WOMENACE to SOCIETY is a podcast series from comedian Lisa Landry featuring socially relevant interviews with artists, activists, anarchists, dreamers and doers across America. Landry chats with quirky visionaries working to reform what’s broken from coast to coast. Their tales will surprise you. Real People. Real Stories. Unreal World.
Episode 49: Elizabeth Honeyager
11/07/2018 Duration: 20minElizabeth Honeyager was living in a tiny town and about to graduate high school. She didn't know anything about the Navy when a recruiter showed up at her house with an invitation to see the world. Sixteen years later, Elizabeth has been deployed to Kuwait, Bahrain, stationed in Italy, (New) England, and hiked her way up the ranks to Senior Chief. Hear what Elizabeth has to say about the gender pay gap in the US Military, wild nail colors, chicks who dressed up as men to fight in the American Revolution and Civil Wars, and her sailor dog, Guinness. "As females, we are no different in pride in our country than males and we want to be a part of protecting it."
Episode 48: Summer Wesley
04/07/2018 Duration: 25minPlease welcome our 4th of July Special Guest WOMENACE, Chahta Summer Wesley!! Summer's an attorney and activist with Choctaw Nation and she's back to chat about some major recent SCOTUS decisions regarding Native peoples. Summer shares the complexity of what it means to be Indigenous in America. Today many of us celebrate the Declaration of Independence. However, we must not forget that while this revered document proclaims our freedom from tyranny and oppression, it calls Summer's people "Merciless Indian Savages". "I think we're putting band-aids on arterial bleeds when we need to be working on actually addressing foundational problems."
Episode 47: Kristy Robinett
27/06/2018 Duration: 28minPlease help Lisa welcome special guest Kristy Robinett- psychic medium and soul messenger. Kristy helps cops solve crimes all across America and Mexico. She’s got some stellar advice & words of wisdom, like, “don’t cheat on a psychic”. Kristy has authored ten books and is sought out by celebrities and many others for her special talents.
Episode 46: Safer Arizona 2018 - Nakisa
20/06/2018 Duration: 10minSpecial Guest Womenace Nakisa, a pro-cannabis activist with Safer Arizona 2018, needs approximately 75,000 more signatures by June 30th in order for Arizonans to vote on whether or not they'd like to re-legalize recreational marijuana. Many in AZ apparently feel "medical is good enough", which is perhaps one reason rec didn't pass in 2016. But as Nakisa points out: Arizona has such a short list of qualifying medical conditions, many who could benefit from this plant are denied legal access to it. This initiative will, "Repeal prohibition on adult use of marijuana for Arizonans. It reflects the Will of the People NOT special interests". Even Terry Goddard, the Former Attorney General of Arizona agrees, and supports Safer AZ 2018, possibly because "More Americans die each year from hanging Christmas lights than pot". Nakisa charmingly breaks down what she and her group are doing to inform the public and register new voters- and by the way Arizona, you're all invited to the statewide Pot Luck Dinner. Just Say Kn
Episode 45: Oklahomans For Cannabis - Frank Grove
20/06/2018 Duration: 19minFor the past four years, Frank Grove and his team have been canvassing the state of Oklahoma gathering signatures, educating the public, and registering citizens to vote for legal medical marijuana. The outcome? "Since January, we have doubled the number of registered voters". And OK voters will have the chance to decide whether or not to allow a physician to recommend their patients use a plant instead of Big Pharma's toxins, on June 26th, 2018. This will be the first time Oklahomans will be able to vote for medical cannabis. Data suggests it will pass, House Majority Leader Jon Echols has already said he will, "enforce the Will of the People" BUT the opposition (Big Pharma, Prisons, and LEO's) just got an influx of money to subvert the people's will. Frank breaks down the low info campaign of propaganda and outright lies the opposition is spreading to confuse and lie to voters in an attempt to stop medical cannabis from happening in a state chock full of veterans and farmers disproportionally suffering from
Episode 44: Alanna Sarabia - Good Morning Texas
13/06/2018 Duration: 18minAlanna Sarabia, co-host of “Good Morning Texas” shares some real dish on what it’s like to be a television personality in an era where many folks are claiming “Fake News!” This super ambitious, drop dead gorgeous former Spurs Dancer also shares what drives her, drops some massive truths about what it means to be a woman in media, and the surprising talent she used to win the title of “Miss San Antonio”.
Episode 43: Kelly Hamlin - KrasH!Dance
06/06/2018 Duration: 27minPlease welcome my dear friend Kelly Hamlin as she breaks down what the life of a professional dancer is really like.Kelly studied dance at The Ailey School, toured Europe with a troupe, and started her own dance company, KrasH!Dance, to mentor newer performers. Listen as Kelly shares the truth of what it takes to make and sustain a career in dance. There’s a whole lotta shuffle in that ball and change!
Episode 42: Michael Horton - Coffee Bunker
30/05/2018 Duration: 35minIn honor of Military Appreciation Month, please welcome special guest Dr. Michael Horton, Executive Director of the Coffee Bunker, an outreach center for American Veterans. Michael is a psychologist and former UASF so he knows the battle our soldiers face coming home, like PTSD, physical trauma, moral injury, and military skills that don’t seem to fit on corporate resumes. “These are all people who have stood up and taken an oath to defend, not the flag, not the President, not Mom and apple pie, but to defend the Constitution, a living and sacred document that we hold dear.”
Episode 41: Lars Freeman
23/05/2018 Duration: 31minLars Freeman used to be known as Laura Freeman. He’s never been happier now that he’s the Freeman he always wanted to be. Lars graciously shares details about his transition from female to male and the life he’s building with his wife, in one of the most conservative cities in Colorado. Lars lets us in on what it’s like to live as a regular beard-growing dude who loves his lady, his animals, and being sober, after so many years of self-medicating.
Episode 40: Suzannah Weiss
16/05/2018 Duration: 20minPlease welcome special guest Suzannah Weiss, author and editor with Teen Vogue. Suzannah has also had articles published on Buzzfeed, Refinery 29, Glamour Magazine, Harper's Bazaar, and more. Find out what Suzannah thinks of empowerment, clothing optional resorts, sex toys, and edible panties.
Episode 39: Karen Swallow Prior
09/05/2018 Duration: 36minPlease help welcome special guest WOMENACE, Dr. Karen Swallow Prior – Conservative Christian, Southern Baptist author, activist, professor of British Literature at Liberty University, and one of the female leaders of the Evangelical community responsible for the petition currently circulating, asking Dr. Paige Patterson to rethink his "unbiblical view of authority, womanhood, and sexuality." Dr. Prior is one of several thousand Evangelical women pointing out to Dr. Patterson, and other male members of the Church, "The (SBC) cannot allow the biblical view of leadership to be misused in such a way." "I want to just bring understanding and clarity to these confusing, chaotic times."
Episode 38: Sexual Shaman - Kenneth Ray Stubbs
02/05/2018 Duration: 22minPlease help Lisa Landry welcome this week's special guest Sexual Shaman Kenneth Ray Stubbs. Ray decided the massage profession was in denial about sexuality. So in 1986, he self-published the very first book on erotic massage that included pictures of genitalia to help couples realize, "the whole body if you become aware and open to it, is an erogenous zone." His book, Erotic Massage, has sold almost one million copies. Ray shares his shamanic thoughts on Ayahuasca, Tantric Sex, the four different types of male orgasm, and approaching sex in a ceremonial, spiritual way. "We grow...however we grow"
Episode 37: Mildred Muhammad
25/04/2018 Duration: 33minPlease welcome special WOMENACE, award-winning, global keynote speaker Mildred Muhammad – formerly married to the DC Sniper, John Allen Muhammad. Did you know John was killing innocent people as a cover because he was planning to kill his estranged wife and play the part of grieving husband to win custody of their children? Mildred explains the reasons for the long media blackout of this information as well as many of her other truths that are finally being heard.
Episode 36: Lisa Jo Outlaw
18/04/2018 Duration: 39minPlease help Lisa Landry welcome this week's very funny special guest artist, teacher, and muse Lisa Jo Outlaw. Originally from the American Midwest, Outlaw moved to Fayetteville where she founded "The Little Village", an art haven for the community that's listed as one of the attractions for folks to check out when visiting Arkansas. Yes, there is art in Arkansas, where going to WalMart is shopping local. BONUS: if you like when animals attack, Outlaw shares her escape from a horde of zombie squirrels. "It's the journey. It's always about the journey. It's always about how you get there. What you're doing while you're sitting there is way more important than what that picture looks like when it's done."
Episode 35: Troy Williams - Equality Utah
11/04/2018 Duration: 16minTroy Williams is a former missionary man and current cheery optimist who believes,“For whatever reason, the Mormon Heavenly Father just keeps on sending gay and transgendered babies into Mormon households.” Troy started Equality Utah, a non-profit organization that exists to disappear all discriminatory laws within the Beehive State. Utah is the ONLY state with a Republican controlled legislature that’s passed anti-discrimination laws. How did that happen? “The Utah Legislature is 85% Republican and 90% LDS. We’re very tribal. But we’ve been able to sort of recognize- there is no Them versus Us- there’s only US.” “When we’re able to help each other see ourselves in each other- we’re able to make real progress.”
Episode 34: Dr. Lori Handrahan
04/04/2018 Duration: 30minDr. Handrahan has worked with the UN, Asia Society, and CARE over the past few decades. She’s been trying to get the word out that there are humanitarian aid workers engaging in child trafficking and trading food for sex. You’d think these NGO’s would reward her for doing her job protecting the children being exploited by the very men who were dispatched to “help” them. Instead, Dr. Handrahan was fired and sent home from South Sudan. She is convinced if these organizations cared, “They’d have to arrest half their male leadership.”
Episode 33: Susan Hughes - PFLAG
28/03/2018 Duration: 25minLisa Landry welcomes special guest Susan Hughes, a Christian Mom in Arizona who began PFLAG Sedona so she could minister to LGBTQ kids and young adults. Hear how Susan and her Christian friends turned their church into a literal “Open and Affirming” congregation, the challenges some parents and family members face with having a gay kid, the problem with those Leviticus verses, and Landry shares how she came out to her own religious mom.
Episode 32: Groggs Green Barn
21/03/2018 Duration: 27minCarla and Kelly Groggs turned their love of gardening and landscaping into one of the most dynamic family businesses in the Midwest: Groggs Green Barn. Unlike those box store chains that sell mostly hardware and a few plants, Groggs Green Barn is the only place to buy organic soil in the entire state of Oklahoma. Groggs is also self-sustainable, with energy-efficient lighting, rainwater collection, on-premises beehives and chickens, a restaurant, and offers community outreach of (mostly free) classes to anyone who'd like to find out more about topics like composting, organic soils, and hydroponics. Why should you consider organic gardening? Because it's less expensive, takes less work, and tastes better than growing your garden with pesticides. Bonus: you reduce your cancer exposure, too! Do you live in an apartment? No prob. Carla tells you how to grow your own indoor garden.
Episode 31: Dianne Post Part 3
14/03/2018 Duration: 31minIn the third and final part, Dianne Post, attorney, psychologist, former parole officer, and author, shares how justice systems are often rigged against the most vulnerable people of the world. We also chat about gender inequality, the outrageous wrong done to the people of Flint, and the lawsuit Dianne Post filed - and won - against the United Nations on behalf of the Roma of Kosovo who was forcibly poisoned. Side note: It's been over a year and the United Nations still hasn't paid the settlement or apologized for what they did. "People think justice is a zero-sum game. If I give you one of these then I have one less. Instead of, if I give you justice, that means more justice for everybody."
Episode 30: Dianne Post Part Two
07/03/2018 Duration: 29minI'm super excited to welcome back Dianne Post, former parole officer, turned psychologist, turned lawyer, she's a life-long human rights activist and free thinker. Continuing where we left off last week, Ms. Post returns to break down how all humans, yes, even men, and especially women and children, suffer in our current patriarchal society. Dianne details the psychology of women who engage in victim blaming, judges who turn a blind eye to fathers who beat and rape their own children, and the statistical data of how often women lie about being assaulted. We also discuss the polarization of America, the problems with Linda Sarsour, and the rampant fallacy that "mothers always get custody" in a divorce. "If men ask for custody, they win 70% of the time. Even if they're proven to have committed domestic violence or sexual assault".