Pharmacy Podcast Network

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 349:19:21
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U.S. Healthcare Systems largest podcast network dedicated to the 'Business of Pharmacy' with over 60,000+ listeners, 25 co-hosts, and 20 different podcast segments. Listen, Share, & Join.


  • Pharmacy Podcast Episode 149 Pharmacy Owner - Shelley Bailey Making a Difference

    19/05/2014 Duration: 40min

    Ron Lanton with True North Political Solutions talks with Oregon Pharmacy Owner Shelley Bailey about her committment to her patients, customers, and community.  Central Drugs, is a family owned pharmacy providing specialty patient care products and services located in the heart of downtown Portland, since 1903.  With a focus of serving individuals with complex conditions, Central Drugs is able to incorporate the passion and principles of a classic “hometown pharmacy” with the latest in specialty pharmacy management and technology.   Ron Lanton III, Esq. Owner & Chief Strategist True No

  • Pharmacy Podcast Episode 148 Washington D.C. Insider Jim Link with Cormac Group

    07/05/2014 Duration: 20min

      True North Political Solutions - Ron Lanton interviews Washington DC Insider Jim Link on the Pharmacy Industry:  James E. Link - Partner The Cormac Group, LLP 1730 Rhode Island Avenue, NW Suite 317 Washington, DC  20036 202-744-9661 Founded March 2001, The Cormac Group is a bi-partisan strategic consulting and lobbying firm. We are dedicated to providing clients an understanding of the governmental decision-making process while designing and implementing strategies that advance their goals. Recognized advocates for open and fair markets, The Cormac Group principals have been at the forefront of major debates addressing historic changes across higher education, healthcare, transportation and telecommunications. We each bring a history of assisting new entrants break into the market, pressing for a bar

  • Pharmacy Podcast Episode 147 #RxChat Pharmacy Technology - Past Current & Future

    02/05/2014 Duration: 30min

    Today's #RxChat is all about the technologies used in pharmacy operations. We interview Nick Zener, PharmD - LTC Pharmacy Operations consultant about the different experiences he's had during his career.  1) What specific technology has made the biggest impact in pharmacy? Why?  2) Compared to other industries (like auto-insurance) why is pharmacy operators behind using predictive modeling & “big-data”?  Why?  3) Which pharmacy software system are yo

  • Pharmacy Podcast Episode 146 iMedicare - Simplifying Medicare for Pharmacies & Patients

    28/04/2014 Duration: 23min

    Millions of Medicare patients walk into their pharmacy concerned about their Medicare plan coverage and how to save money. Pharmacists have the expertise to help them more than an insurance broker or a social worker can due to the complexities around Step Therapy, Prior Authorization, and Quantity Limits different plans require. We’ve seen time and time again how 

  • Pharmacy Podcast Episode 145 Independent Pharmacy Owner Jerry Shapiro

    18/04/2014 Duration: 22min

    Welcome to Uptown Drug & Gift Shop, a family-run business established in 1945. The proprietors are Jo Ann and Jerry Shapiro, who purchased the store from Jerry’s parents in 1969. For twenty-seven years, the store was located in the mid-Wilshire area. Seeing the rebirth of downtown L.A., we decided to move our business there in August of 2004. Our pharmacy is dedicated to helping all of our patients receive the best possible medical care as it relates to pharmacy services. First and foremost, we are prescription specialists. In order to maintain our high standards, we have gathered together a varied and large staff. Each member’s goal is to make sure that every patient gets the personal attention that they deserve.

  • Pharmacy Podcast Episode 144 #RxChat Big Strategies in Pharmacy: What Moves Us Forward?

    09/04/2014 Duration: 30min

    Today's #RxChat is about - > "Big Strategies in Pharmacy: What Moves Us Forward?"  Here's the topic questions for discussion: 1. What do you see as the major services that pharmacists will provide in the future? 2. How do you see inpatient pharmacy services positioned in the future? 3. How do you see outpatient pharmacy disease management positioned in the future? 4. Where do you see compounding and specialty drugs as part of

  • Pharmacy Podcast Episode 143 #RxChat Provider Status Discussion and Update

    01/04/2014 Duration: 30min

    With the latest news about H.R.4190 - To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide for coverage under the Medicare program of pharmacist services - we talk "Provider Status" today.  Special thanks to co-founder @RxWiki for all the assistance with #RxChat - every Wednesday at 12:30PM ET. 

  • Pharmacy Podcast Episode 142 Next Generation Pharmacist

    24/03/2014 Duration: 19min

    Established through a partnership of Parata Systems and 

  • Pharmacy Podcast Episode 141 #RxChat Marketing your Pharmacy

    19/03/2014 Duration: 30min

    Today's #RxChat Pharmacy Industry Twitter discussion is about:  Marketing in Pharmacies Q1: How are you currently promoting/marketing your pharmacy? Q2: What services do you offer and do all of your patients know about every one? Q3: Do you know your customers? What can you do to better understand them? Q4: How do you figure out who your target market is? Q5: What services could you add to improve the appeal of your pharmacy?

  • Pharmacy Podcast Episode 140 Poison Prevention Week

    17/03/2014 Duration: 18min

    March 17th, 2014 Poison Prevention Week (March 17 - 22)  Pittsburgh, PA - More than 2 million poisonings are reported each year to more than 57 poison control centers in the US.  Over 90% of these poisonings happen in the home.  National Poison Prevention Week, which was established in 1961, is March 16-22, 2014.  It is important to raise awareness of preventing poisoning not only from medications but also from many other common household products and invisible gases like carbon monoxide. There are many ways to prevent poisoning from medications: Proper medication use can reduce the amount of old medications remaining around the house.  Taking the medications as they are prescribed, and not forgetting to take them can help. Knowing the signs and symptoms of side effects from medication overdose.  Ask your pharmaci

  • Pharmacy Podcast Episode 139 CMS Decision on Medicare Part D

    13/03/2014 Duration: 31min

    CMS Decision on Proposed Changes to Medicare Part D 1. How have preferred networks affected the business of pharmacy? 2. How aware do you feel pharmacists are of how payor issues affect patients and pharmacies? 3. How do patients react to price fluctuations between $0 copay and the donut hole? 4. What changes would you like to see improved in Part D to help pharmacies and patients? 5. What do you believe are the most impacting NEXT STEPS for Pharmacists & Pharma

  • Pharmacy Podcast Episode 138 Changing Settings: The Pharmacist Workplace

    05/03/2014 Duration: 29min

    #RxChat is a #Pharmacy Industry disucssion founded by RxWiki and the Pharmacy Podcast Show!  Today's #RxChat is all about the topic  Changing Settings: The Pharmacist Workplace Here's today's quest

  • Pharmacy Podcast Episode 137 Budy Carter for Congress

    03/03/2014 Duration: 12min

    Meet Buddy Carter Republican For Congress Georgia’s First District   Senator Earl L. “Buddy” Carter is a Republican representing Senate District 1. He represents the Metro Savannah area including Bryan and portions of Chatham and Liberty counties.

  • Pharmacy Podcast Episode 136 - #RxChat Pharmacist Provider Status

    26/02/2014 Duration: 30min

    Today's #RxChat Pharmacy Podcast is co-hosted by the American Pharmacist Association. We are pleased to have the direction and insight of Stacie Maass, Senior Vice President, Pharmacy Practice and Government Affairs with APhA.  #RxChat Questions:  1.     Which services best illustrate the value of pharmacists to the health care team? 2.     What does the term “provider status” mean to you? 3.     Why do you feel provider status is important? 4.     How will provider status affect you as a practitioner?

  • Pharmacy Podcast Episode 135 Healthcare IS - about the Pharmacy Podcast

    21/02/2014 Duration: 17min

    In today's episode, we're joined by the founder of Pharmacy Podcast Show, Todd Eury. Todd has spent the last five years providing the pharmacy industry with firsthand knowledge from professionals he considers subject-matter experts. Healthcare IS has been fortunate enough to appear on his show to discuss consulting in pharmacy informatics, and today he shares with us the inside story of the Pharmacy Podcast Show — how it evolved and where it’s heading. "The Pharmacy Podcast Show is dedicated to the profession of the pharmacy industry. The podcast is currently audio information, interviews with industry subject-matter experts, and innovative ideas about the businesses of pharmacy. We dedicated our programming to Independent Retail, Long-Term Care, Specialty, Small Chain [pharmacy businesses] . . . with dedicated content for each of these specific pharmacy business models. The Pharmacy Podcast Show is about dynamic people in the pharmacy industry making a difference fo

  • Pharmacy Podcast Episode 134 Specialty Pharmacy Leader Gary Cohen with NASP

    20/02/2014 Duration: 36min

    The National Association of Specialty Pharmacy™ (NASP™), founded in 2012, represents specialty pharmacy professionals in all practice settings and highlights the unique value our members bring to patients and the healthcare system. NASP is focused on building collaboration among all organizations involved in specialty pharmacy to deliver the benefits and services needed to improve patient outcomes. NASP has a strong vision, innovative a

  • Pharmacy Podcast Episode 133 #RxChat

    12/02/2014 Duration: 30min

      Today's #RxChat Pharmacy Podcast discussion is co-hosted by Eric Ho PharmD serves as RxWiki content development lead with responsibilities concerning information portfolio quality, distribution, and expansion.  Making the Impact: Pharmacy Success Stories Do you think pharmacists are properly recognized for their day-to-day impact?  Are there are any particular pharmacist stories that inspire you to make a bigger difference? What drives you to excel, what keeps you motivated to do more for patients? What do you feel is the greatest victory pharmacy has achieved in the last 10 years? How do you measure success in pharmacy into the future?

  • Pharmacy Podcast Episode 132 Business of Pharmacy 2014

    11/02/2014 Duration: 20min

    On episode 132 we talk with Mike Gross - Vice Presient of Sales & Marketing with Retail Management Solutions - Pharmacy Point of Sales Technologies.  We talk about:  The Pharmacy Development Services Conference  Pharmacy Business Trends for 2014  Big Data in Pharmacy Business  Updates from RMS  Mike Gross|Retail Management Solutions VP Sales and Marketing | direct 360-339-4985 | fax 419-730-9519 | cell 407-766-7991| www.rm-solut

  • Pharmacy Podcast Episode 131 Pharmacist of the Future: Bridging Technology and Pharmacy

    05/02/2014 Duration: 30min

    Today's #RxChat Twitter Discussion Podcast is co-hosted with RxWiki's VP of Medication Information - Eric Ho.  Call in to speak with the hosts (646) 378-1452

  • Pharmacy Podcast Episode 130 Diplomat Champion of Patient Advocacy - Brenda Hawkes

    31/01/2014 Duration: 17min

    "There's more to truly caring for the needs of pharmacy patients than the medications that are administered and managed. Sincere patient advocacy is at the heart of specialty pharmacy and Diplomat is driven by the hearts of their patients."  - Todd S. Eury  In Diplomat’s second Pharmacy Podcast episode, special guest Brenda Hawkes joins Pharmacy Podcast’s Todd Eury to discuss all things patient advocacy. Brenda, Diplomat’s patient advocacy manager, goes over the beginnings of Diplomat’s patient advocacy initiatives, current internal and external activities, and describes why the nation’s largest independent specialty pharmacy makes it a priority to take good care of the patient first. 

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