Meditate Awake

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 8:11:58
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Living Awake, real, and unfiltered. Tips and experience to help you wake up your world and transform your life with meditation.


  • CONNECTION: What’s The Power of Storytelling?

    01/07/2019 Duration: 01min

    Anthropologists suggest that storytelling is a vital part of the way humans connect with one another. Storytelling is a communication form that exists across cultures. We use it to share information; to form and sustain bonds with other people; and to process information within our own minds. And stories pass a sense of connection through generations, too. Stories are used to pass down knowledge about places and spaces; about the land we live on, the dangers and possibilities available to us. The stories that were told to you as a child have informed the way you understand the world today. Telling stories to other people is never a waste of time. Neither is listening. By sharing the human act of storytelling you can experience more profound connection in life — connection with other people, with places, with your history, and with yourself.

  • CAREER: Do You Focus on the Process?

    01/07/2019 Duration: 01min

    Are you a creative person or creative professional? Do you feel a sense of disconnect between your process and your product? Anthropologist Stephanie Bunn argues that too much focus is placed on the end product of a creative process. When for the maker, it is the journey that is most meaningful. Once they’re made, products of all kinds go on to have complex social lives and develop their own material histories. But what about while they’re being made? What about the maker? Bunn writes that “making is an embodied relationship with something outside of ourselves.” It’s not about the product. It’s about the process; about working with materials, feeling what that feels like, and the sense of self and identity that making creates. Focus on the process and the product might just take care of itself.

  • DE-STRESS: How to Create Stressful Thoughts

    29/06/2019 Duration: 01min

    What is the most calming and uplifting thought you’ve had today? Tell us in the comments — your thought might improve someone else’s day! Studies show that stress and anxiety are self-perpetuating. The more you focus on a stressful thought, the more your mind will create additional stressful thoughts. It’s a cascade of negativity which can lead to intense anxiety. If your mind has the tendency to do this, it won’t change overnight. But by interrupting that cascade you can begin the process of shifting your mind towards optimism and away from anxiety. How do you interrupt it? When a positive thought arises, focus on it. Repeat it to yourself all day. Hold onto it more tightly than you hold onto the stressful thoughts.

  • SLEEP: Processing Emotional Pain

    29/06/2019 Duration: 01min

    In his book Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams, neuroscientist Matthew Walker explains that dreaming is not just a side effect of sleep. Dreams actually play an important role in our wellbeing. He writes that dreaming is like therapy that happens every single night. And he argues that instead of time healing all wounds, it is the time we spend dreaming that heals emotional and psychological pain. REM sleep (the stage of sleep in which you dream) is the only time when the brain is completely free from the molecule noradrenaline, which causes anxiety. And in this neurologically peaceful state, emotional and memory structures of the brain are activated within REM sleep in the form of dreams. What does that mean? The brain is remembering and processing emotions and events without any of the primary stress chemical. So those memories can be re-processed in a calmer, safer brain state.

  • MEDITATE: Gangaji Practice

    29/06/2019 Duration: 01min

    The following words were written by Gangaji, an American spiritual teacher. Read them slowly while breathing steadily. Read them again; absorbing the meaning of each word into your mind. And then close your eyes and take 10 deep breaths as the words settle into your subconscious. “Be still and know yourself as the Truth you have been searching for. Be still and let the inherent joy of that Truth capture your drama and destroy it in the bliss of consummation. Be still and let your life be lived by the purpose you were made for. Be still and receive the inherent truth of your heart.” Let these words speak to your inner wisdom; to your intuition; and to your open heart.

  • MIND: Top Tip to Overcome Negative Thinking

    28/06/2019 Duration: 01min

    Don’t think of a purple elephant! Did you just…think of a purple elephant? This is called the ‘ironic process theory’. It’s a kind of psychology paradox: if you’re trying to avoid thinking about something in particular, you’re more likely to think about that thing. Theorists suggest that it’s very simple: in order to know what thoughts you want to avoid, you have to think those thoughts. And when we think bigger than a purple elephant, this means that by trying to stop yourself thinking negative thoughts or focusing on negative emotions, you might actually heighten the power of those thoughts. Instead of suppressing the thoughts you don’t want you can work on replacing them. Allow yourself acknowledge why you don’t want those thoughts, and then cultivate thoughts that balance them out. For example, instead of refusing to admit you’re scared, you could choose to acknowledge your fear and then focus on confidence and bravery.

  • BODY: How Humans Fly

    28/06/2019 Duration: 01min

    Our bodies are capable of more than we think. Extreme action specialist Elizabeth Streb has had a lifelong mission to figure out how to fly. Obsessed with flying from a young age, she set out to defy gravity and enhance her body’s natural capabilities so that she could spread her arms and soar. Through her many unsuccessful attempts, she realised that the reason humans don’t fly might be because we’re afraid of the landing. We don’t want to get hurt. She says that humans can fly — we do fly. It’s just that the duration of our flight is much less than the duration of, say, a butterfly’s flight. So we have to prepare ourselves to land sooner and more often. She learnt to relish the impact in order to enjoy those seconds of flight. And by learning to relish the impact, she changed her perspective so that falling was no longer falling. It was flying. Perhaps there’s a lesson in there for all of us.

  • CONNECTION: What is Holding Hands Saying?

    26/06/2019 Duration: 01min

    DAILY INSIGHT Why do we hold hands? Over the years, scientists have conducted numerous studies to figure out the reasons and benefits for hand-holding in close relationships. Professor Eric Rabquer, a biologist, suggested that the high number of nerve endings in our hands make them our primary focus for exchanging touch. Touching and holding hands communicates physiological and emotional information from one person to another. We can communicate fear, comfort, and intimacy through handholding. DAILY ACTION Your highly sensitive hands can help you to build a stronger relationship with your partner. Hold hands when you’re walking side by side, or sitting together, and notice how it feels. What is your partner communicating — whether consciously or subconsciously? What are you communicating? And how does the simple act of holding hands make you feel?

  • CAREER: Collaborate Don’t Compete

    25/06/2019 Duration: 01min

    DAILY INSIGHT When it comes to your work, do you favor competition or collaboration? Lots of us see our peers as competitors. But seeing everyone who does similar work as a competitor comes from a sense of scarcity; and actually, cooperation and collaboration could help your career or business grow faster. DAILY ACTION Get in touch with someone you see as your competition. But approach them with openness and curiosity — be willing to share knowledge and skills with them, and to offer support as they navigate the challenges of work. Have a chat over a coffee and start to build a genuine relationship. Opportunities for mutual support or even direct collaboration might just present themselves.

  • DE-STRESS: Die Hard De-Stress Technique

    24/06/2019 Duration: 01min

    DAILY INSIGHT Stress relief comes in many forms — and different things work for different people. In Die Hard, John McClane is scared of flying. The man sitting next to him on the plane says, “you wanna know the secret to surviving air travel? When you get to where you’re going you take your shoes off and your socks, and you walk around barefoot and make fists with your toes.” DAILY ACTION Make fists with your toes! Even the strangest stress relief techniques can help to calm down and bring you into the present moment; and actually, interrupting your thought patterns by focusing on new physical sensations is an effective element of mindfulness practice. Try it. Die Hard said so.

  • SLEEP: Does Mood Effect Sleep?

    22/06/2019 Duration: 01min

    DAILY INSIGHT We know that poor sleep affects our mood. But did you know that your mood could also be affecting how well you sleep? Sleep studies show that people who feel anxious, constantly ‘switched on’, or who move through their days with low energy and a feeling of dragging themselves along, are more likely to sleep badly. In turn, not getting enough sleep makes all of those problems worse. DAILY ACTION Take control of your mood to improve your sleep. Before bed, spend 10 minutes doing something that makes you feel calm and grounded on the earth. This might be meditating, gentle movement, or writing in a gratitude journal; or it might be dancing, playing drums, or simply looking out of a window. Or something else completely — all that matters is that it makes YOU feel calm and peaceful.

  • MEDITATE: “Be Here Now” Technique

    21/06/2019 Duration: 01min

    DAILY INSIGHT This moment matters. The next one will matter too — but right now, it’s OK to focus on this one. Life won’t fall apart if you spend a second in the present. DAILY ACTION Take a deep breath in through the nose. Exhale through the mouth with a big sigh. Do this twice more. And then repeat this affirmation to yourself three times: I am here. I am where I need to be. This moment matters. How does it feel when you are present in the moment? Does it feel like waking up? By weaving simple mindfulness techniques into your every day life, you can experience the power of presence more often. Don’t be here just once in a while. In the words of Eckhart Tolle - be here now!

  • MIND: #1 Relationship Tip

    20/06/2019 Duration: 01min

    DAILY INSIGHT To change what’s happening in your life, you must first change what’s happening in your mind. Instead of focusing on external occurrences that you can’t control — which makes you feel powerless — focus inward, on your thoughts and emotions. Where do your thoughts come from? What emotions come up again and again for you? Which thoughts and emotions are holding you back from living the life you want to live? DAILY ACTION Take the time to identify one thought pattern that holds you back. For example, you might get angry every time you feel someone is criticizing you, and therefore miss out on the opportunity for growth and connection. You might feel jealous when you see your partner talking to an attractive person, and in turn, make your partner feel as though you don’t trust them. Whatever your pattern is, notice it. And then choose a thought pattern to replace it. Choose to reframe criticism as useful feedback, take a deep breath, and get quiet to listen closely. Choose to appreciate your partn

  • BODY: Herbs for Immune Health

    20/06/2019 Duration: 01min

    DAILY INSIGHT Astragalus, black elderberry, and oregano. What do these three herbs have in common? They all help to boost your immune system, with powerful revitalizing properties. If you’re feeling unwell more often than normal, or generally a bit low and not quite on top form, add these herbs to your daily diet to support your health naturally. Tell us what your favorite feel-good herbs are below! DAILY ACTION Get in the habit of making a simple herbal tea each day. Put the fresh herbs in a teapot (you could throw in some additional immune-boosting ingredients, like ginger, cinnamon and orange peel) and pour in hot — but not boiling — water. Leave to infuse for 5-10 minutes, and then strain. Add honey to taste; and enjoy!

  • CONNECTION: Online Vs. In Person

    19/06/2019 Duration: 01min

    DAILY INSIGHT Many of us now spend more time communicating with our friends online than we do in real life. But studies show that online friends cannot replace face-to-face connections when it comes to our wellbeing. We need up close and personal contact with friends to be happy and healthy! The fact that the Internet allows us to keep in touch with people is amazing, no doubt; but no matter how many messages you exchange, or how long you’re chatting on Facetime, the physiological, emotional, and mental benefits of human interaction are unmatchable. DAILY ACTION Call a friend and arrange to meet up. Have a tea; hang in the park for a few hours with nothing to do; or go to their house and enjoy their company. Remember to prioritize in-person interaction to make the most of life.

  • CAREER: Do What You Love

    19/06/2019 Duration: 01min

    DAILY INSIGHT Warren Buffet said “taking jobs to build up your resume is the same as saving sex for old age.” In other words — find work you love NOW, not later. People who are fulfilled and inspired by their career aren’t waiting for the right time to sit back and enjoy it; they’re throwing themselves into the midst of their passion right now. DAILY ACTION If you’re not yet doing the work you love, ask yourself this question: what are you waiting for? Tell us in the comments below; writing it out might help to uncover the limitations that are holding you back. And then ask yourself: in ten years, will you regret what you’re doing right now? Or could you look back at THIS day and thank yourself for taking steps in the right direction?

  • DE-STRESS: The Power of Hugs

    18/06/2019 Duration: 01min

    DAILY INSIGHT Hugs feel good. But did you know that a hug can actually work to reduce your stress levels instantly? When you hug another person, your body releases a hormone called Oxytocin. It’s the hormone of love — and it’s so powerful that it’s actually the key hormone for inducing contractions when women are in labor! It induces a state of happiness, lowers your blood pressure, and reduces your levels of the stress hormone norepinephrine. DAILY ACTION Feeling stressed? Ask for a hug. The people around you want to help when you’re struggling, and this is a simple, quick, and mutually feel-good way for them to do that. Ask for hugs and give them freely!

  • SLEEP: Learn a Language?

    15/06/2019 Duration: 01min

    DAILY INSIGHT You know that old idea that you can learn a language if you hear it while you’re sleeping? New research published this year by scientists at the University of Bern in Switzerland says it might actually be true. The key is not just in listening to vocabulary while you’re asleep; but listening to it during the right stage of sleep. The researchers found that when the brain is going through slow waves during deep sleep, words that are played during the ‘up’ peak of a wave are more likely to be remember when awake. DAILY ACTION OK; we’re not saying you’ll be able to learn a whole new language in your sleep. But it’s possible that if you leave a recording on so that words are played to you when you’re in deep sleep (i.e. not just in the moments after you fall asleep) you might just absorb some of that new information. Have you ever tried to learn a language in your sleep?

  • MEDITATE: Awareness of Sound

    15/06/2019 Duration: 01min

    DAILY INSIGHT Get quiet to hear more. Meditation can help to train your listening skills — which will make you more present and compassionate with everyone you meet. Focusing on awareness of sound during meditation will help you to arrive in the present moment, and teach your brain how to notice sound and listen more acutely. With practice, this makes it easier for you to naturally sit quietly and listen when others speak; or simply listen to the sounds of the world around you. DAILY ACTION Choose a place to sit. And quiet down. Close your eyes (so your brain can focus more closely on the sense of hearing) and notice everything you hear. You might notice the big sounds to start with; but gradually, you will begin to notice more subtle sounds. Practice awareness of sound for 3-5 minutes before you take a deep breath and get on with your day.

  • MIND: Should You Sleep On It?

    09/06/2019 Duration: 01min

    DAILY INSIGHT Did you know that making decisions makes your brain tired? Every choice you make (even choosing between the mint tea or the oat milk latte) draws on the brain’s executive function, and asks the ‘active self’ to work. This active self is an element of the ego — and it is a limited resource. Each time you make a choice you reduce your mental capacity, which has an impact on your ability to make clear decisions about other things. DAILY ACTION Studies show that essentially, the brain works like a muscle. When it’s used, it gets tired, and then doesn’t function as well when it’s used again. When you’ve got a big, important choice to make, take note of how many decisions (even seemingly meaningless ones!) you’ve made already that day. If you’ve been tiring out your active self, then the immediate answer might be: sleep on it.

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