Created by Edward Lewis and James Turner, Crossing the Streams is the video-maker podcast, hosted by streamers, for streamers, about streamers for the fans.On Crossing the Streams we aim to dig deeper into the lives of your favourite videomakers, learning a little bit more about their everyday lives behind the scenes, their creative process, their thoughts on the industry and pretty much anything else they/we want to talk about that day.Hope you enjoy.
Ep.13 The Return
01/12/2017 Duration: 01h36sWe're back. Exactly one year later (completely on purpose... honestly). The new podcast format is a bit more relaxed, with rambles from James and Ed about the last year, and some unfortunate knocking and crashing noises from Ed's neighbours. We're starting afresh, so forgive us for some audio kinks that we'll iron out... also, the format is a bit different and we're working that out too (as you'll hear us discuss). Enjoy!
Ep.12 Lewis Mitchell
29/11/2016 Duration: 01h13minA slightly different approach to the CTS podcast this week, as James and Ed talk to a Twitch employee all about what it's like working inside the big purple streaming machine. Lewis talks about how to get a Twitch partnership, and what he looks for when seeking out new partners, he talks about how he got his start in the industry and about... sockettes?! Email us: Twitter: @ctsshow
Ep.11 Keralis
22/11/2016 Duration: 01h15minSPOILER WARNING: This one is really fun, and it has a fun outtake ending! YAY! James and Ed talk to Keralis about being a family man, having just under 2 million subscribers, staying down to Earth and, of course, how to pronounce Hauppauge. He's an absolutely lovely man, and I hope you enjoy learning more about one of the internet's favourites... Contact us Twitter: @CTSSHOW
Ep.10 Alex Albrecht
15/11/2016 Duration: 01h24minJames and Ed chat to the podcaster/tv show host/Blizzcon presenter/actor/movie producer/director all about the history of the online visual medium and how Alex has made his name in the industry. it's AWESOME and inspiring. This episode is a big deal for Ed as he gets to chat with one of his biggest inspirations for getting in to the games industry in the first place... and James listens very contently (he's my favourite of the two co-hosts that's for sure). Alex has had an interesting journey this far, and worked with some incredible people... you'll have to listen to learn more!
Ep.09 Edward C Lewis
08/11/2016 Duration: 01h10minWant to learn more about how one of your favourite co-hosts got involved in the video games industry? Then listen on... pie theft, Las Vegas, musical interludes, hard work and redacted names of companies left right and centre... it's an interesting and amusing chat if we don't mind saying so ourselves. Follow us on Twitter @CTSSHOW Email us with any feedback:
Ep.08 JayEx23
01/11/2016 Duration: 01h14minEd and James talk to JayEx23, who talks about how slow and steady often wins the race. JayEx23 was one of Flab's first inspirations to getting started out on the YouTube scene, and Jay has some interesting stories to share about the legacy and history of some of YouTube's biggest stars. Interestingly enough, Jay's story overlaps with our favourite Australian co-host's story, and the two talk about how James would send JayEx videos when he was first starting out. email: Twitter: @CTSSHOW
Ep.07 TheMasterBucks
25/10/2016 Duration: 01h22minAfter an unnamed host lost the first podcast we recorded with him entirely, we were very surprised that The Master Bucks returned with 2X the enthusiasm and at least 3X the gusto. We talk to the Master Bucks about being a Fifa-centric YouTuber, working at football clubs, going viral with Overwatch videos and much more. Follow us on Twitter: @CTSSHOW Email us:
Ep.06 KryticZeuz
18/10/2016 Duration: 01h07sThe greatest stories ever told, baguettes, what's it like as someone who only very recently got partnered on Twitch, alien interference, Pringles, getting thrown out of London museums and much more is covered in this very special episode of Crossing The Streams. It's the first ever episode recorded in person, and sounds pretty good for it to be honest! More of this in future, we hope! Follow us on Twitter - @CTSShow
Ep.05 IAmSp00n
11/10/2016 Duration: 01h17minJames and Ed talk to IAmSp00n about being a Twitch streamer and how it's a slightly different life to that of a full-time YouTuber. Tune in to hear how donations, subscription trains, and playing mini-games on Twitch work. Also learn how the publisher/stramer relationship can change videomaker's lives. Hope you enjoy! Remember to rate and review us on itunes and follow us on Twitter @CTSSHOW - you can also email us at
Ep.04 Olli43
04/10/2016 Duration: 01h12minIn episode 4 of CTS, we talk to Olli43 about having more than a million subscribers on YouTube, people turning up to your house uninvited, hiring staff to help with YouTube activities and much more about his daily routine. Ed also insults both James and Olli by calling them clowns... it's well worth a listen. We also have our very first questions segment! So thanks for sending those in. More feedback please -
Ep.03 Deligracy
27/09/2016 Duration: 01h15minWe invite the brilliant Deligracy on to talk all about streaming the Sims, working with EA, horrible nasty men and their YouTube comments, our most awkward streaming moments and much more. Thanks for coming on the show Deli! You were awesome. Any questions, feedback or guest suggestions email Follow us on Twitter @CTSSHOW
Ep.02 DocM77
20/09/2016 Duration: 01h21minIn episode 2 Edward Lewis and James Turner interview DocM77. After talking about YouTube's changing Terms of Service, Doc goes in to detail about how he became a full-time YouTuber. With stories of pro baskebtall, nursing, world-changing engineering research and holding people as they die in your arms, Doc's tale has more twists and turns than an episode of Game of Thrones... hope you enjoy. Any questions, feedback or guest suggestions email Follow us on Twitter @CTSSHOW
Ep.01 Flabaliki
10/09/2016 Duration: 57minIn episode 1 Edward Lewis and James Turner (Flabaliki/Sim Supply) introduce the Crossing The Streams podcast concept and talk about James's life as a YouTuber and all the highs and lows that come with it. We talk about the Queen playing Counterstrike, spiders falling from the sky, and the nature of 'internet fame'. We do talk about some serious stuff too... honest. Any questions, feedback or guest suggestions email Follow us on Twitter @CTSSHOW