Twice a month, Michael Lamm from Corporate Advisory Solutions will share his insights and perspective into the world of funding, finance, and growth strategies for collection agencies and debt buyers.
Episode 30 -- Valuations on The Rise
11/03/2021 Duration: 15minThe COVID-19 pandemic has affected the valuations of companies in the ARM industry in a big way. And companies are looking to take advantage of that, but need to make some necessary investments first. In this episode, Michael Lamm talks about the changes that need to be made and how the pandemic is affecting the industry.
How Coronavirus is Impacting the ARM Industry
20/08/2020 Duration: 12minIn this episode, Michael Lamm discusses the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the ARM industry, and his views on the Biden-Harris presidential ticket.
Episode 28 -- A Whole New Ballgame
08/06/2020 Duration: 12minIn this episode of ARM M&A Deal Talk, Michael Lamm talks about the surprising amount of activity in the M&A sector of the credit and collection industry. But there have been some changes and companies will need to make themselves aware of the new dynamics if they are looking to buy or sell.
Episode 27: Dealing with Coronavirus
29/03/2020 Duration: 11minThe coronavirus pandemic has caused havoc across the collection industry. In this episode, Michael Lamm talks about the importance of technology and how it can help companies in the ARM industry deal with this pandemic and how it can position them for growth once the crisis is over.
Episode 26: Investors Flocking to ARM Industry
06/02/2020 Duration: 11minThe growth of technology and the pending rule from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is pushing more outside companies to invest in the ARM industry. In this episode, Michael Lamm talks about the kinds of companies that are looking to get involved and the impact of continued consolidation on the industry landscape.
Episode 25: Start Planning for 2020 Now
12/11/2019 Duration: 12minIn this episode, Michael Lamm talks about the simple steps that companies should be taking to start planning for 2020 now. To help, he shares some trends and ideas to help companies accurately plan to grow their business next year.
Episode 24: Deals, Deals Everywhere
07/10/2019 Duration: 14minIt's a busy time for M&A deals in the accounts receivable management industry. Improving financials and an increased focus on technology has more outside investors looking to get into the space, confirms Michael Lamm. In this episode, Michael talks about what is driving the flurry of activity and how companies can look to cash in.
Episode 23: Discussing the Ontario Systems's Deal
29/08/2019 Duration: 08minIn this episode, Michael Lamm discusses the acquisition of Ontario Systems by New Mountain Capital and its impact on the credit and collection industry. As well, Michael discusses what he expects will happen on the M&A front during the rest of 2019.
Episode 22: Stop, Collaborate and Listen
13/08/2019 Duration: 12minM&A activity in the credit and collection industry is heating up for a number of reasons. In this episode, Michael Lamm walks through the state of the industry and the factors that are driving more interest and investment in the space.
Episode 21: How Much Is That Firm in The Window?
26/07/2019 Duration: 15minAs more collection agencies are pursuing a legal strategy to collect on unpaid debts, collection law firms are becoming an en vogue target. In this episode, Michael Lamm discusses the renewed interest in collection law firms, what it takes to tackle such an acquisition, and why this trend is likely not going anywhere, anytime soon.
Episode 20: RCMy Oh My
12/07/2019 Duration: 11minMore hospitals and healthcare facilities are looking for vendors to help manage their Revenue Cycle Management functions, presenting an opportunity for companies in the credit and collection industry to expand their products and services. In this episode, Michael Lamm talks about those opportunities and how companies can take advantage before it's too late.
Episode 19: Breach Blanket Bingo
25/06/2019 Duration: 09minAll of the credit and collection industry has been focused on a data breach that has compromised the personal and financial information of 20 million individuals. In this episode, Michael Lamm talks about the impact of the breach on the ARM M&A market, and how companies can prepare themselves for the likely questions they are to receive or the questions they should be asking to make sure something like this does not happen to them.
Episode 18: The True North Strong and Free
04/06/2019 Duration: 12minIn this episode, Michael Lamm talks about the opportunities for ARM companies to expand into Canada and how more companies from Canada are expanding into the United States. The Canadian credit and collection market is stable and robust, Lamm says, and companies in the Great White North are, generally speaking, more profitable than companies here in the United States.
Episode 17: The Impact of the Proposed Debt Collection Rule on M&A Activity
16/05/2019 Duration: 11minThe proposed debt collection rule issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau could intensify interest from outside investors in the credit and collection space, according to Michael Lamm. In this episode, Michael talks about how collection agencies can better position themselves now that the proposed rule has been released and how the proposed will could increase M&A activity in the industry.
Episode 16: Can't Hardly Wait
24/04/2019 Duration: 11minIn this episode, Michael Lamm talks about the impact of the pending release of the proposed debt collection rule from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on the M&A market in the credit and collection industry. Many potential buyers and investors are anxiously awaiting the proposed rules to see what impact it will have on the valuation of companies in the space.
Episode 15: Death of a Salesman
10/04/2019 Duration: 12minOne very common overlooked component of a merger or acquisition is taking care and paying attention to the individual -- or individuals -- who were in charge of sales. That person, or those people, need to be taken care of because they are most likely the person with the greatest bond to an agency's clients. Making sure they are kept in the loop and kept on board once a transaction is finalized is incredibly important to determining the success or failure of a transaction.
Episode 14: Minority Report
05/03/2019 Duration: 10minIn this episode, Michael Lamm talks about a new trend in the M&A space of the credit and collections industry: investors looking to take minority stakes in companies. Michael talks about deal structures and how companies can position themselves as targets for this new investment strategy.
Episode 13: How The Positive Trends From 2018 Will Impact Activity n 2019
29/01/2019 Duration: 08minIn this episode, Michael Lamm looks back at the predominant trends from 2018 and assesses how they will impact the M&A market in 2019. The industry appears ripe for more activity and deal flow this year, and collection agencies should be ready for more interest from investors.
Episode 12: Building a Strategic Plan
28/12/2018 Duration: 12minIn this episode, Michael Lamm lays down a foundation to help build a strategic plan.
Episode 11: Red Flags
03/12/2018 Duration: 12minThere are often warning signs and red flags that appear when you are looking to make an acquisition or when you receive an inquiry to purchase something you are selling. In this episode, Michael Lamm talks about some of the most common red flags he is seeing on the M&A side of the industry and how buyers and sellers should address those issues.