Research Insights, hosted by R. Dale Hall, FSA, MAAA, CERA, Managing Director of SOAs Research department and occasional guest hosts, highlights Society of Actuaries (SOA) research. The podcasts include recently released research reports, research featured at SOA meetings, and other related items produced by SOA research.
Zero-Knowledge Proofs
01/12/2023 Duration: 10minHello Listeners and welcome to the Society of Actuaries Research Institute Research Insights Podcast! Today’s episode is focused on the report “Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Emerging Opportunities for the Insurance Industry.” Listen to Petar Jevtic, Associate Professor at Arizona State University, talk about the diverse applications and emerging opportunities that ZKPs offer to the insurance community, especially in the health insurance space. Report Landing Page: We welcome feedback!
COP28 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates - 11-30-2023 - 12-12-2023
28/11/2023 Duration: 22minHey there Listeners! We have another great Society of Actuaries Research Institute Research Insights Podcast episode today discussing the upcoming 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, or COP28, which is being held in the city of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Thursday, November 30, 2023, through Tuesday, December 12, 2023. Listen to host Dale Hall, Managing Director of Research here at the SOA talk with Rade Musulin, Principal at Finity Consulting in Sydney Australia, and Actuaries Institute’s Actuary of the Year for 2023, talk about the upcoming COP28 conference. SOA Research Institute landing page: We welcome feedback!
Research Insights Podcast Classic - An Actuarial Perspective on the Relationship of Patient Centered Medical Homes and Healthcare Costs
16/11/2023 Duration: 18minGreetings Listeners! It’s time for our Research Insights Podcast Classic edition. November is Family Caregivers month, so we pulled out of our archives a very popular podcast named “An Actuarial Perspective on the Relationship of Patient Centered Medical Homes and Healthcare Costs.” Hear Achilles Natsis, Greger Vigen, and Susan Pantely explain the actuary’s role in estimating the financial impact of primary care programs as well as what key issues actuaries should consider when estimating the financial impact of their employers’ and clients’ own primary care programs. We hope you enjoy this Research Insights Classic! Landing Page:
Actuarial Weather Extremes Series: Record-Setting Heat Across Three Continents in July 2023
06/11/2023 Duration: 14minHey Listeners—it’s that time again! Time for another episode of the Society of Actuaries, Research Institute, Research Insights Podcast! Hear Patrick Wiese, ASA and Lead Modeling Researcher here at the Research Institute talk about the report “Actuarial Weather Extremes Series: Record-Setting Heat Across Three Continents in July 2023.” This report is part of a series of reports which identify and summarize unusual or extreme single-day or multi-day weather events which are significant in an historical context. Landing Page:
Retirement Planning and Decision-Making Among Early Middle-Aged Adults
30/10/2023 Duration: 19minIt’s that time again Listeners! Time for another episode of the Society of Actuaries Research Institute Research Insights Podcast! We have another great episode today discussing the Research Institute report “Retirement Planning and Decision-Making Among Early Middle-Aged Adults.” Hear Guest Mathew Greenwald, Founder at Greenwald Research, talk about the insights gained including the factors that influence the savings and retirement planning of 35- to 45-year-olds. Report Landing Page:
Race, Precept 1 & Professional Integrity: The Tale of Frederick L. Hoffman
26/10/2023 Duration: 17minHello there Listeners! You guessed it—it’s time for another Society of Actuaries Research Institute Research Insights Podcast! We have a special guest today who just gave a presentation at our 2023 ImpACT Conference. Hear Jay Jaffe, President at Actuarial Enterprises, Ltd., talk about his presentation “Race, Precept 1 & Professional Integrity: The Tale of Frederick L. Hoffman” which is a case study on the use of race in U.S. mortality analysis and insurance rating. It’s not too late to attend the 2023 SOA ImpACT Conference Virtual!
The Role of Insurers in Developing the Third Pillar of China’s Pension System
23/10/2023 Duration: 14minGood morning Listeners! We have another great Society of Actuaries Research Institute Research Insights Podcast episode today discussing the report “The Role of Insurers in Developing the Third Pillar of China’s Pension System.” Hear one of the authors of the report, Mengyi Xu, Assistant Professor at Purdue University, give valuable insights and recommendations that can optimize the participation of insurance companies, enhancing the long-term sustainability and effectiveness of China's pension system. Landing Page:
Research Insights Podcast Classic - Thinking Ahead: Informing the Design of a Roadmap for Keeping Your Money Safe as You Age
19/10/2023 Duration: 17minGreetings Listeners! It’s time for our Research Insights Podcast Classic edition. October is National Retirement Security month, so we are republishing a very popular podcast named “Thinking Ahead: Informing the Design of a Roadmap for Keeping Your Money Safe as You Age.” Listen to the authors talk about the research they conducted to create the Guide “Thinking Ahead Roadmap.” Sit back and enjoy this Society of Actuaries, Research Institute, Research Insights Podcast Classic edition! Report Landing Page:
Informal Caregiving: Measuring the Cost and Reducing the Burden
09/10/2023 Duration: 31minHello Society of Actuaries Research Institute, Research Insights Podcast Listeners! We have another great episode today discussing the Research Institute report “Informal Caregiving: Measuring the Cost and Reducing the Burden.” Hear Guest Host Steve Siegel, Senior Practice Research Actuary at the Research Institute and Guest Matthew Smith, Consulting Actuary with Milliman talk about informal caregiving and its impacts on employees, employers, and other stakeholders. Report Landing Page:
Megatrends Impacting the Future of Retirement Plans
27/09/2023 Duration: 26minHey there Listeners—welcome back! We have another great episode today discussing the Society of Actuaries Research Institute report “Megatrends Impacting the Future of Retirement Plans.” Hear the conversation between guest Jared Weiner, Executive Vice President & Chief Strategy Officer at The Future Hunters and host Dale Hall, Managing Director of Research here at the Research Institute talk about megatrends and potential paradigm shifts, and how they may impact the future of retirement and retirement plans. Landing Page:
Catastrophic Cyber Risk: An Expert Panel Discussion Series
25/09/2023 Duration: 16minWelcome back Listeners! We have another great episode today focusing on Cyber Risk. Listen to the conversation between our guest Unal Tatar, Assistant Professor of Cybersecurity at the University of Albany talk about the report series “Catastrophic Cyber Risk: An Expert Panel Discussion Series” with Dale Hall, Managing Director of Research here at the Research Institute. Landing Page:
Research Insights Podcast Classic - 2021 Student Research Case Study Challenge
21/09/2023 Duration: 23minGreetings Listeners! It’s time for our Research Insights Podcast Classic edition. September is back to school month, so we are republishing our 2021 Student Research Case Study Challenge podcast first published on June 28, 2021. Listen to the team members from the winning team from Indiana University: Alex Farrar, Eric Herbst, and Michael Mosley talk about how they overcame obstacles and challenges to become the winners. Sit back, listen, and enjoy this Research Insights Podcast Classic!
Evolution of the SOA's Experience Studies and the importance of the work of Regulators.
18/09/2023 Duration: 22minTime to tune in to another great episode of the Society of Actuaries Research Institute Research Insights Podcast! Listen to the conversation between Fred Andersen, Chief Life Actuary at Minnesota Department of Commerce and Dale Hall, Managing Director of Research at the Society of Actuaries Research Institute talk about the evolution of the SOA’s Experience Studies and the importance of the work of Regulators. Society of Actuaries Research Institute:
SOA Research Institute Research Insights/ joint podcast - Impact of Investment Market Conditions on Actuarial Assumptions for Modeling Insurers' Liabilities in Q4
01/09/2023 Duration: 17minDon’t miss our latest episode of the Research Insights Podcast straight to you from the Research Institute at the Society of Actuaries! Listen to guest Stewart Foley, Founder and Managing Partner at, and Dr. Andrew Aziz, Chief Strategy Officer & Head of Product at SS&C Algorithmics, discuss current trends in the insurance asset management industry with host Dale Hall, Managing Director of Research at the Society of Actuaries Research Institute. landing page: SOA Research Institute:
What Retirement Plan Features Do Employees Really Want?
13/07/2023 Duration: 16minListen to Tim Geddes, FSA, EA, MAAA and Managing Director at Deloitte talk about the Society of Actuaries Research Institute report “What Retirement Plan Features Do Employees Really Want?” This report provides important observations for employers and other retirement stakeholders as they assess retirement plans. After listening to the podcast, check out the Choice Simulator Tool on the landing page link below. Podcast: Report landing page:
Data Challenges in Building a Facial Recognition Model and How to Mitigate Them
11/07/2023 Duration: 14minGreetings Listeners! Time to tune in to another episode of the @Society of Actuaries Research Institute Research Insights podcast! Listen to Victoria Zhang, FSA, FCIA, and Director at Sun Life talk about the data challenges of building facial recognition technology. Report landing page:
COVID-19 Data and Modeling
10/07/2023 Duration: 25minTune in Listeners! Hear Matthew Edwards, Senior Director at Willis Towers Watson, an actuary, and during the pandemic Chair of the UK’s Continuous Mortality Investigation, talk about COVID-19 data and modeling. For more research on COVID-19 see:
Social physical and cultural determinants of health and their incorporation into actuarial data and workstreams.
10/07/2023 Duration: 24minDon’t miss our latest Research Insights Podcast straight to you from the Research Institute at the Society of Actuaries! Listen to Sara Teppema, FSA, MAAA, FCA and Chief Actuary at Wildflower Health and Rebecca Owen, FSA, MAAA and Principal at Oregon Coast Actuarial, discuss social physical and cultural determinants of health and their incorporation into the actuarial data and workstreams. Landing page: Report: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning – Practical Applications for Actuarial Modeling (Nested Stochastic)
05/06/2023 Duration: 19minHear David Schraub, Senior Practice Research Actuary at the SOA Research Institute, talk about how artificial intelligence and machine learning (AIML) can help accelerate the speed of analysis for life and annuity actuarial modeling. Report:
Microinsurance in a Nutshell: Only for Africa
02/06/2023 Duration: 15minListen to David Schraub, Senior Practice Research Actuary at the SOA Research Institute, talk about the recently published report "Microinsurance in a Nutshell: Only for Africa?" The journey for microinsurance, nowadays called inclusive insurance, started a long time ago and is not complete in the majority of the low-income and low middle-income markets. When seeking to enhance inclusive insurance markets, it is useful and necessary to have a good understanding because it entails a different treatment of customers, distribution, products, pricing, client management, premium collection, claims declaration and settlement, and reporting. Report: