authoritarianism. Lucan Way - Biography
#10: Avocado Toast Authoritarians? - David Coletto
17/07/2018 Duration: 01h03minLow paying jobs. Deeply in debt. Can't afford a home. Refuse to vote. Love avocado toast. These are just a few of the characteristics used to describe millennials in the western world. Another characteristic? Anti-democratic. At least that's according to one research study that showed younger people no longer have faith in democratic institutions. To discuss how millennials are shaping governments around the world, I sat down with researcher David Coletto from Abacus Data. We discussed how millennials are shaping policy and political movements, how they feel about democracy, their inclination towards populist politicians, and the intergenerational conflict that exists between them and older generations. Show Notes David Coletto An Entire Generation Has Lost Faith in Democracy - source
#9 Teaser: Death of Democracy - Benjamin Carter Hett
12/07/2018 Duration: 02minThis is a teaser for a members-only episode of Cable Street. Members get access to our weekly members-only episode, exclusive videos, a members-only community and monthly updates from The Cable founders. Become a Cable member for as little as $4.16 per month at Use the code CableStreet at checkout to get your first month for only $1. Historian Benjamin Hett joins Cable Street to discuss his new book called Death of Democracy, which chronicles how Hitler took power in Weimar Germany. Death of Democracy: The book was recently reviewed by the New York Times:
#8: How Tall is Ben Shapiro? - Nathan Bernard
10/07/2018 Duration: 59minIs satire an effective way to criticize the far-right? In this wide-ranging interview, internet provocateur Nathan Bernard explains his approach to critiquing the far-right, why censorship is ineffective and the differences between far-right YouTube personalities like Jordan Peterson and Mike Cernovich. Show Notes Bernard Media - Apple iWatch Video -
#7: Reporting From the Frontlines of Hate - Martin Patriquin
05/07/2018 Duration: 28minAs white supremacy and neo-Nazis increase their activities, so too has the coverage of their actions. In this episode of Cable Street, I chat with reporter Martin Patriquin about his work covering neo-Nazis. We discuss how reporters research neo-Nazi networks, the pressure reporters face in response to their stories, the response from these groups, and how reporting on issues has a real-world impact on fighting hate. The Racist Podcaster Who Started a Neo-Nazi Coffee Company to Fund White Nationalism - Canadian Anti-Hate Network -
#6: López Obrador vs The Mafia of Power - Edwin Ackerman
03/07/2018 Duration: 35minIn this episode of Cable Street, I talk to Edwin Ackerman from Syracuse University about his piece for Jacobin called "A Potential Breakthrough in Mexico". We discuss the history of Mexican politics and the current political landscape, the role of corruption in this campaign, whether he is actually a populist candidate and the unique characteristics of Lopez Obrador that made his supporters hopefull and warry of the man they call AMLO. A Potential Breakthrough in Mexico -
#5: Remember the Name Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Raina Lipsitz
30/06/2018 Duration: 34minHow did Democratic candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old socialist written off by the establishment, defeat the fourth most powerful Democratic member of the House of Representatives? Does her victory herald a new left-wing populist movement in America? In this episode of Cable Street, I chat with journalist Raina Lipsitz from the Nation about her story "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Fights the Power". We discuss unique factors that propelled Ocasio-Cortez, discuss whether this is replicable on a broader scale and progressive forces changing politics and the Democratic Party. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Fights the Power -
#4: BONUS - Canada Doesn't Need a Wall - Sharry Aiken
28/06/2018 Duration: 40minI'm joined by Sharry Aiken, Associate Professor at Queen’s Law and Co-Chair of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Centre for International Justice, to discuss Canadian and American immigration policy. We discuss why it's incorrect to call asylum seekers "illegals", Trump's family separation policy and the need for a progressive approach to borders.
#2: I Was a White Supremacist - Brad Galloway
19/06/2018 Duration: 37minI sit down with Brad Galloway, an ex-white supremacist skinhead, to talk about his experience in the far-right, how the movement is changing, how he got out, and the different ways we can deal with both the far-right movement at-large, as well as individuals involved in it. For more information on Brad, you can read the following stories: CBC Skinhead Documentary: Neo-Nazis Can Be Deradicalised and Make Amends: