Joana Fatondji Testimony



Welcome to the Joana Fatondji Testimony podcast, where amazing things happen.


  • Black women - dare to tap into your darkness - the most powerful part of you!

    15/01/2024 Duration: 38min

    In this episode I am talking to especially my black, brown and indigenous women living in the west. Stop trying to people please, especially white people. Stop trying to always proof how well-educated you are, how well-mannered you are, how intellectual you are and all that "civilized" stuff. Yes I know you are and we know that It's nothing special - the real power is reclaiming your wild side, your ancestral gifts of traditional life advice, natural remedies, spirituality and your animal nature - yes you heard right, your animal nature because believe it or not - you are exactly what they said you are and that is your greatest power - savage divine. Enjoy this episode Love you! Step into your power now: Find more on my Website: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook:

  • You have to claim your feminine values- noone else will!

    15/01/2024 Duration: 01h08min

    Hey ladies, in this episode, we are talking about why it can be challenging to claim your full feminine potential as a woman in this world with all the masculine messaging. The biggest fear is still public judgment - due to our past of oppression as women for 1000 of years - but knowing that you can slowly peel away the layers of paralysis and step into your full glory. So enjoyed this episode. Love you! Step into your power now: Find more on my Website: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook:

  • I said what I said.

    13/01/2024 Duration: 47min

    How being savage and unapologetic serve you so much that you will finally get your needs met, live more authentically and simply be free from overthinking and the fear of being judged and abandoned. Check out

  • Coming into wholeness - Healing into Femininity

    12/01/2024 Duration: 01h10min

    Coming into wholeness - Healing into Femininity Step into your power: Hey Ladies, in this episode we are talking about my journey and also maybe how your journey could look like when you are awakening. It is not always easy but it is worth it. Lot´s of love to you. Website: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook:

  • Get structured in 2024.

    07/01/2024 Duration: 39min

    Hey Ladies, in this episode we are talking about the attributes of masculinity and how these attributes help us women in our lives, relationships, businesses & finances. 2024 is the perfect year to get organized and create the foundational structures that will support you to create the health, relationships and business success you desire. Enjoy For more inspiration check out Website: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook:

  • Abundance is waiting for you - Claim it now.

    05/01/2024 Duration: 01h05min

    Abundance is waiting for you - Claim it now. Get your Level Up right here: Hey Ladies, in this Video we are talking about daring to follow your intuition, investing in yourself, jumping into a new reality. I believe that we all have something valuable to share and that we don't have to be perfect at but enjoy life itself, what we have mastered and present it to the world. Humble is good but I am definitely missing the awareness of our divinity. Abundance is waiting for you - Claim it now. Website: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook:

  • How to express your authentic voice.

    02/01/2024 Duration: 55min

    How to express your authentic voice. Hey Ladies, in this episode, we are speaking about how to find and express your authentic voice in any situation. Whether it be in a sales call, in a conversation with a loved one, or through your art/work in this world. I believe that the world needs more people who express their true voice. If you want to learn how to do that, get the dream builder online course. Or check out my other offers on my website:

  • Be all you can be in 2024 - Happy new year!

    01/01/2024 Duration: 48min

    Be all you can be in 2024 - Happy new year! Step into your power now: In this video we are talking about collecting, everything you already are, becoming aware of the power you hold and projecting it grounded and calm into the future. Simplicity, refinement and clarity are the keywords here. You got this queen. Much love for 2023. Website: LinkedIn: Instagram:

  • How accontability will get you to your dreams faster.

    29/12/2023 Duration: 51min

    In this episode, we are talking about how accountability serves us all. We are on this planet to learn and evolve into higher versions of ourselves and we can either do it through pain or through conscious learning and applying higher truth. I believe in the world that we are living in right now we have forgotten about social accountability and everyone think they can do what they want - yes they can, but what will always come around are natural consequences. We can't run away from them - and unfortunately we are at a very low level of maturity in this culture currently - So I invite you my dear to be open to accountability. It will only serve you.

  • How to become a powerful woman and create amazing relationships

    28/12/2023 Duration: 52min

    How to become a powerful woman. In this video we are talking about how to become a powerful woman and how to create amazing relationships and connecting to your community. We are talking about healing, inner work, taking full responsibility, boundaries and connection. How to create amazing relationships. Enjoy Subscribe: Website: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook:

  • Using the darkness to grow deeper into our power.

    24/12/2023 Duration: 54min

    Using the darkness to grow deeper into our power. In this episode we are talking about how this time of the year is inviting us to take it slow, do less, go deep withing and be still. This is the perfect time to declutter, restructure, conserve energy and cut out what no longer serves us - food, people, activities and expenses. So we can invite more free energy to be free flowing and creative. I wish you a wonderful time of the year and am looking forward to connect to you in real time next year. So much love Joana. Check out my Program: Website: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook:

  • Why spiritual women get cheated on.

    22/12/2023 Duration: 26min

    Transform right now: In this video we are talking about why spiritual women get cheated on (and many spiritual woman will not even get the ring because they don't let the men prove themselves to you). Be aware of the physical nature we live in. Why spiritual woman get cheated on. Website: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook:

  • Feel the pain.

    16/12/2023 Duration: 35min

    Feel the pain.

  • The desire of the feminine to be owned.

    14/12/2023 Duration: 50min

    In this episode I am sharing a few thoughts about the feminine desire to be own, kept, belong - being provided and protected for and diving deeper into the black hole of infinity. Its a very abstract episode, get inspired by the depth of the love. Subscribe: Website: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook:

  • Don´t sleep with men if you are looking for love!

    13/12/2023 Duration: 59min

    Don´t sleep with men if you are looking for love! In this episode I am sharing my deepest darkest secret with you - my history with men. Yes, unfortunately I have been lost and exploited until it finally clicked all the way and that took almost 20 years of being sexually active. Today I recommend, doing your inner work, not let anyone interfere with that and then go and vet a man by his values. Make sure your values align, let him prove himself to you and only sleep with him after you get legally and spiritually married. Enjoy the episode. Don´t sleep with men if you are looking for love! Get in contact with me Website: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook:

  • The spiritual responsability of the artist.

    12/12/2023 Duration: 57min

    The spiritual responsibility of the artist. In this episode we dive deep into the source of life, creation and the responsibility to heal, especially as an artist if your intention is to create more life for all. Are you aware that your creation can either build or destroy? Let´s heal collectively and build more life together. If you want to work with me - find my on

  • How to become desired instead of being as needy as I was.

    08/12/2023 Duration: 56min

    How to become desired instead of being as needy as I was. In this episode we are talking about my transformational journey from a needy woman who didnt know the worth of her being to a fully embodied goddess who doesn´t take shit from nobody. And how you can become her too :)

  • How the Hip Hop Culture deceives young women.

    24/11/2023 Duration: 01h15s

    Do you believe that you can do whatever with your body? Then also be ready to reap the consequences of that attitude. Listen in for a talk with your big sis. #purity #sexuality #divinefeminine #sexualenergy

  • Selbstwert und Finanzen.

    23/06/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    Authentizität, Leidenschaft, Aufrichtigkeit Das sind Lenas wichtigsten Werte. Das Thema, welches es ihr besonders angetan hat, ist die Welt der Investments. Denn Frauen verdienen im Schnitt immer noch 18% weniger als Männer, haben weniger Vermögen und deutlich geringere Renten. Deshalb ist es für sie umso wichtiger, finanzielle Emanzipation für Frauen voranzutreiben und Wissen in diesem Bereich zu vermitteln. Gemeinsam mit anderen engagierten Frauen hat Sie genau deshalb einen Female Cashflow Club gegründet, der finanzielles Wissen auf spielerische Weise vermittelt. Wer bin ich? Ich denke, ich bin ein witziger Mensch. Welcher eine Prise Spaß und eine gewisse Leichtigkeit in mein Leben und das anderer bringt. Dabei nehme ich mich nicht zu ernst, denn ich bin der festen Überzeugung, dass ich liebevoll, einfühlsam, durchsetzungsstark und anleitend sein kann und deshalb nicht weniger kompetent, sondern authentisch und menschlich bin. Lasst uns gemeinsam Spaß haben und dabei Grandioses kreieren. Instagram: @

  • Hast du dich für dich entschieden?

    16/06/2023 Duration: 51min

    Hast du dich für dein Leben entschieden? Zu Gast in dieser Podcast-Folge ist Judith Frische aka allseeingcat. Ihre Leidenschaft ist es, Identitäten kennenzulernen, freizulegen und sichtbar zu machen - ihre eigene und die anderer Lebewesen. Denn sie vertraut darauf, dass das aktive Leben der eigenen, wahren Identität die absolute Grundlage dafür ist, ein in allen Bereichen erfüllendes Leben zu leben. Sie bietet ihre Dienste als Grafikdesignerin und Fotografin (Schwerpunkt Corporate Identity & Design) an, sowie in Yoga und Kunst(-handwerklichen) Kursen, Workshops und bald auch Retreats.

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