Scottish Parliament, Scottish Politics, Scottish Political People
Alastair Stewart, Orbit Comms. | Politics Galore Ep.127
03/09/2021 Duration: 37minThis week we welcome Alistair Stewart of Orbit Communications back to the podcast to talk about the SNP/Green deal and Scotland’s approach to international affairs. Enjoy!
Eve Livingston | Politics Galore! Ep.126
26/08/2021 Duration: 30minWe're back - and how! This week, we're pleased to welcome Eve Livingston to the podcast to talk about her fantastic new book "Make Bosses Pay: Why We Need Unions" (from Pluto Press). Enjoy!
Summer Breeze | Politics Galore! Ep.125
02/07/2021 Duration: 37minEnd of term random ramblings that take us to discussing who the next SNP leader might be... and who it shouldn't be! We break for the summer so see you in the autumn. Have a good one.
Women in Public Affairs with Lorna Slater MSP, Scottish Greens | Politics Galore! Ep.124
25/06/2021 Duration: 40minThis week, WiPA Scotland chat with Scottish Greens Co-Leader and newly elected MSP Lorna Slater on experiences of entering Holyrood, the cooperation agreement talks, the green agenda, and circus skills!
Prof. Jonas Hinnfors, University of Gothenberg | Politics Galore! Ep.123
11/06/2021 Duration: 42minThis week, some comparative politics between Sweden and Scotland with Prof. Jonas Hinnfors, Professor of Political Science at the University of Gothenberg and Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the University of Stirling. Enjoy!
Graham Atkins, Institute for Government | Politics Galore! Ep.122
03/06/2021 Duration: 35minThis week we talk to Graham Atkins of the Institute for Government about their recent report ‘Devolved Public Services: The NHS, schools and social care in the four nations’. How is Scotland doing in the UK context? Listen in & find out! You can find the report here:
Women in Public Affairs | Politics Galore! Ep.121
27/05/2021 Duration: 35minThis week WIPA discuss Covid, the new Scottish Cabinet, Nicola Sturgeon’s announcement of priorities for her ‘first 100 days’, cross-party cooperation, an SNP/Green coalition and our new Scottish parliamentarians.
Gordon MacRae, Shelter Scotland | Politics Galore! Ep.120
21/05/2021 Duration: 44minThis week, Gordon MacRae of Shelter Scotland explains what the housing pledges in the SNP & Green manifestos might mean for affordable housing in Scotland in this Scottish Parliamentary session. Enjoy!
Graeme Downie, Orbit Comms. | Politics Galore! Ep.119
14/05/2021 Duration: 39minThis week, we dissect the Scottish election results with Graeme Downie, Director, Orbit Communications inc. how radical might the Greens be & what chance of a second independence referendum? Enjoy!
Scottish Election Day 2021 | Politics Galore Ep.118
06/05/2021 Duration: 38minThis week: the Scottish election, dental policy, means testing, candidates to watch (Andy Wightman, Peter Krykant & Bonnie Prince Bob)and a VERY special announcement! Enjoy!
Professor Sir John Curtice | Politics Galore! Ep.117
29/04/2021 Duration: 42minThis week, Professor Sir John Curtice of Strathclyde University and What Scotland Thinks & What UK Thinks on the Scottish election. Need we say more? Enjoy!
More Scottish Election Reflection! | Politics Galore! Ep.116
23/04/2021 Duration: 35minThis week, it's more random ramblings on the Scottish election including manifestos, the dominance of the independence question and a penny bag of Scottish political all sorts. Enjoy!
Roderick Random's Scottish Election | Politics Galore! Ep.115
16/04/2021 Duration: 39minThis week, a random pick 'n' mix of reflections on the election in Scotland so far. Inspirational? Depressing? Listen in and all will be revealed... enjoy!
John Finnie MSP | Politics Galore! Ep.114
08/04/2021 Duration: 48minIn a bumper edition this week, as he steps down as an MSP, we talk to John Finnie, about public service, moving parties over NATO, the equal protection law and being a parliamentary parent. Enjoy!
Neil Findlay MSP | Politics Galore! Ep.113
01/04/2021 Duration: 45minIn this episode, we welcome Labour MSP Neil Findlay and talk about his experiences in the Scottish Parliament, his campaigning work on trans-vaginal mesh and life after Holyrood. Enjoy!
Ken Macintosh MSP Presiding Officer | Politics Galore! Ep.112
25/03/2021 Duration: 39minThis week we interview the outgoing Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament, Ken Macintosh MSP, on his long career in politics and the development of the Parliament since its inception in 1999. Enjoy!
Gail Ross MSP | Politics Galore! Ep.111
18/03/2021 Duration: 39minThis week we talk to outgoing MSP Gail Ross about her time in the Scottish Parliament and the ups and downs of being the elected member for the largest mainland constituency in Scotland, and of family, the Faroes & the future. Enjoy!
Women in Public Affairs | Politics Galore! Ep.110
12/03/2021 Duration: 48minThis week, in celebration of International Women's Day, we hand over the podcast to Women in Public Affairs Scotland (with WIPA organising committee members Kimberley Somerside, Clare Slipper & Debbie McCreath) who are talking Covid-19 lockdowns; the Scottish Climate Change Plan & IWD itself inc. Choose To Challenge. Enjoy!
Politics Galore! Ep109. 4March2021
04/03/2021 Duration: 39minThis week we talk to Emily Gray, MD of Ipsos Mori in Scotland, about their latest poll on voting intentions and what it tells us about where we're heading as we move towards the 2021 Scottish election.