A podcast in Latin about Latin books, education and much more.In his emissionibus Latine loquor de operibus Latine conscriptis, de re didactica aliisque de rebus.
Titus Livius (part II) || Latin language podcast || Litterae Latinae Simplices 37
03/07/2021 Duration: 13min -
Titus Livius (part I) || Latin language podcast || Litterae Latinae Simplices 36
05/06/2021 Duration: 14min -
Publius Ovidius Naso (part II) || Latin language podcast || Litterae Latinae Simplices 35
22/05/2021 Duration: 16min -
Seneca, Epistulae morales ad Lucilium || 3 reading tips explained in easy Latin
15/05/2021 Duration: 11minIn his Moral letters to Lucilius, Seneca gives us many good tips. In this video, I read and explain in easy Latin 3 tips on reading and make the most of what we read, no matter how little.
Tempus tantum nostrum est || Vos ad cursum de Senecae prima epistula ad Lucilium invito (18-24 m. Maii)!
10/05/2021 Duration: 06min18-24 May 2021: free course on Seneca's first letter to Lucilius, TEMPUS TANTUM NOSTRUM EST. All the information and the registration form are in the link below. Vos exspecto!
Seneca || 5 Quotes on the shortness of life, and the value of time (explained in easy Latin)
01/05/2021 Duration: 12minBoth in his "Moral letters" to Lucilius, and in "De brevitate vitae", Seneca reflects about time and his value. Our life is short, so we need to use our time without wasting it and live fully in the present moment (something he draws from the Stoic philosophy).
How to pray Latin prayers || Pater Noster prayer in Latin
24/04/2021 Duration: 08minMany Christian prayers were originally written in Latin, so here is how to pray Latin prayers, part 2, about Pater Noster (Our Father). In this video, I recite the prayer both in ecclesiastical and classical Latin, and then move on to explain it in easy Latin.
How to pray Latin prayers || Ave Maria prayer in Latin
17/04/2021 Duration: 05minMany Christian prayers were originally written in Latin, so here is how to pray Latin prayers, part 1, about Ave Maria (Hail Mary). In this video, I recite the prayer both in ecclesiastical and classical Latin, and then move on to explain it in easy Latin.
Latin lessons for beginners || Quid differt inter "nequiquam" et "nequaquam"?
10/04/2021 Duration: 05minAnother Latin lesson for beginners: in this video, I show you the difference between "nequiquam" and "nequaquam", two words that have a similar spelling, but different meanings. To learn Latin as a language, you have to read, write, speak and listen to it. Compelling contents for beginners, however, are often hard to find. With Satura Lanx I try to fill this gap, offering materials for beginners that are clear, varied, compelling and enjoyable from the very beginning of your journey.
Passio Domini nostri Jesu Christi secundum Joannem || St John's Passion
06/04/2021 Duration: 20minLet's talk about Latin pronunciation again! Knowing how to pronounce Latin wors has much to do about knowing about vowels lenght and words stress. Because it's by observing vowels lenght that you will know where to stress Latin words. This is an introduction to the rules of accentuation in Latin, taught in easy paced Latin. Enjoy!
How to pronounce Latin words || Vowels length and words stress
06/04/2021 Duration: 13minLet's talk about Latin pronunciation again! Knowing how to pronounce Latin wors has much to do about knowing about vowels lenght and words stress. Because it's by observing vowels length that you will know where to stress Latin words. This is an introduction to the rules of accentuation in Latin, taught in easy paced Latin. Enjoy!