Earth's Climate Channel is devoted to revealing climate and sea level rise risks and sharing solutions.
U.S. Midwest Floods Prompt Workers to Migrate
18/04/2019 Duration: 04minUS Midwest floods are prompting workers to migrate to safer ground, according to LinkedIn data. This report is by Sebastien Malo for the Thomson Reuters Foundation, with editing by Jason Fields. The report is provided by The Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, covers climate change, humanitarian news, women's and LGBT rights, human trafficking and property rights. For more information about climate refugees, a term which does not exist in international law, please visit the website and read about Climate Change and Disaster Displacement. The focus? Families and communities forced to leave their homes in other nations and what is known as “Destination States.” For video reports, lease visit and see trailers on Climate Refugees. New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman uncovers why people are leaving their homes. If you are concerned about population movement due to climate effects and other fac
Earth is About to Pass a Temperature Peak and World Hunger is Growing.
16/04/2019 Duration: 13minThe modern world is about to pass a temperature peak dating back for millions of years – because CO2 levels have already passed an ancient record. Meanwhile, Climate change is speeding up, and among its impacts is a setback for efforts to feed the world: hunger is growing again. This report is by Veteran Journalists Tim Radford and Alex Kirby of the Climate News Network, from London, April 8th and March 29, 2019. The Climate News Network is a free and objective service publishing a daily news story on climate and energy issues. It’s run by four volunteers, all veteran journalists who have covered climate change for many years for international newspapers and broadcasters. By making a pledge through Patreon to Climate Liability News, you will be contributing to the costs that enable the journalists to keep on publishing their daily stories and providing training to journalists where they need it most. The goal is to become sustainable, so that the Climate News Network can employ an editor to overse
Carbon Farming: Harnessing the Power of the Earth
13/04/2019 Duration: 06minBefore John Wick was the co-founder of the Marin Carbon Project, he was just trying to find a way to get rid of weeds on his ranch when he stumbled upon a powerful climate change solution. Then he learned about an approach to farming helps sequester carbon in the soil, and could be a major solution in the fight against climate change. The following presentation entitled Carbon Farming: Harnessing the Power of the Earth was produced by The Years Project. For insightful and timely video reports on Climate Change, please visit Carbon Farming: Harnessing The Power of Soil was produced by the Years Project. With Executive Producers Joel Bach and Drew Magraten, writing by Matt Rosenbaum and Script Editors Joel Bach, Maggie Badore, Josh Futtersak and Drew Magratten. The video was edited by Ethan David. Research sources for the presentation can be seen at Please visit for emotional and hard-hitting accounts of the effects of climate chang
Half a Degree May Make Heat Impact Far Worse
07/04/2019 Duration: 06minThis report is by Tim Radford of the Climate News Network, from London, on April 4, 2019. For more climate and energy news, please visit
Climate Liability News Roundup 4.7.19
07/04/2019 Duration: 11minA summary of recent reports from, Climate Liability News is a not-for-profit news site dedicated to reporting on the issues at the intersection of climate change impacts and law. Those issues include government and corporate responsibility and accountability for global warming and its consequences across society and around the world. Through hard-nosed, uncompromising journalism, we seek to advance a greater understanding and wider public discussion of the role of the law in addressing the wide-ranging impacts of of climate change. Climate Liability News is a project funded by donations to Climate Communications & Law, a new 501(c)3 nonprofit. Climate Communications & Law seeks to deepen the public’s understanding of the issue of climate change and how its impacts are being dealt with by the legal system in the United States and around the world. The editorial content of CLN is not subject to approval or influence by CCL donors. This podcast w
Climate Liability News Roundup 4.1.19
01/04/2019 Duration: 09minA summary of recent reports from, Climate Liability News is a not-for-profit news site dedicated to reporting on the issues at the intersection of climate change impacts and law. Those issues include government and corporate responsibility and accountability for global warming and its consequences across society and around the world. Through hard-nosed, uncompromising journalism, we seek to advance a greater understanding and wider public discussion of the role of the law in addressing the wide-ranging impacts of of climate change. Climate Liability News is a project funded by donations to Climate Communications & Law, a new 501(c)3 nonprofit. Climate Communications & Law seeks to deepen the public’s understanding of the issue of climate change and how its impacts are being dealt with by the legal system in the United States and around the world. The editorial content of CLN is not subject to approval or influence by CCL donors. This podcast was pro
The Climate Innovation Report 3.28.19
28/03/2019 Duration: 07minThe world of climate and energy research offers a vast array of possibilities. At Climate Monitor, we recognize a nation that ignores science can fade. We can't let that happen. While so much attention is focused on the effects and threats of climate change and sea level rise, there is little emphasis on what researchers are discovering and proactively doing to face the challenges of our shared warming emergency. The purpose of this episode is to inform podcast listeners about exciting efforts to understand and deal with the greatest challenges of our time. Here are links to the reports which are summarized in this podcast: "Drought Effects On Aging Power Plants May Be Larger Than Expected." "Study Suggests Trees are Crucial to the Future of our Cities." "Green Tech Startups See Boost in Patents and Inv
Climate Liability News Roundup 3.24.19
25/03/2019 Duration: 07minA summary of recent reports from, Climate Liability News is a not-for-profit news site dedicated to reporting on the issues at the intersection of climate change impacts and law. Those issues include government and corporate responsibility and accountability for global warming and its consequences across society and around the world. Through hard-nosed, uncompromising journalism, we seek to advance a greater understanding and wider public discussion of the role of the law in addressing the wide-ranging impacts of of climate change. Climate Liability News is a project funded by donations to Climate Communications & Law, a new 501(c)3 nonprofit. Climate Communications & Law seeks to deepen the public’s understanding of the issue of climate change and how its impacts are being dealt with by the legal system in the United States and around the world. The editorial content of CLN is not subject to approval or influence by CCL donors. This podcast w
See the Velocity of Glacial Melt in Greenland
19/03/2019 Duration: 19minInternationally famed sea level rise expert John Englander explains why his upcoming tour to the majestic island of Greenland is so important, and how you can personally participate in witnessing the velocity of historic land ice melt by spending a week in one of the most intriguing areas on our fragile Earth. In this March 18, 2019 interview with the Author of "High Tide on Main Street, Rising Sea Level and the Coming Coastal Crisis," Climate Monitor's Mitch Chester questions Mr. Englander about the pace of change on the Greenland ice sheet, and why we need to monitor it with extreme caution. You can tour with Mr. Englander in Greenland later this year. For more information, visit or by sending an email to Podcast produced by Climate Monitor Media, Inc.
Climate Liability News Roundup 3.16.19
16/03/2019 Duration: 06minA summary of recent reports from, Climate Liability News is a not-for-profit news site dedicated to reporting on the issues at the intersection of climate change impacts and law. Those issues include government and corporate responsibility and accountability for global warming and its consequences across society and around the world. Through hard-nosed, uncompromising journalism, we seek to advance a greater understanding and wider public discussion of the role of the law in addressing the wide-ranging impacts of of climate change. Climate Liability News is a project funded by donations to Climate Communications & Law, a new 501(c)3 nonprofit. Climate Communications & Law seeks to deepen the public’s understanding of the issue of climate change and how its impacts are being dealt with by the legal system in the United States and around the world. The editorial content of CLN is not subject to approval or influence by CCL donors. This podcast w
Climate Liability News Roundup 3.10.19
10/03/2019 Duration: 08minA summary of recent reports from, Climate Liability News is a not-for-profit news site dedicated to reporting on the issues at the intersection of climate change impacts and law. Those issues include government and corporate responsibility and accountability for global warming and its consequences across society and around the world. Through hard-nosed, uncompromising journalism, we seek to advance a greater understanding and wider public discussion of the role of the law in addressing the wide-ranging impacts of of climate change. Climate Liability News is a project funded by donations to Climate Communications & Law, a new 501(c)3 nonprofit. Climate Communications & Law seeks to deepen the public’s understanding of the issue of climate change and how its impacts are being dealt with by the legal system in the United States and around the world. The editorial content of CLN is not subject to approval or influence by CCL donors. This podcast was pro
The Energy Innovation & Carbon Dividend Act Explained
27/02/2019 Duration: 34minBefore the “Green New Deal” was announced by Congressional supporters, the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, H.R. 763, was introduced as proposed Federal Legislation. Climate Monitor’s Mitch Chester spoke with Citizens’ Climate Lobby’s Miami Leader Greg Hamra about H.R. 763, how it offers a creative and practical vehicle for the “Green New Idea” initiative, and the opportunities for the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate to enact a bipartisan climate solution to drive down carbon pollution. The interview was conducted on Sunday, February 24, 2019, as Mr. Hamra was returning from a Citizens’ Climate Lobby meeting in Tampa, Florida. More information: and
Energy From Greenhouse Gases Is Possible
10/02/2019 Duration: 09minLaboratories can make energy from greenhouse gases, power smartphones with their own radiation, and cut shipping costs naturally. And each could become reality. This report is by Tim Radford of the Climate News Network, from London, on February 8, 2019. For more climate and energy news, please visit For videos and films on Climate Change and Sea Level Rise issues, interviews, news, research and solutions, please check out the Climate Monitor streaming TV channels on Roku TV and Amazon Fire TV/Alexa, or visit
Drought and Conflict Can Spur Climate Refugees
03/02/2019 Duration: 06minHow do you identify climate refugees? And is climate change at the heart of the flow of asylum-seekers? Statistics can offer a cautious answer. A report from London's Climate News Network, written by veteran journalist Tim Radford, on January 25, 2019. For more reports from the Climate News Network visit For video reports, news, information, research and interviews, please visit or visit the Channel on RokuTV and Amazon Fire TV with Alexa.
The Climate Change Resisters' League
16/01/2019 Duration: 06minSome governments take global warming seriously, while others defy the science and virtually ignore it. The Climate Change Resisters' League names names. A report by Kieran Cooks, of the Climate News Network, from London, on January 8, 2019. For more reports, visit and visit Climate Monitor on Roku and Amazon Fire TV/Alexa, or on our website at
The Global Warming 'Pause' Never Happened.
25/12/2018 Duration: 07minClaims of a global warming "pause" in observed temperatures early this century are unfounded and lack statistical significance, researchers say. A report by Alex Kirby of the Climate News Network, from London, December 19, 2018. Narrated by Mitch Chester of Climate Monitor.
Greenland's Icecap Melt Picks Up Speed
15/12/2018 Duration: 06minRecent melting of Greenland's icecap has been more intense than ever. And all the signs are that it could get worse. A report by Tim Radford, of, from London, December 13, 2018. Narrated by Mitch Chester of Climate Monitor.
Better Land Use Could Slash US Emissions
08/12/2018 Duration: 09minNew research confirms again that nature knows best. The US could cut a fifth of its greenhouse gas emissions through better land use. A report by Tim Radford, of the Climate News Network in London, on December 7, 2018. For more climate reports, please visit or visit Climate Monitor TV on Roku and Amazon streaming TV platforms. We are also on the web at
Climate Change Is Drying Out A Parched World
06/12/2018 Duration: 11minResearchers say most of the water vanishing from the Aral Sea and the Great Salt Lake is now in the oceans of this increasingly parched world. A report by Tim Radford, of, from London on December 5, 2018. Narrated by Mitch Chester of Climate Monitor.
Summary of the Fourth National Climate Assessment, Vol. II.
28/11/2018 Duration: 16minA video summary of the dramatic U.S. Government's just-released Fourth National Climate Assessment, Vol. II. Hear the main summaries of the critical findings, and how every segment of American life is being touched and threatened by climate change and its multiple dimensions. Produced by Climate Monitor Media, Inc. 11.26.18.