Welcome to the Two-Minute Wakeup podcast. A daily dose of perspective that uses the Bible as a springboard, seeking to wake you up to who you were created to be.
039 2-Minute Wakeup : James 1:20 - Anger
20/04/2018 Duration: 03minIn this episode Jon shares some perspective on anger and how it can impact the way we navigate our place in the world.
038 2-Minute Wakeup : James 1:19 - Wisdom with Words
19/04/2018 Duration: 02minIn this episode Jon highlights a bit of wisdom shared by James that could have direct implications on your relationships. If only it were that easy...
037 2-Minute Wakeup : James 1:18 - Prized
18/04/2018 Duration: 03minIn this episode Jon takes a look at our source and unpacks a bit of what it means to be prized by the divine creator.
036 2-Minute Wakeup : James 1:17 - Good Gifts
17/04/2018 Duration: 03minIn this episode Jon unpacks a perspective of all the good things that help make life worth living.
035 2-Minute Wakeup : James 1:13-15 - Sin
16/04/2018 Duration: 03minIn this episode Jon unpacks thoughts about SIN. Give it a listen, think some thoughts, and begin to wake up to who you were created to be.
034 2-Minute Wakeup : James 1:12 - Up Against It
16/04/2018 Duration: 04minIn this one, Jon encourages the patient endurance of difficult seasons and highlights how sometimes life is sweetest on the other side of a tough time. Living well is complex and involes us living through highs and lows to experience fullness.
033 2-Minute Wakeup : James 1:9-11 - Value
14/04/2018 Duration: 03minIn this episode Jon encourages the pursuit of what really matters in life. Sometimes our assumptions about life need to be questioned and possibly replaced. Give it a listen, and begin waking up to who you were created to be.
032 2-Minute Wakeup : James 1:6 - Trust
13/04/2018 Duration: 03minIn this episide Jon discusses the idea of trusting God and what that actually means for life. As you listen, conisder how it would impact your life if it was true.
031 2-Minute Wakeup : James 1:3-5 - Self Development
13/04/2018 Duration: 02minIn this episode Jon unpacks some thoughts about life and personal development.
030 2-Minute Wakeup : James 1:2 - Trouble
11/04/2018 Duration: 02minIn this episode Jon unpacks some thoughts on trouble and presents a way we can approach today.
029 2-Minute Wakeup : James 1:1 - Core Identity, Images That Move
11/04/2018 Duration: 04minIn this episode Jon takes a look at the opening verse of the book of James. There, the writer identifies himself as a "slave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ." How do central images impact our life each day? Listen to the episode, think some thoughts, and begin to wake up to who you were created to be.
028 2-Minute Wakeup : Genesis 3:24 - Perspective for Life
09/04/2018 Duration: 03minIn this episode Jon unpacks a summary of some of the big ideas about who we were created to be that are communicated in the Genesis narrative.
027 2-Minute Wakeup : Genesis 3:14-19 - Game Changers
08/04/2018 Duration: 05minIn this episode Jon unpacks a bit about how the game of life changes in the wake of disobedience and rebellion. May it provide perspective that helps you wake up to who you were created to be.
026 2-Minute Wakeup : Genesis 3:10ff - Shifting Blame
07/04/2018 Duration: 02minIn this episode Jon unpacks the dynamic of Adam and Eve casting blame everywhere but where it actually belonged. Waking up to who we were created to be involes owning our decisions.
025 2-Minute Wakeup : Genesis 3:9 - The God Who Seeks
06/04/2018 Duration: 03minIn this episode Jon shares some thoughts on the picture of God seeking for Adam and Eve in the garden. "Where are you?" Our hope is that this episode provides some perspective that helps you wake up to who you were created to be.
024 2-Minute Wakeup : Genesis 3:8 - The God Who Makes Noise
05/04/2018 Duration: 02minIn this episode Jon unpacks the scene immediately after guilt and shame has flooded into Adam and Eve's experience of paradise. We take a look at the God who makes noise.
023 2-Minute Wakeup : Genesis 3:7 - Webs of Connection
04/04/2018 Duration: 02minIn this episode Jon takes a look at the webs of connection that bind our relationships. These ties mean we impact those around us. Waking up to who we are created to be involves coming to understand this, and then pursuing healthy, whole living.
022 2-Minute Wakeup : Genesis 3:6 - Forbidden Fruit
03/04/2018 Duration: 04minIn this episode Jon takes on the idea of "forbidden fruit." As he unpacks misconceptions about life and what is forbidden, the hope is that you gain perspective that helps you wake up to who we were created to be.
021 2-Minute Wakeup : Genesis 2:25 - Together Part II
02/04/2018 Duration: 03minIn this episode Jon unpacks the idea of being naked yet feeling no shame. Pointing towards an experience of shalom, this verse reveals what we were made to experience in the context of our relationships. May you wake up to who you were created to be.
020 2-Minute Wakeup : Matthew 28 - Resurrection
01/04/2018 Duration: 04minHappy Easter, everyone. In this episode Jon unpacks the idea of resurrection for life. Today, may new life be found in you as you wake up to who you were created to be.