The latest on women's health, from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology.
How to Manage Chronic Hypertension
08/07/2020 Duration: 23minHypertension, or chronic high blood pressure, affects nearly half of U.S. adults. On this episode of the Women’s Healthcast, maternal-fetal medicine specialist Dr. Kara Hoppe and research manager Jamie LaMantia talked about what causes hypertension, how it’s often treated, and why high blood pressure can be a concern in pregnancy. To learn more about or participate in the MyHEART study examining high blood pressure management in young adults, you can call 608-261-1880, email, or visit To learn more about or participate in the Chronic Hypertension and Pregnancy study, you can reach the research coordinators’ office at 608-417-4218.
REPLAY: Safe Spaces: Making Ob-Gyn Care LGBT-Friendly
18/06/2020 Duration: 16minTo celebrate LGBT Pride, we’re re-airing one of our most popular episodes: Safe Spaces: Making OB-Gyn Care LGBT-Friendly. For many LGBT people, past discrimination or concerns about discrimination from medical professionals can deter them from seeking health care. Pride Month (and every month) is a great time to look at how we make health care settings safe and inclusive spaces. On this episode of the Women’s Healthcast, Dr. Ruth Yemane discusses reproductive and sexual healthcare for LGBT patients. She also shares her suggestions for how health systems can work harder to make sure lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people feel safe and comfortable throughout their healthcare experiences. Dr. Yemane is an academic specialist in general ob-gyn at UW-Madison.
Is it Safe to See the Doctor? Clinical Safety and COVID-19
20/05/2020 Duration: 44minOur healthcare system mounted a rapid response to the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, which included pausing or delaying some non-essential or elective care, ramping up telehealth or video visits, and limiting in-person appointments for patient safety. It’s May 20 now, and at least in Wisconsin, we’re getting ready to loosen some restrictions and bring people back into clinics. On this episode, three doctors in the UW-Madison Department of Ob-Gyn discuss safety precautions and changes to prenatal, obstetrical, general women’s health, and gynecologic cancer care, as well as what’s happening the clinical research world. 1:00-24:48 - Dr. Makeba Williams discusses prenatal care, labor and delivery, contraceptive care and women's health screenings 24:49-37:40 - Gynecologic oncologist Dr. Lisa Barroilhet on balancing continuity of cancer care with reducing the risk of COVID-19 exposure 37:41-43:33 - Dr. David Kushner provides an overview on clinical studies opening back up, and safety precautions for participa
Stress, Anxiety, and COVID-19
28/04/2020 Duration: 31minStress, anxiety, grief, peace, joy, fear - pick an emotion, and it's likely been part of your COVID-19 pandemic experience. On this episode of the Women's Healthcast, Dr. Julianne Zweifel talks about the broad range of emotional responses people might be having right now, what behaviors might be influencing our feelings, and her tips for managing stress and anxiety. Dr. Zweifel is a health psychologist in the UW-Madison Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. She is also part of the UW Ob-Gyn Wellness Committee, a group that has been hard at work this spring pulling together a wide variety of mental and physical wellness resources. Take a look at their website to find some of the resources Dr. Zweifel mentions in this episode:
Best of the Women's Healthcast
14/04/2020 Duration: 25minFor 50 episodes and more than two years, the Women’s Healthcast has brought you informative interviews with a wide variety of women’s health experts. On this episode, we look back at clips from some of your favorite interviews on birth control; common conditions like endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, pelvic floor disorders, and menopause; preventing cervical cancer; adapting health care to meet more people’s needs; and more!
COVID-19 and Pregnancy
25/03/2020 Duration: 09minCOVID-19 – also referred to as coronavirus – has drastically changed the way many of us live our lives. This episode is intended as a quick update and overview of resources related to COVID-19, and an update on what we know about the virus and pregnancy. This update is current as of March 25, but our knowledge of COVID-19 is changing rapidly. You can watch the following sites for updates as more information about COVID-19 and pregnancy becomes available: Pregnancy & Breastfeeding – US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Coronavirus (COVID-19), Pregnancy, and Breastfeeding: A Message for Patients - American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): What You Need to Know About its Impact on Moms and Babies – March of Dimes
Gynecology for Teens: What to Expect
11/03/2020 Duration: 13minA study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that many teen girls and young women may receive unnecessary pelvic exams and Pap tests. On this episode of the Women’s Healthcast, Dr. Bridget Kelly sat down to talk about when younger people should start getting pelvic exams and Pap tests, and what she covers in visits with her adolescent patients. Dr. Kelly is a general ob-gyn in the UW department of Ob-Gyn with a special interest in pediatric and adolescent gynecology.
Body Image and Eating Disorders
26/02/2020 Duration: 36minFebruary 24-March 1, 2020 is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. On this episode, UW Health pediatrician Dr. Paula Cody talks about how common eating disorders are, where fad diets fall on the disordered eating spectrum, how body image plays into disordered eating, and how we can work towards greater body acceptance as a culture. Resources in the episode: Health At Every Size, Dr. Cody's favorite resource for moving towards body acceptance National Eating Disorders Association Cody's past blog posts about eating disorders (2020, 2019, 2018)
Infertility 101
12/02/2020 Duration: 37minInfertility – the inability to get pregnant after one year of trying, or after six months for women over age 35 – is very common. 10 percent of women younger than 35, and about 25 percent of women between the ages of 35 and 40 have fertility challenges. On this episode of the Women’s Healthcast, we hear from Bala Bhagavath about how he and his team figure out what’s causing infertility, and the range of treatments available. Dr. Bhagavath is a reproductive endocrinology and infertility specialist in the UW Department of Ob-Gyn, and director of UW Health’s Generations Fertility Care clinic in Madison.
Ectopic Pregnancy: Fact and Fiction
22/01/2020 Duration: 11minAn ectopic pregnancy is any pregnancy that implants and starts to grow outside the uterus. These pregnancies can be dangerous, and require immediate treatment. Dr. Ashley Jennings joined the Women's Healthcast to talk about what we know and don't know about ectopic pregnancies, and why they need to be expediently managed.
Universal Contraceptive Care
08/01/2020 Duration: 11minWe’ve talked a lot about birth control on this podcast before – how different methods work, what to think about when choosing birth control, how new technology is changing the landscape. But it's one thing to know how birth control works and how to choose the best method, and it's another thing entirely to actually have affordable, consistent access to the full range of modern contraceptive methods. On this episode, UW Ob-Gyn Department Chair Dr. Laurel Rice provides an overview of the benefits of birth control, and discusses why she is a passionate advocate for universal contraceptive coverage.
Women's Health 2020
18/12/2019 Duration: 24minWhat were some of the biggest policies and issues that affected women’s health in 2019? What’s on the horizon for 2020? And how can we head into an important election year as informed voters? To answer these questions, the Women’s Healthcast invited special guest Sara Finger, excecutive director of the Wisconsin Alliance for Women’s Health. For 15 years, she has led the organization dedicated to helping women reach their optimal health, safety and economic security. Sara is also the host of the new podcast Wide Awake in Wisconsin, a monthly series to help listeners understand the importance of state-level policy. Every month until November 2020, she shares a peek at three key policy issues affecting women’s health, a conversation about important policy with special guests, and quick and easy opportunities to make a difference right away. You can listen on all popular podcasting platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Soundcloud and more!
Telehealth and the Future of Birth Control
13/11/2019 Duration: 23minImagine if getting a birth control prescription was as easy as picking up the phone or opening an app and answering a few questions about your health. Dr. Mary Landry made that possible for some students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She joined the Women’s Healthcast to talk about how her telehealth program makes it easier for UW-Madison students to get birth control, and what similar programs and apps mean for birth control availability in an increasingly restrictive landscape.
Understanding Your Breast Health
23/10/2019 Duration: 14minAbout one in eight U.S. women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Laura Bozzuto joined the Women’s Healthcast to talk about breast cancer symptoms, the latest in screening guidelines, and how to lower your breast cancer risk. Dr. Bozzuto is an ob-gyn with specialty training in breast cancer surgery.
Miscarriage and Pregnancy Loss
09/10/2019 Duration: 21minMiscarriage is both fairly common (occurring in somewhere between 15 and 25% of pregnancies) and under-discussed. Since October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, Kristen Sharp joined the Women's Healthcast to talk about miscarriage and pregnancy loss. Dr. Sharp leads the UW Health Hope After Loss clinic, where she supports patients experiencing pregnancy or infant loss, or preparing for a pregnancy following a loss. She talked about how common miscarriage and pregnancy loss are, what we understand about the causes, the complex landscape of grief following a pregnancy loss, and important advice for health care teams – as well as family and friends – supporting people through pregnancy loss.
Midwives Change Lives
25/09/2019 Duration: 14minThis year, National Midwifery Week is September 29 through October 5. What better opportunity to learn more about the difference midwives can make in healthcare? Hannah Copp, certified nurse midwife with a clinical practice at UW Health, joined the Women’s Healthcast to talk about the broad range of care midwives provide – from birth control to prenatal, birth and postpartum care, to supporting patients through perimenopause. She also discusses how people can consider whether midwifery care is a good fit for them.
Cervical Cancer: Prevention, Detection, Treatment
11/09/2019 Duration: 24minCervical cancer is the third most common gynecologic cancer in the United States, with nearly 13,000 new cases diagnosed every year. Since September is Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month, Sumer Wallace joined the Women's Healthcast to talk about what causes cervical cancer, how it’s treated, and why the HPV vaccine and regular screenings are important tools to help prevent cervical cancer. Dr. Wallace is a gynecologic oncologist in the UW Department of Ob-Gyn. If you’re in the Madison, Wisconsin area and would like to support gynecologic cancer research, join us on September 20 for the Sparkle of Hope gala - an exciting evening of dinner, drinks, silent auction and more to raise funds for gynecologic cancer research in the UW Department of Ob-Gyn and UW Carbone Cancer Center. Learn more at
Opioids and Pregnancy: Focusing on Harm Reduction
28/08/2019 Duration: 24minOpioid use during pregnancy is happening more and more across the country, which can lead to some complications for moms and babies. On this episode, Jackie Adams talks about opioid use disorder, safety concerns for using opioids while pregnant, and a new program she started to support pregnant people in treatment for opioids. Dr. Adams is a fellow in the UW Ob-Gyn maternal-fetal medicine program.
Rhythm Method 2.0
14/08/2019 Duration: 26minWe use smartphones for so many things throughout the day – they can be cameras, grocery lists, work stations, more. But…can they also be birth control? Fertility tracking, or menstrual tracking, apps are getting more and more popular – one was even recently approved by the FDA as birth control. On this episode, Dr. Eliza Bennett talks about how fertility tracking apps work, whether they’re effective as contraception, and important questions about data security to consider before using a menstrual tracking app.
Grit, Robotics, and Other Surgical Education Stories
24/07/2019 Duration: 16minPhysicians and surgeons go through many years of training to hone their skills. But have you ever wondered what that training looks like? How do surgeons learn these extremely technical, hands-on skills in high-stakes situations? Dr. Ken Kim, director of the gynecologic oncology fellowship and director of Robotic Surgical Education and Training at the University of Alabama-Birmingham, joined the Women's Healthcast after giving a special presentation to the UW Department of Ob-Gyn on surgical education. He discussed how to teach surgery, what makes for good surgical teaching and learning, and how surgical education keeps up in an increasingly technical field.