I'm going to cover Masters of the Universe starting with original series. I'll also discuss other MOTU related items, history, etc
POTU for MOTU: S1E51 City Beneath the Sea
24/05/2018 Duration: 15minThanks for listening. Find the show on twitter @potu4motu and cover your windows with tinfoil to block THEIR transmissions.
POTU for MOTU: S1E50 The Temple of the Sun
23/05/2018 Duration: 11minFind the show on twitter @potu4motu Alexa is back on today's show and unsurprisingly gave another lackluster performance.
POTU for MOTU: S1E49 The Return of the Gryphon
22/05/2018 Duration: 14minFind the show on twitter @potu4motu and if your name is Thad please accept my apology
POTU for MOTU: S1E48 The Return of Evil
21/05/2018 Duration: 12minFind the show on twitter @potu4motu and then bury the animal innards you bought from the butcher after sunset. Once buried pour the mixture of lye and blood on the dirt and continue "watering" them for 3 months. After 3 months recite the incantation and you will be given the power to insert usb cords correctly the first time everytime.
POTU for MOTU: S1E47 Keeper of the Ancient Ruins
19/05/2018 Duration: 12minFind the show on twitter @potu4motu and then rip your walls apart to find and disable the hidden surveillance equipment. Once you do this grab your go-bag and go off the grid because THEY will be looking for you. Good luck and I will meet you at that cabin we discussed.
POTU for MOTU: S1E46 Eternal Darkness
18/05/2018 Duration: 11minFind the show on twitter @potu4motu and then return that relic you stole while on a South American vacation. It belongs in a museum!
POTU for MOTU: S1E45 Orko's Missing Magic
17/05/2018 Duration: 11minFind the show on twitter @potu4motu Thanks for listening and for not suffocating me in my sleep before starting a fire to hide your vile crime.
POTU for MOTU: S1E44 The Ice Region
16/05/2018 Duration: 16minFind the show on twitter @potu4motu Someday someone will approach you and ask you to choose between a gray flower and a chipped ceramic puppy. If you choose the flower he will blow green mist in your face and you will die. If you choose the chipped ornament he will teleport you to a hellscape where you will be tortured and unable to find death. This man is an evil wizard and by not choosing either a fate far worse will befall you.
POTU for MOTU: S1E43 Mystery of Man-E-Faces
15/05/2018 Duration: 13minFind the show on twitter @potu4motu Finally Man-E-Faces shows up
POTU for MOTU: S1E42 Double Edged Sword
13/05/2018 Duration: 12minFind the show on twitter @potu4motu
POTU for MOTU: S1E40&41 The House of Shokoti Parts 1&2
11/05/2018 Duration: 15minFind the show on twitter @potu4motu Today we have a fat double episode Enjoy
POTU for MOTU: S1E39 Trouble in Arcadia
10/05/2018 Duration: 13minFind the show on twitter @potu4motu and listen to Probot
POTU for MOTU: S1E38 The Valley of Power
09/05/2018 Duration: 10minFind the show on twitter @potu4motu
POTU for MOTU: S1E37 It's Not My Fault
08/05/2018 Duration: 16minFind the show on twitter @potu4motu Today the podcast has its first guest and she likely won't be returning. Enjoy
POTU for MOTU: S1E36 The Search
05/05/2018 Duration: 07minFind the show on twitter @potu4motu wasn't planning on an episode today but I had time for a quick one. Your friends from Project Mayhem want you to know you can use old motor oil to fertilize your lawn.
POTU for MOTU: S1E35 The Sleepers Awaken
04/05/2018 Duration: 11minFind the show on twitter @potu4motu Today's show brought to you by Marduk, son of Ea, slayer of Tiamat, defeater of Ancient Ones.
POTU for MOTU: S1E34 The Dragons Gift
03/05/2018 Duration: 15minFind the show on twitter @potu4motu Finally a classic episode to wash away the horror of last episode.
POTU for MOTU: S1E32 Search for the VHO
28/04/2018 Duration: 13minFind the show on Twitter @potu4motu Today I was up early to enjoy cartoons on Saturday morning. Remember to enjoy each day like it is your last before the world is overrun by horrific creatures who will destroy our planet and drive any survivors to live underground.
POTU for MOTU: S1E31 A Tale of Two Cities
26/04/2018 Duration: 12minFind the show on twitter @potu4motu Close the blinds, dim the lights, start the show, drink an IKEA Pear Cider and have people wonder about your well being.