Jazz musicians Peter Martin & Adam Maness give you daily tips on how to develop as a jazz player. Listen for a combo of actionable advice and occasional humor in just 10 minutes a day. From Open Studio.
How to Stay Motivated Without Performances
15/10/2020 Duration: 13minPeter and Adam take a listener's question that's particularly relevant these days of canceled performances: how do I stay motivated if I'm not playing gigs?Interested in more music advice? Go here to browse our catalog of jazz lessons and courses available for purchase. And be sure to check out our All Access Pass - every course from Open Studio on every instrument.Thursday's Open Studio Live Events:1:00 PM - Adam's Daily Guided Practice Session (for Members Only)For the rest of this week's calendar, follow this linkLet us know what you think by leaving a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review, or head over to our YouTube channel.Follow us on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram See for privacy and opt-out information.
Passing Chords in Gospel
14/10/2020 Duration: 16minIt's another live edition of You'll Hear It where Peter and Adam take your questions - on this edition, they'll discuss the use of passing chords in gospel, different voicings for electric piano, and how to approach lines in bossa nova vs. bebop.Interested in more music advice? Go here to browse our catalog of jazz lessons and courses available for purchase. And be sure to check out our All Access Pass - every course from Open Studio on every instrument.Wednesday's Open Studio Live Events:1:00 PM - Adam's Daily Guided Practice Session (for Members Only)3:00 PM - Edu Ribeiro + Eloy Casagrande Drum Conversations/Q&A on YouTube8:00 PM - Peter and Adam Duo Piano Concert & Conversations on YouTubeFor the rest of this week's calendar, follow this linkLet us know what you think by leaving a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review, or head over to our YouTube channel.Follow us on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram See for privacy and opt-out information.
All About Diminished Chords
13/10/2020 Duration: 19minIt's another live edition of You'll Hear It where Peter and Adam take your questions - today, they take a question on when to use diminished chords, how to practice guitar for a whopping 8 hours, and the worst $28 beer Peter ever drank.Interested in more music advice? Go here to browse our catalog of jazz lessons and courses available for purchase. And be sure to check out our All Access Pass - every course from Open Studio on every instrument.Tuesday's Open Studio Live Events:1:00 PM - Adam's Daily Guided Practice Session (for Members Only)3:00 PM - Piano Guided Practice Session with Adam on YouTube4:00 PM - Open Studio Demo & Tour (register here!)8:00 PM - Listening Sesh with Peter and Adam on YouTubeFor the rest of this week's calendar, follow this linkLet us know what you think by leaving a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review, or head over to our YouTube channel.Follow us on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram See for privacy and opt-out information.
Peter and Adam's Practice Check-In
12/10/2020 Duration: 24minIt's another live edition of You'll Hear It where Peter and Adam take your questions - we start the week off with an update of what Peter and Adam have been working on lately.Interested in more music advice? Go here to browse our catalog of jazz lessons and courses available for purchase. And be sure to check out our All Access Pass - every course from Open Studio on every instrument.Monday's Open Studio Live Events:1:00 PM - Adam's Daily Guided Practice Session (for Members Only)4:00 PM - You'll Hear It Live on YouTube6:00 PM - Bass Guided Practice Session on YouTubeFor the rest of this week's calendar, follow this linkLet us know what you think by leaving a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review, or head over to our YouTube channel.Follow us on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram See for privacy and opt-out information.
The Right (And Wrong) Way To Listen
09/10/2020 Duration: 13minAs a musician, there's nothing more important than listening - that's why Peter and Adam are here to give you a walkthrough on the best way to do it.Interested in more music advice? Go here to browse our catalog of jazz lessons and courses available for purchase. And be sure to check out our All Access Pass - every course from Open Studio on every instrument.Friday's Open Studio Live Events:1:00 PM - Adam's Daily Guided Practice Session (for Members Only)3:00 PM - Piano Guided Practice Session with Adam Maness on YouTube8:00 PM - Shelter in Place solo piano concert with Peter Martin on YouTubeFor the rest of this week's calendar, follow this linkLet us know what you think by leaving a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review, or head over to our YouTube channel.Follow us on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram See for privacy and opt-out information.
7 Tools to Supercharge Your Practice
08/10/2020 Duration: 23minPeter and Adam give you some easy steps you can take to maximize your efficiency during practice sessions on today's episode.Interested in more music advice? Go here to browse our catalog of jazz lessons and courses available for purchase. And be sure to check out our All Access Pass - every course from Open Studio on every instrument.7 Tools to Supercharge Your Practice:A focused place to practiceA great instrumentMetronome (unless you're Chick Corea)A practice accountability partnerA place to think (you might need one of these)PUJOA course or mentorThursday's Open Studio Live Events:1:00 PM - Adam's Daily Guided Practice Session (for Members Only)3:00 PM - Romero Lubambo: Bossa Nova Guitar... And More! on YouTube10:30 PM - Peter Sprague Plays the Beatles on YouTubeFor the rest of this week's calendar, follow this linkLet us know what you think by leaving a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review, or head over to our YouTube channel.Follow us on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram See for privac
Practice: Quality or Quantity?
07/10/2020 Duration: 16minIt's another live edition of You'll Hear It where Peter and Adam take your questions - today's topics include whether the amount you practice or what you practice is more important, how to stay motivated as an aspiring musician, and more.Interested in more music advice? Go here to browse our catalog of jazz lessons and courses available for purchase. And be sure to check out our All Access Pass - every course from Open Studio on every instrument.Wednesday's Open Studio Live Events:1:00 PM - Adam's Daily Guided Practice Session (for Members Only)3:00 PM - Edu Ribeiro + Horacio Hernandez Drum Conversations and Q&A on YouTubeFor the rest of this week's calendar, follow this linkLet us know what you think by leaving a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review, or head over to our YouTube channel.Follow us on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram See for privacy and opt-out information.
What Makes a Definitive Tune?
06/10/2020 Duration: 25minIt's another live edition of You'll Hear It where Peter and Adam take your questions - on today's edition, they answer why jazz musicians love to play in C minor, how to know what a "definitive" version of a tune is, and more.Interested in more music advice? Go here to browse our catalog of jazz lessons and courses available for purchase. And be sure to check out our All Access Pass - every course from Open Studio on every instrument.Tuesday's Open Studio Live Events:1:00 PM - Adam's Daily Guided Practice Session (for Members Only)3:00 PM - Jazz Piano Method Live with Peter Martin on YouTube4:00 PM - Open Studio Demo & Tour (register here)8:00 PM - At Play Live Listening Sesh with the band on YouTubeFor the rest of this week's calendar, follow this linkLet us know what you think by leaving a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review, or head over to our YouTube channel.Follow us on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram See for privacy and opt-out information.
What Are We Practicing?
05/10/2020 Duration: 15minIt's another live edition of You'll Hear It where Peter and Adam take your questions - today, they list their Mount Rushmore of jazz, as well the things they're shedding right now.Interested in more music advice? Go here to browse our catalog of jazz lessons and courses available for purchase. And be sure to check out our All Access Pass - every course from Open Studio on every instrument.Monday's Open Studio Live Events:1:00 PM - Adam's Daily Guided Practice Session (for Members Only)4:00 PM - You'll Hear It Live on YouTube6:00 PM - Bass Guided Practice Session with Bob DeBoo on YouTubeFor the rest of this week's calendar, follow this linkLet us know what you think by leaving a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review, or head over to our YouTube channel.Follow us on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram See for privacy and opt-out information.
How To Connect With Other Musicians During a Pandemic
02/10/2020 Duration: 15minDuring these socially distanced days, it's never been more important to find ways to connect with other people. Peter and Adam talk about some ways they've stayed in touch with other musicians during the global health crisis.Have you checked out the latest course from Open Studio - Bebop Enclosures for Beginners? Learn how to create swinging bebop lines as Adam Maness walks you through how to practice bebop standards. For more information, just follow this link. Interested in more music advice? Go here to browse our catalog of jazz lessons and courses available for purchase. And be sure to check out our All Access Pass - every course from Open Studio on every instrument.Friday's Open Studio Live Events:1:00 PM - Adam's Daily Guided Practice Session (for Members Only)3:00 PM - Piano Guided Practice Session with Adam on YouTube8:00 PM - Shelter in Place solo piano concert with Peter on YouTubeFor the rest of this week's calendar, follow this linkLet us know what you think by leaving a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐&nbs
STOP Doing These 10 Things in Your Solos
01/10/2020 Duration: 14minWe're all guilty of at least one of these - today, Peter and Adam list 10 common mistakes to avoid during your solos.Have you checked out the latest course from Open Studio - Bebop Enclosures for Beginners? Learn how to create swinging bebop lines as Adam Maness walks you through how to practice bebop standards. For more information, just follow this link. Interested in more music advice? Go here to browse our catalog of jazz lessons and courses available for purchase. And be sure to check out our All Access Pass - every course from Open Studio on every instrument.Stop Doing These 10 Things in Your Solos:Not listeningPlanning it all outShowing offFlirting with the bartenderShoegazing like BradTryingLooking on your phoneUndersellingPlaying too carefulPlaying not careful enoughThursday's Open Studio Live Events:1:00 PM - Adam's Daily Guided Practice Session (for Members Only)For the rest of this week's calendar, follow this linkLet us know what you think by leaving a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review, or head
The Best New Practice Techniques We're Doing
30/09/2020 Duration: 16minToday on You'll Hear It, Peter and Adam talk about some brand new practice methods they've been trying out and how effective they are.Have you checked out the latest course from Open Studio - Bebop Enclosures for Beginners? Learn how to create swinging bebop lines as Adam Maness walks you through how to practice bebop standards. For more information, just follow this link. Interested in more music advice? Go here to browse our catalog of jazz lessons and courses available for purchase. And be sure to check out our All Access Pass - every course from Open Studio on every instrument.Wednesday's Open Studio Live Events:1:00 PM - Adam's Daily Guided Practice Session (for Members Only)For the rest of this week's calendar, follow this linkLet us know what you think by leaving a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review, or head over to our YouTube channel.Follow us on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram See for privacy and opt-out information.
What To Practice
29/09/2020 Duration: 18minIt's another live edition of You'll Hear It where Peter and Adam take your questions - today, they get the much-asked question of what the best things to work on during practice sessions are. (Tip: practice journals are a helpful tool to maximize your practice session efficiency)Interested in more music advice? Go here to browse our catalog of jazz lessons and courses available for purchase. And be sure to check out our All Access Pass - every course from Open Studio on every instrument.Tuesday's Open Studio Live Events:1:00 PM - Adam's Daily Guided Practice Session (for Members Only)For the rest of this week's calendar, follow this linkLet us know what you think by leaving a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review, or head over to our YouTube channel.Follow us on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram See for privacy and opt-out information.
Tips for Memorizing Melody and Changes
28/09/2020 Duration: 15minIt's another live edition of You'll Hear It where Peter and Adam take your questions - on this episode, they'll give some advice on memorizing melodies and changes for standards, as well as take a dive into the controversy of music notation.Interested in more music advice? Go here to browse our catalog of jazz lessons and courses available for purchase. And be sure to check out our All Access Pass - every course from Open Studio on every instrument.Monday's Open Studio Live Events:1:00 PM - Adam's Daily Guided Practice Session (for Members Only)For the rest of this week's calendar, follow this linkLet us know what you think by leaving a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review, or head over to our YouTube channel.Follow us on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram See for privacy and opt-out information.
"Tenderly" Taste Advice
25/09/2020 Duration: 20minIt's another live edition of You'll Hear It where Peter and Adam take your questions - today, they answer the best way to play "Tenderly," essential jazz solos, and sight-reading.Interested in more music advice? Go here to browse our catalog of jazz lessons and courses available for purchase. And be sure to check out our All Access Pass - every course from Open Studio on every instrument.Friday's Open Studio Live Events:1:00 PM - Adam's Daily Guided Practice Session (for Members Only)3:00 PM - Piano Guided Practice Session with Adam on YouTube8:00 PM - Shelter in Place solo piano concert from Peter on YouTubeFor the rest of this week's calendar, follow this linkLet us know what you think by leaving a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review, or head over to our YouTube channel.Follow us on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram See for privacy and opt-out information.
What You Should Start Doing TODAY as an Improvisor
24/09/2020 Duration: 18minWant to know how to improve your playing right now? Peter and Adam fill you in on some things you can immediately start doing to play better.Interested in more music advice? Go here to browse our catalog of jazz lessons and courses available for purchase. And be sure to check out our All Access Pass - every course from Open Studio on every instrument.Thursday's Open Studio Live Events:1:00 PM - Adam's Daily Guided Practice Session (for Members Only)10:30 PM - Peter Sprague - Live From Spragueland on YouTubeFor the rest of this week's calendar, follow this linkLet us know what you think by leaving a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review, or head over to our YouTube channel.Follow us on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram See for privacy and opt-out information.
4 Memory Hacks To Learn Standards
23/09/2020 Duration: 15minBefore you get on the bandstand, it's important to have a few jazz standards under your belt. Today, Peter and Adam give you some hacks to help you memorize oft-called tunes.Have you checked out the latest course from Open Studio - Bebop Enclosures for Beginners? Learn how to create swinging bebop lines as Adam Maness walks you through how to practice bebop standards. For more information, just follow this link. Interested in more music advice? Go here to browse our catalog of jazz lessons and courses available for purchase. And be sure to check out our All Access Pass - every course from Open Studio on every instrument.Wednesday's Open Studio Live Events:1:00 PM - Adam's Daily Guided Practice Session (for Members Only)3:00 PM - Edu Ribeiro Drum Conversations + Q&A on YouTubeFor the rest of this week's calendar, follow this linkLet us know what you think by leaving a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review, or head over to our YouTube channel.Follow us on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram See
Tips for Playing What You Hear
22/09/2020 Duration: 18minIt's another live edition of You'll Hear It where Peter and Adam take your questions - on this episode, they’ll be discussing tricks to help you play what you hear, as well as how to practice slow and build up speed.Interested in more music advice? Go here to browse our catalog of jazz lessons and courses available for purchase. And be sure to check out our All Access Pass - every course from Open Studio on every instrument.Tuesday's Open Studio Live Events:1:00 PM - Adam's Daily Guided Practice Session (for Members Only)3:00 PM - Piano Guided Practice Session with Adam Maness on YouTube4:00 PM - Open Studio Demo & Tour (for Members Only)8:00 PM - Live Listening Sesh with Peter and Adam (and some special guests!) on YouTubeFor the rest of this week's calendar, follow this linkLet us know what you think by leaving a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review, or head over to our YouTube channel.Follow us on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram See for privacy and opt-out information.
Where Can I Learn Chords & Voicings?
21/09/2020 Duration: 13minIt's another live edition of You'll Hear It where Peter and Adam take your questions - today, they'll tell a listener where to go to learn chords and voicings (hint: it's right here), how to practice ear training, and what pianists want from drummers.Interested in more music advice? Go here to browse our catalog of jazz lessons and courses available for purchase. And be sure to check out our All Access Pass - every course from Open Studio on every instrument.Monday's Open Studio Live Events:1:00 PM - Adam's Daily Guided Practice Session (for Members Only)4:00 PM - You'll Hear It LIVE on YouTube6:00 PM - Bass Guided Practice Session with Bob DeBoo on YouTubeFor the rest of this week's calendar, follow this linkLet us know what you think by leaving a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review, or head over to our YouTube channel.Follow us on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram See for privacy and opt-out information.
Set It and Forget It - Starting Tunes
18/09/2020 Duration: 17minIt's another live edition of You'll Hear It where Peter and Adam take your questions - on this episode, they talk about how to set the groove of a tune and how to improve your musical skills away from your instrument. (Hint: check out our Spotify profile)Interested in more music advice? Go here to browse our catalog of jazz lessons and courses available for purchase. And be sure to check out our All Access Pass - every course from Open Studio on every instrument.Friday's Open Studio Live Events:1:00 PM - Adam's Daily Guided Practice Session (for Members Only)3:00 PM - Piano Guided Practice Session with Adam Maness on YouTube8:00 PM - Shelter in Place solo piano concert with Peter Martin on YouTubeFor the rest of this week's calendar, follow this linkLet us know what you think by leaving a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review, or head over to our YouTube channel.Follow us on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram See for privacy and opt-out information.