Listen to a collection of USIP's most compelling events without having to leave your home or office.
Joining Democracy and Peace
06/12/2021 Duration: 01h16minIn support of the White House’s Summit for Democracy, USIP hosted a conversation with civil-society leaders from five democracies that are affected by diverse and challenging conflicts — Colombia, Iraq, Nigeria, the Philippines and Ukraine. The discussion examined the prospects for democracy and peace in these countries, how the goals of greater democracy and greater peace are linked, what lessons the leaders learned in joining together democracy and peace, and how the international democratic community can better support their efforts. Speakers Lise Grande, moderator President and CEO, U.S. Institute of Peace Uzra Zeya, keynote remarks Under Secretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Farhad Alaaldin Chair, Iraq Advisory Council, Iraq Maria Jimena Duzan Host, “A Fondo” podcast, Colombia Glenda Gloria Executive Editor, Rappler, Philippines Idayat Hassan Director, Centre for Democracy and Development, Nigeria Oleksandra Matviychuk Chair, Center for Civil Liberties, Ukraine
Averting a Fiscal and Humanitarian Disaster in Afghanistan
03/12/2021 Duration: 01h26minIn the three months since the Taliban takeover, Afghanistan’s numerous economic and humanitarian challenges have reached a catastrophic tipping point. On December 3, USIP hosted a discussion with leading international experts and aid workers on the current economic and humanitarian challenges in Afghanistan, as well as how the U.S and international community can better assist Afghans at this time of significant need. Speakers Scott Worden, welcoming remarks Director, Afghanistan & Central Asia, U.S Institute of Peace Vicki Aken Afghanistan Country Director, International Rescue Committee William Byrd Senior Expert, Afghanistan, U.S. Institute of Peace Abdallah Al Dardari Resident Representative in Afghanistan, United Nations Development Program Khalid Payenda Former Acting Finance Minister of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Kate Bateman, moderator Senior Expert, Afghanistan, U.S. Institute of Peace For more information about this event, please visit:
Libyan General Elections 2021: Discussion Series with Libyan Leaders - A Conversation with Dr. Aref Ali Nayed
03/12/2021 Duration: 01h02minUSIP is hosting a series of public discussions with Libyan leaders connected to the elections scheduled in the coming months. The third discussion, on November 18, featured Dr. Aref Ali Nayed, who is the chairman of Ihya Libya (Reviving Libya) — a registered political party — and has served as the former ambassador of Libya to the United Arab Emirates and is also the chairman of both Kalam Research & Media and the Libya Institute for Advanced Studies. Speakers Dr. Aref Ali Nayed Chairman, Ihya Libya Mike Yaffe, moderator Vice President, Middle East and North Africa Center, U.S. Institute of Peace For more information about this event, please visit:
Learning from U.S.-Vietnam Cooperation on Wartime Remains Recovery
02/12/2021 Duration: 01h16minAccounting for missing personnel is an essential component of postwar reconciliation and building a secure peace. With support from Congress, USIP launched the Vietnam War Legacies and Reconciliation Initiative in August 2021. The initiative supports reconciliation between the U.S. and Vietnamese governments and peoples, as well as among Vietnamese inside and outside the country, and aims to document and promote the ongoing cooperation to address legacies of war as the basis for a comprehensive partnership build on trust and shared interests. On December 2, USIP hosted a discussion that looks at U.S.-Vietnam cooperation in the search for, and identification of, wartime Vietnamese remains along with personal stories of Vietnamese families who lost relatives in the war. Speakers Ambassador George Moose, welcoming remarks Chair, Board of Directors, U.S. Institute of Peace Kelly K. McKeague Director, Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) Sr. Col. Đoàn Quang Hòa Deputy Chief of Office, National Steering Com
Security Dilemmas in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Community-Based Armed Groups
02/12/2021 Duration: 01h27minSince 2018, the RESOLVE Network has been researching the complex interactions between armed groups, civilians, state actors and international security — with particular attention to discerning women’s roles, agency and choices in conflict. On December 1, USIP and the RESOLVE Network held a virtual conversation that examined how community-based armed groups impact the wider conflict ecosystems in Sub-Saharan Africa. Speakers Dr. Alastair Reed, welcoming remarks Senior Expert and Executive Director, RESOLVE Network Nicoletta Barbera, introductory remarks Senior Program Officer, Africa, U.S. Institute of Peace Dr. Lauren Van Metre, moderator Senior Advisor, Peace and Security, National Democratic Institute Dr. Jakana Thomas Associate Professor, School of Global Policy and Strategy, University of California San Diego Rida Lyammouri Associate Fellow, Clingendael Institute; Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South Bogi Bozsogi, concluding remarks Executive Coordination and Network Manager, RESOLVE Net
Beyond AUKUS and the Quad: What’s Next for the U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy
19/11/2021 Duration: 58minThe Biden administration has focused considerable attention on the Indo-Pacific region, declaring it central to advancing a range of U.S. economic, political and security interests. The Quad grouping held its first ever in-person Leaders’ Summit in September. And that same month, the Australia-United Kingdom-United States agreement opened the door to sharing sensitive defense technologies with Australia. On November 19, USIP held a special event with U.S. National Security Council Coordinator for the Indo-Pacific, Dr. Kurt Campbell, about the AUKUS partnership, the Quad’s development, and next steps for U.S. Indo-Pacific policy in the aftermath of the Biden-Xi virtual summit. Keynote Lise Grande, opening remarks President and CEO, U.S. Institute of Peace Dr. Kurt Campbell, keynote remarks Coordinator for the Indo-Pacific, U.S. National Security Council Stephen J. Hadley, moderator Former Chair, Board of Directors, U.S. Institute of Peace For more information about this event, please visit: https://ww
Racially and Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremism: Global Trends and Dynamics
17/11/2021 Duration: 01h23minAttention to racially and ethnically motivated violent extremism (REMVE) and far-right extremism around the globe has increased significantly over the past few years as white supremacist and REMVE-motivated attacks and rhetoric have proliferated. As a part of RESOLVE’s sixth annual Global Forum Series, the RESOLVE Network held a virtual conversation on November 16 about REMVE trends and activities in lesser discussed contexts. This discussion explored manifestations of REMVE movements and ideologies in Australia and India, focusing on their similarities and differences, transnational links, narratives, and overall implications for efforts to address threats posed by their activities. Speakers Alastair Reed, opening remarks Senior Expert and Executive Director, RESOLVE Network Amarnath Amarasingam Assistant Professor, School of Religion, Queen’s University; Member, RESOLVE Research Advisory Council Julian Droogan Senior Lecturer, Department of Security Studies and Criminology, Macquarie University; Editor-
Libyan General Elections 2021: Discussion Series with Libyan Leaders - A Conversation with Fadel Lamen
17/11/2021 Duration: 01h33sOn November 2, USIP held the second in a series of public discussions with Libyan leaders connected to the elections scheduled in the coming months. These events will dive into complex questions regarding efforts to prevent electoral violence, the electoral process itself and leaders’ visions for restoring peace and stability in Libya. This second event featured Fadel Lamen, who most recently served as director-general of the Libyan National Economic and Social Development Board. He is the founder of Afaak Al-Watan, a new Libyan political party with a future-focused agenda aiming to empower youth and women as critical contributors. Lamen is also an architect of the Libyan Political Agreement, which is currently governing Libya’s transition under U.N. Security Council resolutions. Speakers Fadel Lamen Founder, Afaak Al-Watan Mike Yaffe, moderator Vice President, Middle East and North Africa Center, U.S. Institute of Peace For more information about this event, please visit:
Celebrating 21 Years of UNSCR 1325
09/11/2021 Duration: 39minTwenty-one years ago, the United Nations unanimously adopted U.N. Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, which requires parties to a conflict to ensure the protection of women and girls as well as the full and meaningful participation of women and girls in conflict resolution. On November 9, USIP and the State Department’s Office of Global Women’s Issues co-hosted a discussion on the progress made on women, peace and security issues and a look forward to the years ahead. Speakers Katrina Fotovat, moderator Senior Official, Secretary's Office of Global Women's Issues, U.S. Department of State Ambassador Nancy Soderberg Senior Resident Director for Kosovo, NDI Former Alternate Representative to the United Nations Susan Stigant, welcoming remarks Director, Africa Programs, Africa Center, U.S. Institute of Peace Mari Traore Project Officer, Women Preventing Violent Extremism, Africa Center, U.S. Institute of Peace For more information about this event, please visit: https
Now Comes the Hard Part: Can the Taliban Govern Afghanistan?
05/11/2021 Duration: 01h21minFor the Taliban, it seems that defeating the Afghan military and overthrowing the elected government as U.S. troops departed was the easy part. Now, the insurgency faces the daunting challenge of governing a weak and divided country. On November 4, USIP hosted a discussion with Afghanistan experts on how the Taliban are likely to respond to internal and external pressure to govern more inclusively as conditions inside Afghanistan worsen, as well as what the United States and the region can do to avoid the worst consequences of failed governance and mitigate a looming disaster. Speakers Stephen Brooking Former Peace Process Special Advisor, U.N. Assistance Mission in Afghanistan Naheed Farid Chairperson of House Standing Committee for Human Rights, Civil Society and Women Affairs Lotfullah Najafizada Director, TOLO News Scott Worden, moderator Director, Afghanistan and Central Asia Programs, U.S. Institute of Peace For more information about this event, please visit:
Libyan General Elections 2021: Discussion Series with Libyan Leaders - A Conversation with Fathi Bashagha
05/11/2021 Duration: 01h43sOn October 27, USIP held the first in a series of public discussions with Libyan leaders connected to the elections scheduled in the coming months. These events will dive into complex questions regarding efforts to prevent electoral violence, the electoral process itself and leaders’ visions for restoring peace and stability in Libya. This first discussion featured Fathi Bashagha, who has held several important positions since the 2011 revolution, including as a member of the Libyan Military Council and the Libyan House of Representatives and as minister of interior in the Government of National Accord from 2018-2021. Speakers Fathi Bashagha Former Minister of Interior, Government of National Accord, Libya Mike Yaffe, moderator Vice President, Middle East and North Africa Center, U.S. Institute of Peace For more information about this event, please visit:
Taking Stock of U.S. Policy on Ethiopia: A Conversation with Ambassador Jeffrey Feltman
02/11/2021 Duration: 01h01minEthiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has signaled plans to launch a national dialogue and there are other efforts to build a national consensus on the political structure of Ethiopia. However, the country’s polarization — further deepened by the war — has created significant challenges in putting together an inclusive, genuine dialogue. On November 2, USIP hosted Ambassador Jeffrey Feltman, U.S. Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa, for an address to take stock of the Biden-Harris administration’s policy toward Ethiopia and pathways toward halting violence and renewing the promise of reform, peace and prosperity. Speakers Ambassador Jeffrey Feltman U.S. Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa Lise Grande, moderator President and CEO, U.S. Institute of Peace For more information about this event, please visit:
Incorporating Religious Sensitivity in Trauma Healing for Displaced Persons
22/10/2021 Duration: 01h07minAs part of this year’s World Mental Health Day, the U.S. Institute of Peace and the U.S. Department of State’s Office of International Religious Freedom’s Strategic Religious Engagement Unit hosted a discussion on religion, MHPSS and migration. The conversation drew on findings from USIP’s initiative on Religious and Psychosocial Support for Displaced Trauma Survivors, which has identified specific ways in which faith-sensitive mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) can increase the effectiveness of trauma healing interventions for migrants and refugees. Panelists offered insight on actions that can be implemented in current efforts to assist migrants from highly religious contexts and to improve the quality of and accessibility to MHPSS to facilitate integration and reconciliation. Speakers Palwasha Kakar, opening remarks Interim Director, Religion and Inclusive Societies, U.S. Institute of Peace Dan Nadel, opening remarks Senior Department Official, Office of International Religious Freedom, U.S.
2021 Women Building Peace Award Ceremony
21/10/2021 Duration: 21minThe U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) Women Building Peace Award, now in its second year, celebrates extraordinary women from conflict-affected and fragile regions working to build peace. On October 20, we honored these heroic finalists and announced the recipient of the award. In addition to honoring the awardee and all the finalists, this year USIP paid special tribute to all Afghan women. Speakers Lise Grande President and CEO, U.S. Institute of Peace Kamissa Camara Senior Visiting Expert for the Sahel, U.S. Institute of Peace Nancy Lindborg, Women Building Peace Council Honorary Chair President and CEO, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation Megan Beyer, Women Building Peace Council Co-Chair Principal, Megan C Beyer Associates Marcia Myers Carlucci, Women Building Peace Council Co-Chair Chair, Board of Trustees at National Museum of Women in the Arts Nelufar Hedayat Journalist, Filmmaker Michelle Howard U.S. Navy Admiral (Ret.) For more information about this event, please visit: https://www.usip
A Conversation with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Youth Leaders on Compassion, Education and Equality: Session 2
15/10/2021 Duration: 01h11minFor four years, His Holiness the Dalai Lama has met with youth leaders from conflict-affected regions for an intergenerational exchange at his compound in Dharamsala, India through the Generation Change Fellows Program at the U.S. Institute of Peace. In Session 2 on October 14, they spoke about education for the heart and mind. Speakers Lise Grande, welcoming remarks President and CEO, U.S. Institute of Peace His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama Sharing of Stories and Q&A with USIP Generation Change Fellows Lise Grande, moderator Sophia Santi USIP Generation Change Fellow, Venezuela Tania Rosas USIP Generation Change Fellow, Colombia Nicholas Songora USIP Generation Change Fellow, Kenya Faten Khalfallah USIP Generation Change Fellow, Tunisia Discussion on Impact Soukaina Hamia USIP Generation Change Fellow, Morocco Closing Remarks Lise Grande For more information about this event, please visit:
A Conversation with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Youth Leaders on Compassion, Education and Equality: Session 1
15/10/2021 Duration: 54minFor four years, His Holiness the Dalai Lama has met with youth leaders from conflict-affected regions for an intergenerational exchange at his compound in Dharamsala, India through the Generation Change Fellows Program at the U.S. Institute of Peace. In Session 1 on October 13, they spoke about gender equality. Speakers Lise Grande, welcoming remarks President and CEO, U.S. Institute of Peace His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama Sharing of Stories and Q&A with USIP Generation Change Fellows Lise Grande, moderator Nyachangkuoth Rambang Tai USIP Generation Change Fellow, South Sudan Ashar Omer USIP Generation Change Fellow, Afghanistan Mithila Hore USIP Generation Change Fellow, Bangladesh Muqimi Muborak USIP Generation Change Fellow, Tajikistan Discussion on Impact Gharsanay Amin USIP Generation Change Fellow, Afghanistan Closing Remarks Lise Grande For more information about this event, please visit:
The 30th Anniversary of Cambodia’s Paris Peace Agreements
14/10/2021 Duration: 01h20minOctober 23 marks 30 years since the Paris Peace Agreements (PPA) formally ended the Cambodian civil war. USIP and the Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations (CSO) hosted a discussion on October 14 that reflected on the principles of the agreements, the extent to which signatories have adhered to them and the continued relevance of the agreements today. Speakers Ariel Eckblad, remarks Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations, U.S. Department of State. H.E. Chum Sounry Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Cambodia Lise Grande, opening remarks President and CEO, U.S. Institute of Peace Craig Etcheson Visiting Scientist, T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University Caroline Hughes Associate Dean for Policy & Practice; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C. Chair in Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame Aizawa Nobuhiro Associate Professor, Kyushu University Sorpong Peou Professor, Ryerson University Chak Sopheap Executive Dire
Pakistan’s Economic Future
14/10/2021 Duration: 01h44sAs Pakistani leaders meet with the International Monetary Fund, Pakistan continues to make the case for a new era of relations with the United States based on geoeconomics. On October 13, USIP hosted a conversation with Pakistani Finance Minister Shaukat Tarin on the country’s economic future, efforts to pivot to a geoeconomic relationship with the United States, and the impact of Afghanistan’s crisis on regional stability. Speakers Lise Grande, opening remarks President and CEO, U.S. Institute of Peace Shaukat Tarin Federal Minster of Financial and Revenue Affairs, Islamic Republic of Pakistan Dr. Peter Lavoy, moderator Former Senior Director for South Asia, National Security Council For more information about this event, please visit:
A Conversation with Republic of Zambia President Hakainde Hichilema
23/09/2021 Duration: 01h31sOn September 23, USIP hosted a conversation with newly-elected Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema and a panel of experts that explored Hichilema’s governing priorities, as well as his approach toward key continent-wide issues such as Africa’s engagement with China, implementation of the African Union Agenda 2063, youth and gender issues, and lessons learned to strengthen democracy across Africa. Speakers Lise Grande, welcoming remarks President and CEO, U.S. Institute of Peace Ambassador George E. Moose, moderator Vice Chair of the Board, U.S. Institute of Peace His Excellency Hakainde Hichilema President of the Republic of Zambia Dana Banks Special Assistant to the President of the United States; Senior Director for Africa, National Security Council Ambassador Johnnie Carson Senior Advisor, U.S. Institute of Peace For more information about this event, please visit:
The Peril and Potential of War Zone Partnerships
16/09/2021 Duration: 50minViolent conflicts are increasingly defined by overlapping webs of alliances, proxies and other types of “support relationships” between state and non-state belligerents. To help policymakers understand the stakes of these partnerships, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) recently launched its seminal report, “Allies, Partners and Proxies: Managing Support Relationships in Armed Conflict to Reduce the Human Cost of War.” On September 16, USIP and ICRC held a discussion on the report’s findings, how they can be applied to security partnerships, and the practical steps that U.S. and international policymakers should consider to better protect civilians in today’s increasingly complex crises. Speakers Lise Grande President and CEO, U.S. Institute of Peace Peter Maurer President, International Committee of the Red Cross Lieutenant General Michael K. Nagata, USA (Ret) For more information about this event, please visit: