The Broadcast Storm, hosted by Kevin Wallace, CCIEx2 #7945 (R/S and Collaboration), helps Cisco networking professionals achieve success in their careers and in life.Topics range from Cisco technical topics to organizational to motivational.
A Look at the New Network+ Exam
01/04/2018 Duration: 10minIn this episode of The Broadcast Storm, you'll learn what to expect on CompTIA's brand new Network+ exam. Register with CompTIA to Download Exam Objectives: Pre-Order Kevin's Network+ (N10-007) Complete Video Course:
Interview with Anthony Sequeira
15/03/2018 Duration: 33minIn this episode of The Broadcast Storm, world-renowned Cisco trainer Anthony Sequeira joins us to discuss: The Troubleshooting Section of the CCIE R/S Lab Overview of Amazon Web Services (AWS) Anthony's CCIE R&S Prep Club What Anthony has Learned from Tony Robbins What Anthony is Working on Now Links: Anthony's CCIE R&S Prep Club: Anthony's Blog: Subscribe to The Broadcast Storm: Spotify: iTunes:
Understanding Jumbo Frames
01/03/2018 Duration: 10minIn this podcast episode, you'll learn the structure of a Jumbo Frame. You'll also discover some of the benefits and drawbacks of Jumbo Frame technology. ANNOUNCEMENT: Kevin Wallace Training, LLC is proud to announce a new course: CCNA Cyber Ops Video Training Series led by our security trainer, Charles Judd. Even though the course is not scheduled to be complete until June 2018, you can get immediate access to all of the videos Charles has already created. Multiple new videos are added each week, all of which are downloadable and never expire. Also, as a Broadcast Storm listener, you can get a 25 percent discount on and get immediate access to the pre-release version of CCNA Cyber Ops Video Training Series. Just visit and enter the discount code STORM to take 25 percent off.
Fundamentals of Software Defined Access (SD-Access)
15/02/2018 Duration: 07minIn this episode of The Broadcast Storm, you'll learn how Cisco's SD-Access feature allows a policy to follow a user around a multisite wired and wireless network. Check out Kevin's new video course on IT career success here:
Cisco Announces Major CCIE Collaboration Update
01/02/2018 Duration: 14minIn this episode of The Broadcast Storm, you'll learn the details surrounding Cisco's recent announcement to update both the Written and Lab exams in the CCIE Collaboration track, from version 1.0 to version 2.0 on July 23, 2018. To help those who want to complete the version 1.0 lab prior to the cutoff date, I'm offering a 75 percent discount on my "CCIE Collaboration Lab Walkthrough" video training series, or my "Ultimate Collaboration Bundle." Just use the discount code NEWCOLLAB at checkout to get your savings. You can learn more about those two training programs (and also purchase) here: If you want to read Cisco's official details about version 2.0, you can check them out here:
The Difference Between OSPF Neighbors and Adjacencies
15/01/2018 Duration: 06minIn this podcast episode, you'll learn the difference between an OSPF Neighbor and an OSPF Adjacency. Also, to sign up for Kevin's free "SDN Mini-Course," visit:
3 Ways to Filter OSPF Routes
01/01/2018 Duration: 06minIn this podcast episode, you'll learn three different locations and strategies for filtering OSPF routes. To register for Kevin's live and on-line ROUTE (300-101) Crash Course, on January 16, 17, and 18, 2018, visit
CCIE Time Saver - "Router Preconfigs"
15/12/2017 Duration: 06minThis podcast episode walks you through a collection of commands that you can copy/paste into your routers (and possibly switches, depending on which commands you select) during your CCIE lab attempt. As a reference, below is a configuration example, illustrating the commands discussed in this episode: =========================== conf t line con 0 exec-timeout 0 0 logging synchronous exit line vty 0 15 exec-timeout 0 0 logging synchronous exit no ip domain-lookup alias exec src show run | s router alias exec sib show ip interface brief end =========================== This episode also referenced Kevin's free Software Defined Networking (SDN) video training series, available here:
CCIE Lab Insider Tips from a Proctor
01/12/2017 Duration: 14minIn this episode of The Broadcast Storm, you'll learn some little-known insider tips about the CCIE Lab, which I learned by interviewing a CCIE Lab proctor. If the CCIE Collaboration Lab is in your future, I've got some free training that you'll definitely want to check out. Just enter your name and e-mail here:
Introduction to Storage Area Network Technologies
15/11/2017 Duration: 07minIn this episode of The Broadcast Storm, you'll learn theory and terms surrounding Storage Area Networking (SAN) technologies. FREE SDN Training:
Certification vs. Degree - My Take on the Age Old Debate
01/11/2017 Duration: 09minWhat's better to have for your career, a college degree or a higher-level certification? That's a debate that's raged on for years. In this podcast episode, I share my perspective. For more Cisco career advice, help yourself to my free book, Your Route to Cisco Career Success:
Cyber Ops 101 - The Intrusion Kill Chain
15/10/2017 Duration: 10minThis podcast episode introduces you to the Cyber Security concept of the Intrusion Kill Chain, which contains the following seven steps: Reconnaissance Weaponization Delivery Exploitation Installation Command and Control Actions on Objective CCNA Cyber Ops Complete Video Course Library: CCNA Cyber Ops Official Cert Guide Library:
What I Would Do If I Where Starting Over
01/10/2017 Duration: 11minA common question I get, is how I would begin a career, if I had it to do all over again. Interestingly, the answer I give today isn't the answer I would have given just a couple of years ago. In this podcast episode, I walk you through the decisions I would make today, and why. Here are links to the video training programs mentioned in this episode: CCNA R/S Complete Video Course: Fundamentals of Network Programmability: CCNP R/S Complete Video Course:
The Network Programmability Framework
15/09/2017 Duration: 10minFor most of 2017, I've been studying Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Programming. One of the biggest challenges I had was tying together all of the multiple topics. To simplify these concepts for you, I created what I call my Network Programmability Framework (which is a variant of a Venn diagram). In this podcast episode, I'll walk you through this diagram. However, it might be helpful to have it printed out ahead of time. So, you can download a .PDF of the Network Programmability Framework by visiting: Also, here are a couple of additional links mentioned in this podcast episode: Fundamentals of Network Programmability Video Training Course: SDN Free Mini-Course:
Overview of Cisco's CCNA Cyber Ops Certification
01/09/2017 Duration: 05minCisco recently introduced a new certification, the CCNA Cyber Ops certification. This new certification helps prepare people for the upcoming drought of cybersecurity professionals. It's estimated that in 2019, there will be 6 million jobs in cybersecurity, with 1.5 million of those jobs unfilled. Links CCNA Cyber Ops Official Cert Guide Library FREE CCNA R/S (200-125) Practice Exam Download
The 3 Biggest Mistakes I've Made In My Career
15/08/2017 Duration: 08minIn this podcast episode, I reflect on three of the biggest mistakes I've made in my career, in an effort to help you avoid similar missteps. When writing this post, I was surprised at the old memories and emotions that surfaced. Hopefully though, my transparency in describing these failures will serve you the listener. Click HERE to Learn More About the Diver Down - Routing and Switching Membership Program.
An Overview of Container Technology for Cisco Networking Professionals
01/08/2017 Duration: 06minCisco recently introduced the Cisco Catalyst 9000 Series switches. One unique feature of these switches is their ability to support containers. This podcast episode introduces you to the concept of containers and discusses how they can be more efficient than virtual machines. Links: Docker: Diver Down - Routing and Switching:
How To Detect Malware In Encrypted Traffic
15/07/2017 Duration: 07minIn this episode of The Broadcast Storm, we discuss a new technology Cisco recently released that allows traffic to be scanned for malicious content, even if that traffic is encrypted. It's a feature called Encrypted Traffic Analysis (ETA), and in this episode, you'll learn the basics of how it works. Click HERE to watch Kevin's new video discussing the 3 reasons IT professionals struggle in their career.
The 3 Topics You Need to Know for Your CCNA R&S Exam
01/07/2017 Duration: 05minIn this podcast episode, you'll learn the "Big 3" topics on which you need to spend a disproportionate amount of study time on when preparing for your CCNA R&S exam (200-120). Links: Exam Topics CCNA R&S (200-125) Complete Video Course FREE 200-125 Practice Exam Kevin's Routing and Switching YouTube Playlist
Preview of my Cisco Live US 2017 Session
15/06/2017 Duration: 09minIn this podcast episode, you'll learn the theory behind number globalization and localization on a Cisco Unified Communications Manager server. This is an overview of the topic I'll be presenting on June 29, 2017 at Cisco Live US. Click HERE to see the session in the CLUS 17 Scheduler.