U.S. Healthcare Systems largest podcast network dedicated to the 'Business of Pharmacy' with over 60,000+ listeners, 25 co-hosts, and 20 different podcast segments. Listen, Share, & Join.
Pharmacy Podcast Show Episode 69 Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association Adam C. Welch, PharmD.
18/12/2012 Duration: 17minWe talk with past president of the Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association Adam C. Welch, PharmD. We cover Pharmacist Administered Immunization & PA State House SB 254, which would remove the 18 year age restriction on pharmacist administered immunizations. The bill also would allow licensed pharmacy interns to administer immunizations under the direct supervision of a licensed immunizing pharmacist. Also, Representative Seth Grove has introduced HB 817, which is identical to the Senate version of this legislation. It’s important that you remember to contact both your Senator and Representative when voicing your support for this issue! Increase Access to Preventative Vaccines! PPA Contact Information 508 North Third Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101- 1199 Telephone Number: 717-234-6151 Fax Number: 717-236-1618 General Email: ppa@papharmacists.c
Pharmacy Podcast Episode 68 Catalyst Healthcare & Pack4U Pharmacy Business Technology Solutions
12/12/2012 Duration: 20minCatalyst Healthcare & Pack4U Pharmacy Business Technology Solutions Shane Bishop · President & CEO of Catalyst Healthcare (leading eMAR provider in US & Canada) & Creator of Pack4U concept and company founder ·
Pharmacy Podcast Episode 67 American College of Apothecaries
10/12/2012 Duration: 20minWe interview the Executive Vice President - Ed Hesterlee PharmD. with the American College of Apothecaries. The ACA was founded on May 9, 1940 in Richmond, Virginia. In 1978, the Research & Education Foundation was established, and in 1998 the American College of Veterinary Pharmacists began. The existence of these three separate entities allows for the provision of numerous benefits to the Fellowship and the profession. Our Research & Education Resource Center was founded in 1998 in Bartlett, Tennessee. The basic purpose of the American College of Apothecaries is the translation and dissemination of knowledge, research data and recent developments in professional pharmacy practice for the benefit of pharmacists, pharmacy students and the public. This is achieved through regular distribution of periodicals, development of major publications and continuing education courses on clinical and administrative topics and conducting educational conferences.
Pharmacy Podcast Episode 66 Power of MatchRx & Impact on Your Pharmacy's Bottom Line
04/12/2012 Duration: 18minWHAT IS MATCHRX & HOW WILL THIS TECHNOLOGY IMPACT YOUR PHARMACY BUSINESS? A web-based marketplace which allows pharmacists across the country to buy and sell overstock prescription drugs to one another for 10%-90% off WAC. MatchRX is a web based marketplace that was developed exclusively for the independent pharmacist. At MatchRX, we provide a simple, secure way for you to better manage inventory on a daily basis. By connecting neighborhood pharmacists across the US, we enable our members to buy and sell overstocked prescription drugs at discounted prices. The result is an easy way to minimize waste and improve your bottom line. MatchRX Inc. 210 E. 3rd St., Ste. 100 Royal Oak, MI 48067
Pharmacy Podcast Episode 65 LTC Pharmacy Business co-Host & Expert: Ms. Dana Saffel PharmD
03/12/2012 Duration: 20minOur LTC Pharmacy Business co-Host & Expert: Ms. Dana Saffel, President PharmD, DPh, CGP Dana is the CEO of PharmaCare Strategies: Dana Saffel, PharmD, DPh, CGP, FASCP, is President and CEO of PharmaCare Strategies, Inc., a market development firm that specializes in assisting pharmaceutical manufacturers and pharmacy providers in positioning key products in specialty channels such as long-term care, managed care, Medicaid/Medicare and hospital markets. As a part of this role, Dr. Saffel coordinates various brand management activities in conjunction with clients’ internal staff and oversees the development of customized sales training programs for the life sciences industries and product-focused disease management initiatives. She also moderates industry-related advisory boards, and provides educational programming to healthcare professionals. Prior to starting PharmaCare Strategies, Dr. Saffel was
Pharmacy Podcast Episode 64 Pharmacy Future Leaders Fairleigh Dickinson University's School of Pharmacy
03/12/2012 Duration: 25minWe interview Pharmacy Future Leader PharmD Student Nicholas Albano & Student Affairs & Admissions Director Beth Fisher with Fairleigh Dickinson University's School of Pharmacy FDU School of Pharmacy New Jersey's First Pharmacy School Associated with a Private University Located in the heart of the U.S. pharmaceutical industry, Fairleigh Dickinson University's School of Pharmacy in Morris County, New Jersey, is unveiling a dynamic curriculum incorporating technology, a global perspective, and multiple master's degree options. The time is right for an innovative approach to pharmacy education because revolutionary developments are changing the fie
Pharmacy Podcast Episode 63 Pharmacy Marketing Quarterly Founder Scot Maitland
29/11/2012 Duration: 16minScot Maitland - Editor/ Founder Pharmacy Marketing Quarterly Founder and publisher of Pharmacy Marketing Quarterly. PMQuarterly is the only publication solely dedicated to the marketing needs of independent pharmacy. Pharmacy Marketing Quarterly is your one stop shop for picking up pearls of wisdom for your independent pharmacy! Log on today to read the magazine online! Have a pearl to share with the community? Tweet us @
Pharmacy Podcast Episode 62 Parata Systems CEO Tom Rhoads Pharmacy Business Call to Action
16/11/2012 Duration: 14minInterview with Tom Rhoads, CEO Parata Systems Tom & I discuss a five step success program for Independent Pharmacy. Number 1: Review your patient data, and identify your chronic medication users, those taking three or more prescription meds a month. Based on trends we see nationally, and across Parata’s pharmacy customers, about 10 percent of your multiple medication patients represent about 50 percent of your revenue. Get a plan together now to help them remain more adherent, and thus healthier. If you do that, your chances of losing them to a competing provider
Pharmacy Podcast Episode 61: Dave Walker RPh. Your Patient Health Records & Pharmacy
12/11/2012 Duration: 21minDave Walker Pharmacist: Background in pharmacy with over 20 years of pharmacy management experience in retail, hospital and long term care settings. Experience and expertise in pharmacy, pharmacy marketing, community pharmacy clinical outreach programs, medication therapy management MTM, health care sales and marketing, technical and computer skills including personal health records, leadership and team building, business and community networking. EMERI-TUBE: Emergi-Tube Standard Kit with QuickStart ePHR
Pharmacy Podcast Episode 60: Pharmacy Future Leaders Temple University School of Pharmacy
24/10/2012 Duration: 12minPharmacy Future Leaders Temple University School of Pharmacy: We talk with PharmD Student Molly Hayes about her future in Pharmacy and the next generation leadership within our prefession. Temple University School of Pharmacy: Temple's Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) program meets the professional challenges of all areas of pharmacy practice. Our guiding philosophy is to inculcate values necessary for students to serve society as caring, ethical, and learning professionals while making them enlightened citizens. Temple's Pharm.D. program requires six years of study divided into two components. The first requires the completion of two years of pre-professional education at Temple University or at an accredited institution of higher learning. The professional education component requires four years of study at the School of Pharmacy. Temple also offers a Ph.D. and M.S. degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences and a non
Pharmacy Podcast Episode 59: Cash Pricing Strategy with PHSI David Schuetz, R.Ph.
23/10/2012 Duration: 23minPharmacy Healthcare Solutions, Inc.
Pharmacy Podcast Episode 58 Pharmacy Immunization Compliance Program by RJ Hedges
08/10/2012 Duration: 21minR. J. Hedges & Associates Pharmacy Immunization Compliance Program provides your pharmacy with the proper policies and procedures needed to remain compliant with immunization guidelines. Pharmacy Immunization Compliance Policy and Procedure Program includes: Easy to read and follow policies and procedures with necessary documents needed to implement an immunization program An outline/plan to implement a 10 - 15 minute vaccination process Guidance to help you and your staff perform efficient, compliant and professional immunizations Instructions for properly documenting and recording physicians’ standing orders A Bloodborne Pathogen Plan that specifically addresses applicable OSHA Rules and Regulations A Hazard Communication Plan that specifically addresses applicable OSHA Rules and Re
Pharmacy Podcast Episode 57 Nates Pharmacy and the Power of Pharmacy-POS RMS
05/10/2012 Duration: 16minNate's Pharmacy and Surgical Supplies is one of New York's largest full service independent pharmacies. Owner Boris Natenson is dedicated to his community and the pharmacy profession and provides services through 6 locations. Nate's Pharmacy can serve all pharmacy needs, including a specialty compounding laboratory where we can modify or customize medication to better suit a patients' needs. The mission at Nate's Pharmacy and Surgical Supply is to redefine what customer expectations should be from your neighborhood drugstore. Once you enter the drugstore the customer will experience the highest level of services through unique access to our highly trained pharmacists, technicians and customer care specialists. Boris shares about the importance of balancing the right technology and pharmacy operation process. Boris talks with us about Retail Management Solutions Point of Sales Pharmacy Technology. Boris and his teams strive to be the leader in pharmacy custome
Pharmacy Podcast Episode 56 LTC Pharmacy Champion Bent Gay with Gayco Healthcare
03/10/2012 Duration: 19minWe interview LTC Pharmacy Owner and patient care advocate - Bent Gay BSPharm with Gayco Healthcare Gayco HealthcareDublin, GA When opening his longterm care pharmacy in 1993, Bent Gay had a simple mission: serving 4 longterm care facilities with integrity and good customer service. Since its beginnings, the operations of Gay’s company, Gayco Healthcare, have expanded 10-fold, but the focus on quality and comprehensive care remains the same. This commitment is reflected in the company mission statement, which states that Gayco Healthcare strives “to add value to each of our longterm care facilities through our focus on quality and comprehensive resident care.” Today, Gayco Healthcare serves more than 10 longterm care facilities, including skilled nursing, hospice, and correctional institutions. Gay strives to reduce the risk of medication errors by streamlining operations and by promoting open co
Pharmacy Podcast Episode 55 Pharmacy Marketing Creativity and Pharm Fresh Media
26/09/2012 Duration: 19minLiz Tiefenthaler, PresidentPharm Fresh Media Co-founder and President of Pharm Fresh Media whose focus is on providing marketing solutions to Independent Pharmacy. Liz helps pharmacists build customer loyalty and engagement through ongoing conversations in marketing, public relations, print and web solutions. Liz has worked in marketing and advertising for over 25 years and as an entrepreneur herself, understands the issues facing small and mid-sized businesses. She is a tireless promoter of Independent Pharmacy. Specific Practice Areas Direct mail Email marketing Public relations Event promotion Print collateral and support materials such as brochures, inserts and pocket folders Web solutions including consulting
Pharmacy Podcast Episode 54: Independent Pharmacy Owner Teresa Stickler with Melrose Pharmacy
24/09/2012 Duration: 18minWe interview Independent Pharmacy and Community Activist Teresa Stickler, RPh. Teresa has lived in New Jersey, Heidelberg-Germany, and Georgia. She went to college at Rutgers University's College of Pharmacy. She is a proud member of Gamma Sigma, the Georgian Society where she has met her best of friends. She's married to Kurt Stickler. She enjoys hurdling (Track & Field), gardening, traveling, belly dancing, her adult gymnastics class and relaxing with friends and family. Teresa was New Jersey State Champion for 3 years in college for the 400 meter hurdles. She is a master gardener. Her favorite place is the Dominican Republic. Teresa applied to be on Survivor. She was PDS's Pharmacist of the Year for 2011 and was a National Ken Wurster Community Leadership Award Finalist for 2012. She is currently the Seventh Avenue Merchants Association President. Melrose Pharmacy History Melrose Pharmacy is independently owned an
Pharmacy Podcast Episode 53: Robert Frankil with the Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association
22/09/2012 Duration: 23minRobert B. Frankil, R.PhOwner Skippack PharmacyPennsylvania Pharmacist Association 2012 - 2013 Board of DirectorsPresident PPA's Vision:Pennsylvania pharmacists will be recognized, engaged, and fairly compensated as health-care providers. PPA's Mission:The Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association, as the leading voice of pharmacy, promotes the profession through advocacy, education, and communication to enhance patient care and public health. The Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association is a professional membership society of registered ph
Pharmacy Podcast Episode 52: Ernest Boyd with Ohio Pharmacists Association
20/09/2012 Duration: 21minAbout OPA: Mission Statement The Mission of the Ohio Pharmacists Association is to unite the profession of pharmacy, and encourage interprofessional relations while promoting public health through education, discussion and legislation. History & Purpose The Ohio Pharmacists Association (OPA) was formed September 2, 1879 in Columbus, Ohio under the name Ohio State Pharmaceutical Association (OSPA). The purpose of the Association was to elevate the character of the pharmaceutical profession, by uniting the reputable druggists of the state in order to foster the education of those learning the art and thereby stimulate the talent of those engaged in pharmacy. In cooperation with its members and leaders, the present-day OPA continues to function by this purpose and act to positively impact the profession as these past extraordinary individuals did.
Pharmacy Podcast Episode 51: Pharmacist United for Truth & Transparency Update on RxAlly
14/09/2012 Duration: 17minPUTT Board conference call with RxAlly On Tuesday, 8/28/2012, All 8 members of the PUTT Board of Directors had a conference call with 4 senior people from RxA to discuss the new Smart D preferred Part D network. We sent in a list of 30 questions, with a request to reply in writing and also a request to see a copy of contract between RxA and the IAGs (buying groups) that signed on to support RxA.The call last for over 2 hours, and consisted of Bruce Robert's explanation of his role in CCRX, and also his reasoning of why SmartD was needed (very similar to the written materials previously released).
Pharmacy Podcast Episode 50 The Business of Pharmacy: Operations Assessment is Key with Bob Killoran S&L Solutions
13/09/2012 Duration: 20minInterview with Bob Killoran on Pharmacy Business Operations Assessment: Through hands on experience with thousands of Pharmacy Operators and service providers, S & L Solutions LLC empowers you with Sound & Logical Solutions to help you remain competitive in today's dynamic pharmacy industry. The comprehensive pharmacy support services provided through S & L Solutions, LLC are driven by the philosophy that our success is measured solely upon the performance of our programs at each client’s location. S&L Solutions has remained an independent entity and has no financial ties to vendors of any kind. We do not accept commission and/or referral fees from vendors. This policy has allowed us to make vendor recommendations that are in the best interest of our clients without any conflicts of interest. Cost effective Short & Long term solutions which are customized to meet the specific needs of new or existing pharmacy operators: