The hosts Alan, Alex, and Garrett read some "news" and talk about a monster
186 Goatman
21/04/2023 Duration: 01h03minits our 5th year of podcasting so we talk about some real stuff then we talk about the G.O.A.T. man.a Section of episode was removed for reasons.
184 Moss Man
24/03/2023 Duration: 16minThis episode is pretty short due to scheduling, but Moss Man is pretty cool
181 Man Eating Tree of Nubia
17/02/2023 Duration: 15minthis episode is a bit short, we recorded it to test out new equipmeny
175 Shark Movies 2 and Shark Cryptid Grab Bag
30/10/2022 Duration: 35minWe end October with more shark movies. and we do a mini grab bag of a couple shark cryptids.
170 Alan and Alex Did Research
24/07/2022 Duration: 21minSince the hosts birthdays are just a few weeks apart, We each got a gift Alan and Alex got to pick a topic and present it and Garrett got to do no research.